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are these se normal!

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    are these se normal!

    Thanks red.

    Another thing to notice sanity, is that SE's are dose dependent. You said in your first post that you were worried about the ride since you were having bad SE's straight aesy - that's no reason to believe you will have them all the way up.


      are these se normal!

      Its like a shortness of breath,shallow breathing but there is a definate tightness in my chest.I have heard of this heppening in high doses but the thing that scares me the most is that I'm assuming this can only get worse if it is related to the bac.....right?the private doctor was a one off payment of ?200 for consultation and perscriptions,however that's what I'm concerned about re repeat prescriptions and ordering online,he never actually stated for how long!


        are these se normal!

        Sorry bleep wrote that about worrying about se only getting worse with higher doses before reading ur comment on that not nec bing true.well thanks to all responses I am def gonna continue with the bac and sorry if this reply doesn't make sense...I'm replying on my mob whilst walking!


          are these se normal!

          Thanks Sanity. Yes, I've heard of it too at higher doses. Hope all turns out to be okay.
          This Princess Saved Herself


            are these se normal!

            For Sanity,

            How are you doing? Did you find out anything from the doctor?
            This Princess Saved Herself

