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link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

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    link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

    I'm really enjoying your forum, when the translate decides to work, and am surprised more people haven't taken a look.

    Regardless, post any questions you may have here, and we'll take them across...

    Hope the constant translating isn't wearing you down yet!


      link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

      Hi Bleep & everyone

      I'm really having a hard time with SE..can't even follow a tv show...and far behind with the work I have to do for my job. This is way I haven't done as much translating as I wish I had.
      Slowly going down with my daily dose right now , hoping to get a little of my brains back, but so far feeling more like a vegetable than anything human..and translating asks for concentration.
      Adafranil does not help and so exhausted that I don't even have the strength to try other medicine
      Sorry for the delay..


        link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

        No worries Florie, perhaps we can help? How do you break your daily dose down? We have found that the SE can be reduced greatly by splitting your dose up as much as possible.

        People have reported that Piracetam is a lot of help in this situation, as well.


          link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

          Have asked our forum GP about Piracetam. He said he had never heard of Piracetam being used for that indication but to give it a try and tell him.
          Seeing my addiction therapist this morning. Will ask for a prescription of Piracetam, telling her I got the information on MWO. Hope she agrees.
          My personal GP told me on Tuesday to continue Olmifon as it takes a little time to be efficient.
          I have been splitting my dose in many different ways and and now trying a 5mg per hour pattern. Went down to 50mg a day. Still AF, which is really great but can't do anything with myself and feel quite lost.


            link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

            Don't feel pressured, Florie. We're right there with you. The side effects can really suck sometimes.
            * * *




              link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

              Hmmmm, I would think the splitting of the dose to that degree will help significantly.

              The other thing to consider is diet - Is yours healthy? It's been found here to have quite an impact on the severity of the SE's.

              Hope you feel better soon.


                link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                Hey, Bleep (or anyone else who can answer),

                My brain is not with me (busy being courted by bac), and I cannot figure out how to sign up so I can post a question to the forum.

                To give you an idea, I decided I was going to clean the carpet today. It took me a few minutes of studying it and trying to figure out how it works before I realized that the paint sprayer is not the carpet shampooer.

                If you could give me slow, single-syllable instructions about how to sign up, I would appreciate it.
                * * *




                  link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                  Selling Baclofen

                  Hi everyone!
                  So great to see that Baclofen has been the answer to so many - sadly it didn't work for me.
                  So I am selling the last of my stash of Baclofen.
                  This lot is called PACIFEN 10, 100 tablets each of Baclofen 10mg.
                  I am selling one whole and sealed bottle and one opened containing about 80-85 pills.
                  Expiry date is 07/12.
                  Selling for ?32 with free shipping worldwide. Payment through PayPal.
                  Please contact me with questions or further information queries via MWO or


                    link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                    Hi Tracy,

                    Wow, I wouldn't like to try with bacbrain, it was tricky enough without it!

                    Ok, here goes - Firstly, does you browser automatically translate it for you? Makes it a little easier. I use Google Chrome. No matter, I'll post the translated screens. The very top right clickable thing is "register". You want to click that. It will take you to this screen:

                    Fill that in, it takes you to this:

                    Argh! I can't go further - I have only 1 email address that I can access from here, and it won't let me put the same address in twice. Basically the next screen says that you have successfully registered, wait for an email that will allow you to validate that link. Wait for the email, click the link in it, and you are away. It takes a couple of minutes after you click the lick for the validation to be effective, so don't panic if you can't get in straight away. I don't recall that there is anything tricky after that.

                    I will add that if your browser isn't translating for you, and you don't speak French, there's not much point in doing this.

                    Hope this helps, and we see you over there shortly!


                      link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                      Forgot to add - your password needs to be at least 8 characters, and must contain a numeral...


                        link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                        Thanks much, Bleep! Maybe I'll download Google Chrome first. This is futuristic - a universal translator. Very Star Trek!
                        * * *




                          link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                          Indeed. The translator is pretty good. You lose a bit of nuance in the posts themselves, but you can easily get the jist of what's being said. Give it a whirl.


                            link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène


                            How are you doing with the SE's, hopefully they have calmed down?

                            Did the radio interview go well?


                              link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                              Hi Bleep

                              Not better with the SE... feels like I am suffering from Alzheimer..Therapist refused to give Piracetam..

                              And a bad news about the interview which was on the radio this morning.
                              it was cut and transformed so as to make me say things I didn't say..
                              All the things I said about SE were cut out. And of course my feeling terrible because I had to take a sick-leave.
                              Rage in full swing.


                                link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                                Was it OA himself who had the final say with regards the editing of the piece? Either way, that's a terrible result. I'm really sorry it turned out so poorly, and can understand why you are so pissed off.

                                One thing to consider is that it sounds obvious to you who the speaker is. To a random listener, it could be anyone, and people aren't trying to figure out who you are, so I very much doubt anyone will be able to piece it all together and identify you from it.

