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I have so many questions about bac!

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    I have so many questions about bac!

    Ne/Neva Eva;1081616 wrote: I'm no more addicted to baclofen than I would be addicted to insulin to treat diabetes. Or any other life-saving medication that I am loathe to take but do so to stay healthy.
    Maybe I should change my wording from "addicted" to "physically dependent". I am in no way implying bac produces a mental dependence.
    Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
    - Jacob August Riis


      I have so many questions about bac!

      Yes, much like most antidepressants. And many, many, many other medications. "Don't stop this suddenly" and "Don't operate heavy machinery"* and "Don't drink while taking this" seem to be fairly prevalent in the information sheets.

      *too bad that doesn't include the washing machine. It's heavy!



        I have so many questions about bac!

        libmit;1081526 wrote: Chi,
        Interesting, do you mean the call for liquor every day even if you don't really want it? To not open a bottle of wine with dinner is very hard for me. I really want to moderate more than I want to abstain, but I'd rather abstain than be the idiot drunk I've been for 30 years, so we'll see. How long have you been taking bac? Dose?
        Hi Libby,

        It was interesting to me too that I would still reach for a beer even when I wasn't physically craving it, which is how I came to realize the psychological hold vs the physical craving. My "bottle of wine at dinner" is me and my husband cracking ice cold beers after work. A very ingrained habit we've done for many years, so I understand where you are coming from.

        I started bac in Feb 0f 2010 and got up to 50-75 and stayed there until early March 2011. During that time my drinking never returned to pre-bac levels. Pre-bac I could drink a 12 pack a day and did so fairly regularly. During most of 2010 I cut that in half with little to no effort. I was happy with that for most of 2010 but knew my levels were still not healthy moderating so I knew I needed to take it further. I'm glad that in early March I made the decision to do just that. Like I said in my other post I had to warm up to the idea of consistent sobriety. Not proud of that but I understand it more and more.

        Today is my first day with a plan of going to 120. I'm happy to report my six pack has now been cut in half and I'm liking sobriety more and more. It's such a relief that I wonder if I'm going through a honeymoon phase again like I did at this time last year. Then I look at my drinking levels and I feel even more relieved.

        I'm not sure where I will stop, how long I will stay there before coming back down... I don't have that part of my plan formulated yet. I just keep reading and reading about everyone's experiences and it gives me hope I can completely slay the beast. I know there are some debates around here as to being AF vs moderating and I don't know where I will end up. My "mini-beast" right now is still the after work witching hour, but as I titrate up it's less and less and less.


          I have so many questions about bac!

          I want to thank you all for the fantastic replies, this is a great thread, by the way I am not multiple years AF, I have been trying to stop for many years but am now nearly 3 weeks AF. The thoughts of drink seem to be growing right now not declining so I am definately needing to make a decision on bac while I am still in a state of mind to be able to. I am very impressed by reading all the stories on here. I recieved my book The end of my addiction Dr Oliver Ameison today (Amazon UK doesnt have Heal Thyself) so am going to spend tomorrow morning reading it.


            I have so many questions about bac!

            Hey space,

            Congratulations on the 3 weeks! Panic not - 3 two books are the same, it's is just the USA and Europe titles that have different names, for some annoying reason. They do that a lot with books, drives me wild - I have several duplicate copies of favourite authors as a result of this.


              I have so many questions about bac!

              I have almost finished the book already, and intend to go armed with it to my doc if he refuses me bac or has no interest in finding out more then so be it, I will order on-line even though I have so many worries about this, one is that I will be going on holiday in July to Lanzorote and because I have heard about the withdrawal symptoms I will need to take bac with me but then worry about taking un prescribed medicine through customs, maybe Im looking too far ahead, or ust looking for something to worry about, if I drink again and go on another bender I might not make it to July, I have told myself to SHUT UP NOW!

