I've been drinking the last 6 days or so on the BAC. I noticed the night before last, I had symptoms of drinking 1L of wine that normally I'd get with 2L or more. I don't wanna elaborate- embarassing.

Here is where it gets wierd. I went to the store last night, bought a bottle of wine for the girlfriend, and a 6 pack of beer. I went later, so I could buy my .5L box. I normally buy two or more. Normally I'd chug two of them secretly in my room. I chugged it on the way home, while doing that, noticed that I really didn't even want it or enjoy it. Later, I cracked open a beer. Didn't even wanna finish it. Five other beers in the fridge, a bottle of wine on the counter. Could give two shits about them. Actually tasted gross going down my throat and I had no positive feelings about them at all.
My SE's are pretty significant at my current dosing (225). Only 125 down today so far. Jittery as hell, paranoid, twitchy. Feeling dizzy and sleepy at work. Want to start backing down- but want to make sure I'm there. I've had other side effects I LOVE. Patient and loving with everyone in my life.
I felt so relieved driving into work today Made my son proud, happy with one beer. Is this the switch??
Thanks especially to ladylush for overnighting me BAC when I ran out.