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Could use some help here, having a date

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    Could use some help here, having a date

    Congrats Low, great news. I have to say something that might be unpopular: Here in the US, if a girl you met Sunday invited you to her home Tuesday, I'd think she was an idiot looking to get raped. Unless there's alot more to the story, and of course there probably is, most women wouldn't have that be a first date. It's not considered safe or sensible. Most women would be wary of strangers. Unless you're perhaps famous and she's a groupie, in which case, sound like a sure thing hookup. Unless she intends to harvest your kidneys.


      Could use some help here, having a date

      Bruun...... harvest my kidneys?? I really don't want that!! Especially not sober

      I hope she dared to invite me 'cos she thinks it's ok

      In NE I trust ("Oh, and you're disarmingly sweet")

      I'll take a gun with me. 2nd amendment right?



        Could use some help here, having a date

        Sorry Low, not a lady but like to think I've got the yin yang thing going as much as anything else.

        If I understand where you're coming from. Baclofen and alcoholism are integral to your life at the moment. This defines you, who you are. Being honest, which is what good relationships are based on, you feel the need to disclose this.

        I don't think so. To an observer everything else has equal significance. The style of your hair, that you play music rather than work as a bank clerk, that you've been able to come to terms with being 5'1", fat and bald (read that in another thread I think), that you steadfastly refuse to join the techno movenent. Baclofen doesn't define you.

        There's a difference betwen being honest and being an open book. I don't suppose every happy mariage started with full disclosure on the first date. Just imagine being a teenager again, put your best foot forward and bag the prize!
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


          Could use some help here, having a date

          :HJust make sure it's cocked and ready, Low. And only disclose that your kidneys are not very healthy at the moment.


            Could use some help here, having a date


            Thx, gonna bag the prize



              Could use some help here, having a date


              How very exciting! Clearly she must be a lovely woman, as you have chosen her. Here's my thoughts; Firstly, do not tell her anything about you being a recovering anything at first. When you tell her these things, you must not overtly lie, though. Tell her the truth, at this time, that your on a med that you can't drink on. Unless, of course you feel that you can have one drink. Then there's nothing to be said. If she thinks that's weird she might have a problem herself. I personally love a man who doesn't drink. It makes me feel safe.

              The sober sex thing. Lordy, isn't that the purple elephant? I wish I had a good answer for you there. It just happens and if you both want it, it will be okay. Maybe akward at first, but eventually after you both learn each other, just natural.

              That said, there is nothing to be rushed here. If you rush it, it may fall apart. Good luck to you Low. Report back to us. We are waiting to hear.
              This Princess Saved Herself


                Could use some help here, having a date

                redhead77;1076004 wrote: Report back to us. We are waiting to hear.
                ...especially since she's dutch and bisexual. (sorry, I had to).


                  Could use some help here, having a date

                  Rooster ruling your replies John?


                    Could use some help here, having a date

                    I don't know about the bisexual thing. It bothers me a little. I mean it could be great for a bit, hot sexy three somes, but then what? What if she leaves him for the local lesbian? I don't know Low, apparently you give me advice (through Ne, today). Whatever happened to a conventional girl? Whose fun as well? I'm not being a buzz kill here I hope males, I'm just thinking ahead for him.
                    This Princess Saved Herself


                      Could use some help here, having a date

                      Always does Bruun.


                        Could use some help here, having a date

                        Realistically, I agree with you Red but it's sort of fun in a fantasy sort of way (esp. for us males :H). I don't think we have to worry about Low, until and unless things become serious which is not likely to happen on Tuesday.


                          Could use some help here, having a date

                          Good to know John, ahem.

                          Low & Red, funny thing about this girl on girl stuff - my dad asked me about it once, he said "and what the HELL is that about" and he said it was disgusting, just as disgusting as guy on guy. We agreed on that, and that it seems to be a cultural shift with the generations.

                          This generation is also extremely homophobic about the guy on guy thing, both men and women think guy on guy is gross but girl on girl is sexy? That smacks of marketing to me.

                          This generation is, although accepting of homosexuals otherwise, which is great. But hetero guys no longer hug, touch, do much of anything that could distantly be construed by a perverted mind as having a bromance.

                          I think it's sad.


                            Could use some help here, having a date

                            redhead77;1076022 wrote: I don't know about the bisexual thing. It bothers me a little. I mean it could be great for a bit, hot sexy three somes, but then what? What if she leaves him for the local lesbian? I don't know Low, apparently you give me advice (through Ne, today). Whatever happened to a conventional girl? Whose fun as well? I'm not being a buzz kill here I hope males, I'm just thinking ahead for him.
                            buzz kill
                            Stan... Edo Stan... "shaken, not stirred"

                            Started baclofen on February 16th. Now at 210mg divided into six doses per day. You do the math.


                              Could use some help here, having a date

                              I agree with you Bruun. I hug my guy friends (why wouldn't I??) and if others misconstrue that as a sexual relationship, well it is them thinking those sexual thoughts, not me. The US is a young immature country in that respect. This is a non-issue with Europeans.


                                Could use some help here, having a date

                                Edo, Sorry!!!
                                I'm sorry to buzz kill all the fantasies. Keep having them actually, I don't mean to do that. Poor Low, we have over taken yet another thread. I'm thinking WE (or I'll leave it to me) LOL. Low, you must have this all figured out and you must not be worried. And very excited about your prospect. I'm sorry to derail..................your course.
                                This Princess Saved Herself

