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Direct alcohol substitutes

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    Direct alcohol substitutes

    Hai Redhead,
    I'm a mother too and my boy has pdd -nos and spectrum autism disorder and he is a wonderfull kid has the same sympyoms and the anxiety too... that can be a symptom of autism
    my son doesn't take medicines but many times i thought of baclofen because there has been research on it. i mean autismn and treatment with baclofen...
    when somebody in the family has it many times more peope in the family have a form of spectrum autism disorder...only than they did'nt know anything about this "disorders"
    in my family i was different and now i can understand my father which had the same symptoms and was an alcoholic too!!
    because of my son i've learned al lot about myself and my family .
    i'm sure these kids have something special we call them newagekids they came here on a special purpose with a special gift and are here to teach us about ourselves and about the strange world we are living in.they are old souls.that's why they have difficulties in our society.... but some help is okay because when they have the label you get eaysier help for school for example i can only can speak for myself being here in holland...
    sorry for my bad english!!!!
    i'm sure you will find a way...:wings::wings::wings:
    hugs irini


      Direct alcohol substitutes

      ik1966;1130263 wrote: Hai Redhead,
      I'm a mother too and my boy has pdd -nos and spectrum autism disorder and he is a wonderfull kid has the same sympyoms and the anxiety too... that can be a symptom of autism
      my son doesn't take medicines but many times i thought of baclofen because there has been research on it. i mean autismn and treatment with baclofen...
      when somebody in the family has it many times more peope in the family have a form of spectrum autism disorder...only than they did'nt know anything about this "disorders"
      in my family i was different and now i can understand my father which had the same symptoms and was an alcoholic too!!
      because of my son i've learned al lot about myself and my family .
      i'm sure these kids have something special we call them newagekids they came here on a special purpose with a special gift and are here to teach us about ourselves and about the strange world we are living in.they are old souls.that's why they have difficulties in our society.... but some help is okay because when they have the label you get eaysier help for school for example i can only can speak for myself being here in holland...
      sorry for my bad english!!!!
      i'm sure you will find a way...:wings::wings::wings:
      hugs irini
      Hi irini,

      For some strange reason I thought you were a man. It is funny how it's hard to tell at first, until someone writes something specific, to identify their sex. Don't worry about your English. Mine isn't perfect, and it is my first language. I'm dyslexic, and it makes writing at times more difficult for me. Not all the time. Sometimes I am concise and well written. I do think I put more effort in than most. I'm sure it's like that for you, when you post here.

      I had all the testing done and he doesn't have autism or anything related. He has ADHD (not borderline), dyslexia, and mild depression/anxiety. Yikes! Quite a lot to deal with, for a 9 year old. Quite a lot for me to deal with too. I haven't sought treatment with medicine yet. I know you aren't medicating, but I'm thinking ADHD is a different animal from autism. I do know baclofen may be beneficial to many kids with autism, and I would assume it would help my son to a degree (with anxiety). Since this wouldn't be a typical treatment for ADHD, I think I will be putting him on a standard med. They are using ADs with ADHD and considering he has some depression too, I feel this may be a good starting point. I'm beginning to worry about his self esteem. At least baclofen is here for later. When and if he becomes an alcoholic.

      I believe he is at high risk to become an alcoholic. All of his problems are mirror images of mine. Except, I believe he is struggling even worse than I was at his age. At least I know the risk. I will have to watch him like a hawk, and attempt to keep the conversations regarding alcohol, open and frequent.

      The psychologist provided me with an eighteen page report on my son. I will now be able to get extra help through the school system. In August, there is a meeting scheduled with an aresenal of people to get him an IEP plan.

      Like you said irini, we learn much about ourselves and our families from these newagekids. They are special. He has special gifts and talents. The difficult part for me will be convincing HIM, that he's special. I already know it. :h

      Thank you, for the thoughtful response.
      This Princess Saved Herself


        Direct alcohol substitutes

        i'm sure you both will find a way i tell my son he is a special kid every day and he knows that.....
        he is happy with us he knows about my drinking problem and that i'm taking all these pills for him'.
        he was 9 when when i did a detox that poor little kid i never want him to see me drunk anymore!!!!
        that must be terrible...!! i know that because my parents did the same.
        the worst thing here is that they can take your kid to a foster home.....when you are an alcoholic mother i just heard it last week from somebody, who told me that they seperated a mother from her baby. i gave this woman the book from OA because she did'nt know how to help her and said she emidiately had to start baclofen so she could get har babygirl back in 3 months. the worst part is that the woman is african and she lives in a very rich part from holland and they did it because they where jaleous of her and called the children how you call it social protection agency?....if you know what i mean!!
        they had to solve it in the home situation it must be horrable to seperate these 2!!!!!!!there are alot of programes for families here.this al because some peope are jaleous and shortminded.
        ....!!!!!for a woman it always was a big taboo
        when she has a drinking problem for men it's always normal if he drinks!!!!! when a woman drinks she is a slet or a whore or just very ordinary....for us woman the burden is much havier than a man we are mothers, lovers, careerwoman, and must be strong and wise!!!
        love and hugs irini
        by the way since today i'm an officialy redhead too.....!!!
        why do you think i'm a man?????
        do i write like a man????i'm definately not.....!!!


          Direct alcohol substitutes

          Congratulations on the redhair choice today, irini. I do hope you have fun. I try to, but sometimes it doesn't work out. :H It's funny you mention taking the pills because he has asked me a few times why I'm taking them. I haven't told him yet. He notices everything. One of the prime reasons I decided to do this would be him. I do it for the others too, but they aren't old enough to understand (I have 3, irini). Right before I found baclofen, my son was watching A&E. He somehow started watching Intervention. He watched a story on an alcoholic. He then asked me, Mom do you drink? I was drinking wine at the time...what I always drank. I said, yes, I drink. You know that. He then said, Mom, I mean do you DRINK? I said, you know I drink wine. He looked perplexed. And he didn't believe me. He later made a comment one night, when I had too much to drink, that I must be drunk. It was like a knife in my heart. It was also very true.

          We can lose our kids here too, if we are drunk mothers. It just has to be to the point that it is proven that we are negligent to our children. I shudder to even think of it.

          I absolutely don't think you write like a man. I somehow thought you were a founder of the other forum. I don't know what I thought. I couldn't ascertain who you were until now. :l
          This Princess Saved Herself

