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Today is the day

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    Today is the day

    Ok so today is the day I am going to start taking BAC

    Does anyone agree that I start at 10 mg a day and work my way up an extra 10 each day until I get to about ???

    Advice much appreciated
    Thanks x

    Today is the day



    I'm going to give it some thought before I weigh in on your titration. The only thing I can know for sure is "until I get to about" ??? :H

    Have you chosen which dosing schedule to follow and how often you're going to take it?
    Whatever it is, I imagine that 10mg today and another 10mg tomorrow would be okay, though I started with 5mg/day for 3 days, 10mg/day for 4 days and then added 20mg/day each week. sort of.

    welcome to the ride!


      Today is the day

      Hi Mills,

      Whichever titration schedule you use (3 times a day, every 2 or 3 hours, the one big hit dose) the one thing I would say is don't go up every single day. You'll need to leave 3 days between each increase to allow your brain to catch up. IMHO.


      The unexamined life is not worth living


        Today is the day


        I think I'm going to take the one dose a day because I am more likely to remember it that way. 3 days between increasing the dose sounds reasonable and yes it makes good sense. Looking forward to getting on and doing this.

        It doesn't matter what time of day I take it does it ? and how do I know when to stop increasing ? Sorry for the questions, I just want to get this right.

        M x


          Today is the day

          Hi Mills,
          If I were taking just one dose per day I'd place it mid afternoon, a few hours ahead of "witching hiour" as Nev calls it. You're probably going to have to do some tests on yourself to see what works, and when the best time is. If you're an airline pilot you probably shouldn't bomb yourself just before takeoff...

          Good luck!


            Today is the day

            Well, there's really not alot of evidence to go on with the one a day dosage, but it would seem that taking it in the evening is a good idea. The idea being that you sleep through the SEs. Makes sense I suppose. Certainly worth trying. Remember, if that doesn't work out for you all is not lost. You can always try a more spread out dosage if the side effects are too much.

            You know when to stop increasing the dose when you no longer have the cravings.

            Don't apologise for asking questions, there's always someone here happy to offer their advice. I can't guarantee the answers will be of any use though.

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Today is the day

              what are the side effects like ?


                Today is the day


                Suggest you spend any spare time flicking throgh the posts on will discover that everyone's side affects/switch etc is different.
                My journey has been no easy ride. Still relapsing like a crazy bastard. I also know thay my binge addiction is deeply rooted and suspect that my switch will be hard to come by. I will never give up, howver bad the SE's get, it can't poss be worse that my life at the moment.
                In other words, do not be put off by any setbacks - you WILL get there.
                Just hoping you have an easy ride You are young and have an amazing opp here so BEST OF LUCK! I reckon you're gonna nail it with very little problems. The bac journey is interesting to say the least and DOES lead to a cure, the evidence is overwhelming. Just think, soon you will be Cured! Problem OVER!! Life is golden for you now:l
                I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                  Today is the day

                  Yeah, what he said. :yeahthat:

                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    Today is the day

                    It's been 2 days on BAC now and I'm feeling confident ! Thanks guys for the advice, side efffects I guess were/are one of my main concerns with this but haven't seemed to have experience any so far.. bit early anyway for a difference to be noticed, but I literally can't wait until I have a few more days under my belt.


                      Today is the day

                      Hey mills,

                      Good luck! Yup, I reckon it's too early for SE's to appear. Don't wait around for them, they will come...


                        Today is the day

                        Day 3: increased to 20mg, am planning on drinking tonight though. It's hard to stop it completely


                          Today is the day

                          Mills, don't worry about the drinking. Some people say to try to be AF on bac but I really don't think it makes any difference to whether it works or not. The hangover might be a bitch though, so be prepared for that. Having said that, I never used to have much of a hangover when I was drinking and nor did I on bac. So who knows?

                          Anyway, it's all looking good so far. :goodjob:

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            Today is the day

                            Thanks murphy, turns out I didn't have a hangover this morning which is lucky. Like you I never really get hangovers anyway (apart from waking up still off my face) :H Feeling positive about things although I get these really out of the blue dark, depressing moments where all i want to do is say fuck it to the world. Very up and down i guess, but on the whole pretty good.


                              Today is the day


                              I didn't have hangovers on Baclofen, but I did find that waking up feeling "still off your face" lasted a whole lot longer.

