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Today is the day

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    Today is the day

    Mills, yeah I know the "dark, depressing moments" I've been on anti-depressants on and off for years. They really help. Do you take any ADs? Some people report a reduction in depression when the baclofen starts to take hold, so it might be sorted out by that.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Today is the day

      Murphyx;1076355 wrote:
      Whichever titration schedule you use (3 times a day, every 2 or 3 hours, the one big hit dose) the one thing I would say is don't go up every single day. You'll need to leave 3 days between each increase to allow your brain to catch up. IMHO.

      Mills - this advive from Murph may be the best advice you will ever get on this thread.
      Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
      - Jacob August Riis


        Today is the day

        Currently on 60 mg and feeling stoned on this stuff. Also experiencing pins and needles in my hands, anyone else relate to this ?


          Today is the day

          They all sound pretty familiar to me! Most of my side effects were quite pleasant.

          Has your sleep been affected, one way or the other?


            Today is the day

            No my sleep seems to be pretty normal so far so good. It's literally just the pins and needles and the stoned feeling that's getting me. Not that I'm complaining too much ! Only thing is, that in itself is quite addictive and it's hard to not raise it further too quickly (typical addict talking).


              Today is the day

              I hear you. It fades away as the your doses level out though, but will be waiting for you at each increase. Starts getting boring once you have felt like that for a few weeks though, so I wouldn't worry about getting addicted to the feeling!

              How fast did you decide to go up levels, and using what increments?


                Today is the day

                I was leaving a 2/3 day gap between raising it, currently on 60mg but thinking of doubling this


                  Today is the day

                  That's quite jump! From 60 to 120 in one go? I would consider breaking it down a little more, maybe a 20 increase every 3 days or so?


                    Today is the day

                    have pins and needles in hands and feet, feel very light headed and dizzy, face feels numb


                      Today is the day

                      plus I can't stop shaking


                        Today is the day

                        Again, normal. Well, certainly the pins and needles. Sounds like maybe you have gone up a little quicker than you should have. Expect small electric shock feelings in your hands next! These will all wear off after you adjust to your new dose, so don't panic about them!

                        What do you mean by shaking? Your whole body? That doesn't ring any bells.


                          Today is the day

                          Hey mills; sounds exactly like too much, too fast. Lots of us have been there, done that. And would make sense if you actually did double your dose in one day. I think the recommendation is: bac off to the dose where you were comfortable, stay there for a couple of days, then gradually add 10 or 20 mg every 3-4 days. Side effects can appear at the beginning of each new dosage level, but will decrease over the course of a few days, or sometimes weeks. That is when you should up the dosage.

                          That's the protocol Dr. Levin in Chicago prescribes. Some of us do it, some of us do other things . . . but what you're feeling is not at all unusual, so don't worry.
                          "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                            Today is the day

                            yes I have the electric shocks in my hands !


                              Today is the day

                              now that I've gone up to 120 should I stay there or go back down ? if i stay there will the SE's stay ?


                                Today is the day

                                Hmmmm, if you're there and ok, I would probably stay there, but stay there for a few days at least to let your brain catch up. The SE's will hang around for a while - let them be your guide, when they start to ease, add another 20mg's to the mix...

