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Could use some help here, having a date

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    Could use some help here, having a date

    Oooooooh, is it nookie time in GB? It's 8pm here but with daylight savings and my math skills, I'm not sure. Could it be that sparks are flying & perhaps underpants?

    Low, hope you don't lose any essential body parts tonight and you have a grand time and build confidence for all us scaredy cats.


      Could use some help here, having a date

      Sorry Low, think you're not in GB. LOW country.

      PS Red, our livers can regenerate, kidneys can't, CHEERS!


        Could use some help here, having a date


        Maybe $29,500?? LOL

        Love this thread!

        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


          Could use some help here, having a date

          LadyLush;1076813 wrote: just FUCK HER,.....and tell us the dirty deeds later...

          Yeah and the odd photo wouldn't go amiss. Just sayin'.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Could use some help here, having a date


            Dude, she met you while you were sober and asked you on a date at her place at midnight where the potential for a 3 way for 2 dutch chicks is high......
            Add that all up and why the heck wd u wanna risk drinking? Surely u know where that leads....have a drink on the date and prob get away with it but 3 days later, on a sesh and suddenly hot dutch bisexual bird aint texting u no that sucks a whole lot more(forgive the pun...F*ck i am jealous by the way!!)
            Look - i can't talk cos I am a chronic relapser and right now, I wdn't be worried abut that 'glass of wine' but the bottle i wd drink on the way there...
            But the fact is, ur already a sober, you seduced here already(sober) and are about to perform Hotel Cali(you can obv sing....thats a high register!) and get noshed off by a lady loving hottie with a penchant for late night meetings and casual sex on a first date. Add it up...
            DONT DRINK. she fuckin digs you, thats already obvious, so just be the cool sober rockstar that you clearly are. Chicks love a winner. If you have that first drink, ur not a winner anymore. Trust me, I know how it feels to be a loser most of the time!
            Go get here dude. And make sure to post a full account...(with pictures of her included:H)
            Bon chance, not that u need it
            I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


              Could use some help here, having a date


              I really did say that....Did I not? Sorry my friend Just be happy!

              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                Could use some help here, having a date

                Okay, Low must be sleeping it off, because it's now MANY hours after the date start.

                WE NEED DETAILS!


                  Could use some help here, having a date

                  I thought the date was tonight?
                  This Princess Saved Herself


                    Could use some help here, having a date

                    Maybe I was mixed up but I thought he said yesterday that tonight was the night. He's on a way different timezone that the US but I forget where.


                      Could use some help here, having a date

                      He's in the Netherlands and probably on a dialysis machine by now.

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        Could use some help here, having a date



                          Could use some help here, having a date

                          If your gonna go out you might as well do it in style. Let's hope all of his (our) fantasies come true before they prep him for the organ procurement.
                          This Princess Saved Herself


                            Could use some help here, having a date

                            Boys and girlzz,

                            The date is set at tuesday, 12.00(midnight) and will, if not cancelled, start here in 5 hours. It's 5.49 pm here right now

                            Charlie: it's a high register indeed tuning down the guitar, changing the key a bit, and there you are: Hotel C


                              Could use some help here, having a date

                              An Idea: Bring something like a flower/s since you can't bring wine, plus your AL free bev. I never go to anyone's home as a guest without bringing a hostess gift. I know you're bringing your guitar, but it might class up your entrance to have something for her -esp if you want to boink her. Friend of mine fell in love on the first date because he brought flowers, opened the car door, opened the restaurant door, sat her down, etc. All those lovely courtly gestures are the next best thing to vacuuming her house.


                                Could use some help here, having a date

                                thx Bruun,
                                I totally forgot about that indeed

