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Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

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    Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

    I hesitate to write this cuz I don't yet believe it. I'm only about two weeks into my BAC party.

    I've been drinking the last 6 days or so on the BAC. I noticed the night before last, I had symptoms of drinking 1L of wine that normally I'd get with 2L or more. I don't wanna elaborate- embarassing.

    Here is where it gets wierd. I went to the store last night, bought a bottle of wine for the girlfriend, and a 6 pack of beer. I went later, so I could buy my .5L box. I normally buy two or more. Normally I'd chug two of them secretly in my room. I chugged it on the way home, while doing that, noticed that I really didn't even want it or enjoy it. Later, I cracked open a beer. Didn't even wanna finish it. Five other beers in the fridge, a bottle of wine on the counter. Could give two shits about them. Actually tasted gross going down my throat and I had no positive feelings about them at all.

    My SE's are pretty significant at my current dosing (225). Only 125 down today so far. Jittery as hell, paranoid, twitchy. Feeling dizzy and sleepy at work. Want to start backing down- but want to make sure I'm there. I've had other side effects I LOVE. Patient and loving with everyone in my life.

    I felt so relieved driving into work today Made my son proud, happy with one beer. Is this the switch??

    Thanks especially to ladylush for overnighting me BAC when I ran out.


    Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

    Congrats GH, sounds like you're close but if you're still drinking, and not indifferent, I don't think you're quite there. But the ability to be indifferent after drinking half your usual means you're probably close from what I've seen here. I hope this momentum helps you deal with the SEs, and again, great job & grats!



      Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!


      That's great! Congratulations! I think you're probably close to the switch.

      Bruun.....EMPTY YOUR PM BOX, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!


        Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

        hey chi

        hey man - are you at 225 mg? was that yr swicth? Cheers
        I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


          Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

          Bruunhilde;1078536 wrote: Congrats GH, sounds like you're close but if you're still drinking, and not indifferent, I don't think you're quite there. But the ability to be indifferent after drinking half your usual means you're probably close from what I've seen here. I hope this momentum helps you deal with the SEs, and again, great job & grats!

          I kinda think I am there!!! I got beer in my fridge I walked away from!!! I didn't give a shit about it- normally I'd drink till its gone then walk to story for more....


            Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

            Gearhead, congrats! Keep on keeping on!
            * * *




              Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

              Stopped drinking at 6 pm.....totally lost desire
              4x10mg = 6x 4 = 220 mg
              Lets see if i relapse or not this time....will hold it at 220, now that I have got there. Keep it stable at 220mg and see how i get on
              I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

                Gear, congratulations!

                I no longer think the switch is a single defining moment, but rather a series of moments, of which you have had your first.

                Nice one mate.


                  Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

                  bleep;1078640 wrote: I no longer think the switch is a single defining moment, but rather a series of moments, of which you have had your first.
                  Beautifully said, bleep. And that needed to be said.

                  Congrats Gearhead! I am very happy for you.
                  Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
                  - Jacob August Riis


                    Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

                    At the same time, I wouldn't drop down - keep at the same dose, and if anything, continue on your titration schedule. A lot of people report reduced craving on the way up. Regardless, well done Gear.


                      Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

                      2 weeks and already at 225mg? Isn't that kinda fast? I would guess that is why the SE's are so bad for you.


                        Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

                        I too think your close GH. I would also suggest you keep on your course and even titrate up a bit. Did I misunderstand or were you drinking a decent amount last night? I mean are you mostly drinking in the norms for your culture? Which would be 2 drinks a day for a male (if your american). Or on the rare occasion of over doing it, under 5 drinks? Or as most do here, not drinking at all?

                        I love your posts, btw. Baclo-everything. Stay close and let us know, my friend.
                        This Princess Saved Herself


                          Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

                          JustJill;1078813 wrote: 2 weeks and already at 225mg? Isn't that kinda fast? I would guess that is why the SE's are so bad for you.
                          That's pretty fast! Dr. L recommends starting low and going slow so your brain and central nervous system have a chance to adapt to each dose. Other people find that plowing through it works better for them. There is not really an "approved" protocol. If you try it, Jill, I'd recommend trying the low and slow route first and seeing how it goes.
                          * * *




                            Switch??? Holy shit!!!!!!!

                            I tend to think that you have hit your switch and that you should start to use your mind now to reinforce the opportunity that baclofen has given you.

                            As someone mentioned you gave titrated up fairly quickly and I think that you (your ego you) needs to catch up with the events that have already taken place in your brain. I also think this is one of the arguments for a slow titration schedule.

                            Bleep I believe the switch is a defining moment that occurs when your nerve impulses have the opportunity to go a different route from the craving route. How long you take as an individual to use that route habitually may be gradual, a series of mini epiphanies if you like.

                            For 10 years you've been driving to work on the same road. You pick up the newspaper on the way, you drop in to see a close relation once a week because its only a short detour, maybe you like the scenery and enjoy seeing the kids playing in the park. Imagine a new road is built which links your destination 30 minutes quicker. At first you would be concerned that there may be carjackers lurking there. when are you going to get the newspaper, you might get lost, it might not be a good road. Over time, depending on how set in your ways you are you would probably use the new road. Gaining ample time to take a healthy leisurly walk through the park with your dog to pick up the newspaper do lots of chores and have time for more than a fleeting visit with your loved one every Saturday.
                            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12

