Making sure those who have found their way out with AA know they are delusional?
Or those who can't know they are okay?
I do not think that anyone yet has said anything about the people in AA but rather critiqued the institution itself (and it's quite an INSTITUTION).
I don't care to rewrite it, so once again this is the purpose of this thread:
The thing is that many people who are coming out of AA might as well be coming out of a concentration camp. I saw a lot of this in SMART too. The people coming here out of AA often feel angry and betrayed and have failed so many times ? and have been told what that means in AA terms (that they are constitutionally incapable of being honest; that they are ?spiritually unfit.?) Whenever a new person came into SMART, we?d all sigh and sit back for the rant that we?d all heard before because the newcomer needed time to vent all that sadness and anger. People in that position have been abused, and it?s okay with me if they use space on the meds forum to share their experience with each other and debrief and defrag from the AA trauma.
On top of that, you might have noticed that MWO is the only major recovery site on the net that does NOT have a 12-step section. It does, however, have a meds forum. I believe that's because the founder of this site decided the former was of little value and the latter was of great value.
Now, the 5% rate success rate is problematic for two reasons 1) 5% is the rate of "spontaneous remission" which means people who simply stop drinking with no participation in any program or on any med, which means that AA has a success rate every bit as good as nothing at all.
The problem is, it has a higher death rate, which is not at all surprising given the tenets of AA (self-fulfilling prophecy is powerful stuff).
Find a ride on another pony, K?
