A month into baclofen, I had gained 18 lbs. I started taking baclofen about 18 lbs. overweight. Easy to do on a diet of vodka, red wine and pastries. I've never been thin, but always fit and strong. Now I was fat, as noted so kindly by my mother. The choice appeared to be fat or sober, but NO!!! Of all of this, I cast my vote for massive amounts of L-glutamine and All-One. Good luck. If it happened for me it can happen for you!!
As a person with a lifetime AL and weight problem, I am in a position to advocate large amounts of L-glut and aminos for carb/sugar craving suppression based on years of self-experimentation. It also helps with AL craving.
For me, supplements were not a magic solution but did help me feel better and gave me a bit of control because my body wasn't as big a problem as my addicted mind.
Both Topa and bac (low dose) at different times, when added to the ALL-One and other supplements including fish oil (very important for celtic genes) gave me control I didn't have without them. No switch, but definitely put the steering wheel within reach so I could reduce AL intake.