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Losing my memory

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    Losing my memory

    I have quit for 6 weeks. I am doing well, what has driven me to quit is the fact that I am forgetting things. Not my keys, or where papers are. I don't remember the names of my coworkers. I can't remember things about my job. I also can't remember the names of streets that I used to know. I am on Campral, I don't know if that is causing the memory loss. I am real scared. Has anybody else had this problem.

    Losing my memory

    I don't take Campral, so I can't help. But MissyAbby1 does. I'll seek her out and see if she might have some insight.

    That does sound very disconcerting. I'm sorry your scared. And those I can definitely relate to! But for me, it has all worked out okay. I'm sure it will for you too.

    Hang in there.


      Losing my memory

      Hi Meggie,

      I have been on Campral for 2 months now and fortunately have had no bad side effects at all. I can be a bit absent minded but that is probably just me anyway!

      I think it would probably be wise to check with your doctor, just to put your mind at rest. I haven't read that your problem is a common (or even rare) side effect of Campral. If you google it, you will see some side effects you may encounter.

      A visit to the doctor would well be advised. Glad to here you are doing well with the AL has been brilliant for me. Not totally abstinent but probably only having a 10th (no, actually a 5th) of what I used to drink and certainly out of the every day and binge mode. I'm doing some work on the 5th bit. Happy with my progress!

      Please pm me if you have any other questions, not that I am an expert or anything, just on the same meds as you.

      Best of luck.


        Losing my memory

        Missy you might want to check side effects of Campral, if that's one of them.

        There are supplements that you can take to help your brain power, lots of people here have problems with memory from AL, from prescription drugs, etc. I just bought Piracatam (sp?) which was recommended by beatle among others. I think you take it with choline, like some other supplements.

        Congrats on quitting, that's amazing and awesome. Don't panic, if it's the drug, it can be managed. If it's not, it's probably the withdrawal from AL or/and the drug (doctors don't know what they're talking about with side effects, they mostly say they don't exist).

        Good luck!


          Losing my memory

          Hi Meggie

          I read in your previous posts that you were prescribed Campral before?

          Did you have any side effects then? Alcohol can certainly affect memory too.

          By the way a lot of people here are having good results from a medication called Baclofen. It could be an option for you too. Plenty of posts here about it.

          Best wishes.


            Losing my memory

            thank you all. My memory has gotten worse over the last year. I have had mri, and every brain scan available. I don't think it is the campral. I think this drug is wonderful for me. I am more worried that it is a side effect to my drinking. I have been drinking about 10 years. I quit for a year and went back thinkining I could be one of those that could drink out of house but not in. Nope, didn't work for me. I am taking a script vitamin b for memory. Nothiing seems to work for me.


              Losing my memory

              It could be the result of depression. This is a symptom of depression that has affected me a lot at times, along with problems with concentration and alertness. In my case the problem seems to go away when the depression goes. I'd say talk to a doctor about diagnosis and treatment if you think this could be a possibility.


                Losing my memory

                so sorry to hear you are going through such a tough time. I dont know how to do all the technical stuff on this site but there are some really good posts about supplements that may help balance the brain. I also think Greg's advice is good too.

                Maybe someone else here knows how to direct you to read about the use of supplements.
                These could possibly go hand in hand with the Campral. Beatle does keep referring to a Dr Gersten and I know that post has helped me heaps. Just use search to track it down. Sorry not too good at tech stuff .

                Best wishes .


                  Losing my memory

                  I think this is what you are referring to:



                    Losing my memory

                    Thanks Karen . Thats the one !


                      Losing my memory

                      Thank you all. I am taking the suppliments for the brain. i gather I am worried it is Alzheimers or something. Anyone who has had memory loss due to drinking I would like to hear from you. Much of my memory loss is short term memory. I repeat things, so I am told and I can't remember names or names of streets.


                        Losing my memory

                        Hi Meggie. Are you still AF since you originally posted about the memory problems? If so, have things gotten any better? Worse? About the same?

                        When I first sobered up I had some very strange things happen in the first 2 or 3 months. (can't remember exactly now - LOL!) I would start saying something and forget half way through a sentence what I was about to say. I would mix up words and reverse things. Like something was mis-firing. That got better with time.

                        I am also not "sharp" as I used to be in my younger days. I'm sure all these years of daily drinking affected my brain in a bad way. But overall, things are better now than they were a month or two after I stopped drinking.

                        Hope things get better for you too...

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Losing my memory

                          You post helps with my fears of alzheimers. Not every drinker has had the brain scans, my scan showed a slight frontal shrinkage. This can be caused by the lack of nuitrition from drinking. I am taking a prescrip to 7.5 omega-3. This is suppose to help, I really don't know if it is helping. I question every mistake.
                          I have had one slip up since Jan. 31 rst. There was some wine available and I drank several glasses. I felt like crap the next day and the guilt was almost as bad as the drinking.
                          I know I am in my 50's and things start to go, but friends are amazed at what I don't remember. I also have had extreme stresses in the last 2 years and I am totally responsible for the household income and upkeep. I am married but he is disabled.


                            Losing my memory

                            hey meggie,
                            i took campral for a few months and didn't notice any side effects. (i stopped taking it cause i wasn't committed to not drinking, and it didn't seem to be helping. gee. wonder why?!)

                            i second, third the notion that supplements could help restore some health to your brain. and your stress surely might be doing a number on your mind! sounds like you have your hands full. sorry it's so scary. you'll find a lot of compassion here. good luck with your challenge. you'll pull through. and good for you for being sober! (i'm green with envy. bac is on the way, so i'm hopeful i'll be right there with you very soon..)
                            your comrade in the journey,


                              Losing my memory

                              thanks zen. those links are very helpful. good stuff!

