I've been reading through these threads, trying to gather information on meds to deal with my alcoholism, but it just seems like everyone knows way more than I do, and it kinda goes right over my head

Basically I'm just wondering what medication is right for me? My psych suggested Campral or Naltrexone...but I'm not sure which path to take. I know it's trial and error, but I just wanted my alcoholism under control as soon as possible.
I'm 29 years old, been drinking almost every day since I was 25. I had a good run at sobriety last year: went to an inpatient program, lived in a sober house, got really involved in AA...however after 4 months sober I relapsed - and it's been literally hell ever since.
A few years ago I joined MWO when I wanted to just 'cut back'. But obviously that didn't work out too well!
I don't want to moderate - I want to quit for good. I just can't get myself back to AA; hoping medication will give me the kick start I desperately need!
Thanks for any insight re: experiences w/ vaious medications. It's good to be back. :thanks: