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Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

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    Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

    Maybe he is worried about the high number of people here who are self-prescribing. He is always at pains to point out that his book was not a self-help manual (probably why it's not so easy to find a titration plan in it) and that everyone should be under the care of a doctor when taking baclofen. Perhaps he doesn't wish to be associated with the way many of us on MWO do this.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

      redhead77;1081515 wrote: Dr Ameisen was on here last night for quite a while. I was trying to give him a call out. He wasn't listening.
      How do you know that? I tried under who's logged on, and it said that service wasn't available anymore, or some such. It was about a month ago, and my memory is like a sieve.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

        beatle;1081671 wrote: How do you know that? I tried under who's logged on, and it said that service wasn't available anymore, or some such. It was about a month ago, and my memory is like a sieve.
        Near as I can tell, the server for the board is about 4 hours ahead of me (MST). If I log out right now and look at who visited the forums today, he is listed. He would also have been listed under "currently active" during the time he was logged in to MWO.
        * * *




          Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

          redhead77;1081515 wrote:
          Edit: Just so everyone doesn't think I've lost my mind, Dr Ameisen was on here last night for quite a while. I was trying to give him a call out. He wasn't listening.
          I wonder what he reads. I try to put myself in his shoes. We're all over the board on this board as to doses, and titration schedules go into wild extremes. Not good things sometimes happen. The stuff that some of use to counter the SE's can go into wild extremes too (myself included). I would imagine that the questions he would encounter would be endless! And, I don't know, could maybe honest answers to some of those questions pose a threat to his professional reputation?

          I can see some good reasons why he would not want to engage us in that way. A little update - with a statement making clear that he wouldn't be open to questions - shouldn't be too much to ask though.
          * * *




            Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

            beatle;1081671 wrote: How do you know that? I tried under who's logged on, and it said that service wasn't available anymore, or some such. It was about a month ago, and my memory is like a sieve.
            If you go to the first page of the forums and scroll down, you can see whose actively online and whose visited the forum that day. Of course, the time is off when the new day changes (for my time zone), but I've noticed when it says someone's online that it seems pretty accurate. I check for him everyday, and he comes here almost everyday. It just so happens I caught him. :H

            Now, I will post this and see if this quote thing works.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

              [QUOTE=PbarE;1081631]I feel bad, red. My intention in starting this thread was not to make anyone feel sad or doubt OA. He was the first case study in the high dose bac treatment, and his results were a roaring success.

              I was just being melodramatic Pbar. Disappointed would be more accurate. I don't doubt OA. Just wish he would drop in for a hello.

              [QUOTE=Murphyx;1081663]Maybe he is worried about the high number of people here who are self-prescribing.

              Yes, that could be. He also probably has to clear anything he says with a PR person or someone similar.
              This Princess Saved Herself


                Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

                [QUOTE=PbarE;1081631]I feel bad, red. My intention in starting this thread was not to make anyone feel sad or doubt OA. He was the first case study in the high dose bac treatment, and his results were a roaring success.

                Don't worry Pbar. I don't doubt him. I was just being melodramatic a bit. Disappointed would be more accurate.
                This Princess Saved Herself


                  Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

                  I can see some good reasons why he would not want to engage us in that way. A little update - with a statement making clear that he wouldn't be open to questions - shouldn't be too much to ask though.
                  Yes, me too. That's why maybe just a hello. Of course, he would have to clear anything he said with his PR people I would think. It still may not be in his professional best interest I suppose.
                  This Princess Saved Herself


                    Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

                    Murphyx;1081663 wrote: Maybe he is worried about the high number of people here who are self-prescribing. He is always at pains to point out that his book was not a self-help manual (probably why it's not so easy to find a titration plan in it) and that everyone should be under the care of a doctor when taking baclofen. Perhaps he doesn't wish to be associated with the way many of us on MWO do this.
                    That would be my guess, and if that is the case, he is doing it for good reason.

                    Many of us come here and pour our hearts out concerning our drinking and do it anonymously. How many divulge their professional credentials and put those on the line?

                    I've been hesitant to post about my employment. I'll say this much, I've worked with doctors for many years and I FULLY understand Dr. A not putting his license on the line for legal and ethical reasons. Any advice he gives as a doctor is "treating" people. It would be highly irresponsible for him to treat people via posts on the internet, and I'm quite certain he gets massive amounts of email. He has a duty to protect his license and credibility.

                    It's possible he reads here to collect data on the progress people are making, in fact I hope he is and my data has been helpful to him in some way. Public forums are fair game in literature (I believe) so maybe down the road some of our more prolific posters will see their nic in Dr. A's next book. Or maybe he will use the data to get approval for a clinical trial...

                    No matter what I think the good doctor is entitled to read all he wants and doesn't owe us anything. IMO he has already given the world a whole lot to work with and I will forever be thankful that he was willing to be the first human guinea pig and then wrote about it to help others.


                      Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

                      PbarE;1081631 wrote: I feel bad, red. My intention in starting this thread was not to make anyone feel sad or doubt OA. He was the first case study in the high dose bac treatment, and his results were a roaring success.

                      I just wanted to know where he is in this deal, six years out. Maybe he is preparing a post for us right now.....
                      I was just being melodramatic Pbar. I have flair for that. :l
                      This Princess Saved Herself


                        Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

                        redhead77;1081710 wrote: I was just being melodramatic Pbar. I have flair for that. :l
                        Don't change.



                          Anything more from Dr. Ameisen?

                          TracyA;1081680 wrote: I wonder what he reads. I try to put myself in his shoes. We're all over the board on this board as to doses, and titration schedules go into wild extremes. Not good things sometimes happen. The stuff that some of use to counter the SE's can go into wild extremes too (myself included). I would imagine that the questions he would encounter would be endless! And, I don't know, could maybe honest answers to some of those questions pose a threat to his professional reputation?

                          I can see some good reasons why he would not want to engage us in that way. A little update - with a statement making clear that he wouldn't be open to questions - shouldn't be too much to ask though.
                          I agree Tracy. I don't think he could ever give advice on here. I don't think he should be answering questions. I think that would put his professional reputation on the line and maybe even his medical license.

                          I do think he should find a way to say hello, and acknowlege that we are doing this for good reason. A carefully thought out and well worded hello bac people. It might just give a little something extra the people need.

                          I still know I am making the right choice in taking this. I feel better than I have in a number of years (SE's aside).

                          To do that he would probably need to consult his PR people. I'm still not sure if that's possible at this point.
                          This Princess Saved Herself

