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link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

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    link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène



      link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène



        link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

        I don't know, every morning I wake up with some questions in my head about the morality of using baclofen. And every day I quit with the same unanswered questions. Is this good or is this evil.

        If this is good, why does Olivier Ameisen act like a prick and try to gain money out of addiction. This makes no sense.


          link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

          Well that's fucking outrageous. The glory will come, but if he acts in that fashion, he will avert it. I don't get it. I mean, I understand why someone would do it, but it doesn't make any sense in the long run. Casts everything in a different light.

          It makes no sense to erase information about the SE's. They are very real, and people need to know about them. In my case, they were mostly positive, I enjoyed the majority of them! It would have freaked me out if I wasn't expecting any of them. In a perverse way, they are necessary - you are curing an amazing thing, a lot of people would feel cheated if there wasn't some small price to pay. Strange but true, I think.

          Sorry you had to be the victim in this case.

          Anon, there's no decision about morality at all, if you ask me. How can there be? There is an imbalance in your brain, baclofen corrects it. Would be foolish to not take advantage of it. Why OA is acting this way, that's another story altogether.


            link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

            True, I just can't justify it for myself yet. I'm living alone in my appartement and haven't that much people to talk with in daily life. That is why I'm thinking way too much.

            I do think it is a good thing after all, because the only thing I want is that my family (parents, brother) aren't worrying about me anymore and I notice their lifes are getting better and they sleep better because of no worries about me. That's a good thing.


              link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

              Florie, I'm so very sorry that he did that to you. What a jerk! He sure knocked himself off the pedestal with that. What Bleep said is probably true though. People who hear that radio are show are not going to be listening for you, so they probably will not realize it is you. This really, really, really ticks me off too! I'm going to come back to this when I've had time to collect my thoughts and words because right now I want to throw something at my computer screen and cry.

              I have heard people say the same thing about another baclofen doctor regarding the refusal to recognize that everyone who tries this gets side effects and that very often those side effects are very severe.

              Anon, I have no objection to OA making money if that is what he wants to do. It is his work that brought all this about. I do not see a moral quandary for myself regarding using baclofen. It is just a pill and the decision to use it, for me, is a matter of deciding whether or not it is wise, not whether or not it is moral. I am going to have a tough time getting past the fact that OA behaved in such an immoral, self-promoting way at Florie's expense. What a jerk.
              * * *




                link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                Florie, would a post like the one you have made here be welcome on the French forum? It occurred to me that it could be a warning to other people who might be invited to do a show with OA. I just hate to see people get used like that. :upset:
                * * *




                  link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène


                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène


                    The journalist has just e-mailed me apologies and will call me during the day, so I'll get more infos. May be for this time it's not OA who is to blame..
                    I can't write this on our forum, though had e-mail exchanges with our admins - that's how I know OA refuses to speak or deal with the SE and has them erased.
                    May be I shouldn't have written it here and should erase my posts, as bac is a cure for so many people..
                    I'm just too exhausted to think at the moment...


                      link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                      Florieanne;1074362 wrote: Hi...

                      The journalist has just e-mailed me apologies and will call me during the day, so I'll get more infos. May be for this time it's not OA who is to blame..
                      I can't write this on our forum, though had e-mail exchanges with our admins - that's how I know OA refuses to speak or deal with the SE and has them erased.
                      May be I shouldn't have written it here and should erase my posts, as bac is a cure for so many people..
                      I'm just too exhausted to think at the moment...
                      One cannot sweep the SEs under the carpet. They have to be acknowledged. As I told someone in a PM: you need to weigh them up against the benefits. And realise that they are temporary. Whereas your sobriety can be permanent (if you do it right).
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                        tiptronic_ct;1074366 wrote: One cannot sweep the SEs under the carpet. They have to be acknowledged. As I told someone in a PM: you need to weigh them up against the benefits. And realise that they are temporary. Whereas your sobriety can be permanent (if you do it right).
                        You're entirely right.
                        And very much so about doing it right. A very slow porgression and mine wasn't as I went up to 60mg in two weeks.

                        As the for the interview and all information around it, I feel I've manipulated in different ways by different people. And haven't got a clue about who's being true and honest. So I'm thinking about taking some time off from both French forums, since a new one was created with some of the members of the first one and war over power has been launched between them.

                        As a result I've erased most of today's posts here.
                        If you could do the same, it would be great.
                        The lesson of all this : always stay away from people attracted by power and powerful people.
                        Truly sorry for all this,


                          link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                          Did I get you right Florie - you'd prefer the posts made on the French forum so far to be deleted?

                          I've no problem with that, since I don't understand the politics, I'll take your word for it, just want to make sure I have you right...


                            link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                            bleep;1074604 wrote: Did I get you right Florie - you'd prefer the posts made on the French forum so far to be deleted?

                            I've no problem with that, since I don't understand the politics, I'll take your word for it, just want to make sure I have you right...
                            No the posts that have been written here today about Ameisen and the interview...Not those on the French forum..
                            Don't want to have anything to do with the whole debate and would guess from what I heard it's better to stay away from it all for everyone.

                            The best to you Bleep


                              link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                              I've deleted mine. Florie, the one where you talk about the interview is not deleted. If you click a couple things in the editing box (twice you have to click delete this message), the post disappears entirely.

                              I'm very sorry that the French forums are losing you. I surely hope that you will keep sharing your journey here. We like you. :l
                              * * *




                                link to the French forum Alcool et baclofène

                                TracyA;1074608 wrote: I've deleted mine. Florie, the one where you talk about the interview is not deleted. If you click a couple things in the editing box (twice you have to click delete this message), the post disappears entirely.

                                I'm very sorry that the French forums are losing you. I surely hope that you will keep sharing your journey here. We like you. :l
                                Hi Tracy
                                Thanks a lot.

