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How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

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    How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

    Ukblonde;1082635 wrote: It's ok I have gotten used to assuming most don't include the little gal from the UK..
    Aw now uk dont be so hypersensitive.I personally have a head like a sieve. Tracy is on the baclofen journey. The se are well recorded. You know this is normal. Come on now cheer up!
    I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

    There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


      How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

      Ukblonde;1082636 wrote: Isolde I didn't even know, just shows how much everyone misses here. We simply don't all shout loudly.
      And it's in my signature!
      No worries!
      Better Living Through Chemistry

      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


        How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

        Isolde;1082633 wrote: It's ok, she didn't mention me either . . .
        Well, it's not like I know how old everybody is anyway. And you look way older in your profile - ancient in fact. And then there's your screen name: I so old. Too much for my brain to make sense of. Some moments I'm challenged just getting the wrapper off a drinking straw.
        * * *




          How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

          I'm some years off 40 yet, just in case you thought I was Sylvia Plath.


            How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

            TracyA;1082622 wrote: Murph, it just occurred to me - you're a vegetarian guy who actually has things like kale sitting around. Hmmm.
            I've now thrown out the Kale and it won't be darkening my salad box again.

            Hey, judging by my experience of a fairly easy SE ride and switching on only 150mg, I believe that vegetarianism makes all the difference.

            GO VEGGIE OR BACLOFEN WON'T WORK FOR YOU. And that's been scientifically proven....sort of.

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

              i m lerning if you ain t got nothing nice to say,don t say folks have to give your head a shake,the people you rely on, are human just like us,they had an addiction,what they tried worked for them,does not mean it will work for everyone,i wish you well


                How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                I just want to say thanks to everyone who responded. I suggested the male v female thing as a way of explaining differences in side effects but didn't realise it would bring on such a discussion. I tend to agree that the discrepancy is also due to Dr A downplaying SEs and also not noticing them as much due to having already felt so rotten from alcohol.

                In any case I still think baclofen is the most promising alcoholism treatment at the moment, just one that isn't easy for some people. I can still easily recall how physically and mentally sick I had become from drinking huge amounts every night, so many bac SEs don't seem all that bad in comparison to that, apart from insomnia which is one I just (personally) couldn't hack for long...there's one example of a male not being able to handle a difficult situation!


                  How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                  Gyco;1082644 wrote: i m lerning if you ain t got nothing nice to say,don t say folks have to give your head a shake,the people you rely on, are human just like us,they had an addiction,what they tried worked for them,does not mean it will work for everyone,i wish you well
                  I have absolutely no idea what any of that is meant to mean.

                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                    Murphyx;1082642 wrote: I've now thrown out the Kale and it won't be darkening my salad box again.

                    Hey, judging by my experience of a fairly easy SE ride and switching on only 150mg, I believe that vegetarianism makes all the difference.

                    GO VEGGIE OR BACLOFEN WON'T WORK FOR YOU. And that's been scientifically proven....sort of.
                    I have an organic box delivered most weeks and I've tried kale several times. I can clearly say that Kale has no place in this(neither does celeriac).

                    Apart from that I follow a simple processed food-free diet. I can also say that lots of veg and minimal animal protein also has zero influence on this whatsoever.

                    Also if any veggie can prove to me they can fulfill their full amino acid profile via non-animal proteins, and without eating more eggs than the Easter Bunny then they are indeed a risen saviour.

                    Actually I do know of some vegetarian bodybuilders but they had to eat a lot of albumen, and a lot of cottage cheese.


                      How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                      Greg;1082645 wrote: I tend to agree that the discrepancy is also due to Dr A downplaying SEs and also not noticing them as much due to having already felt so rotten from alcohol.
                      Yes, that is good point. I never drank to the point of full out withdrawal like OA - just to point of shaky and ill every day. But I also agree that OA seems to refuse to acknowledge that there are SE's involved at all.
                      * * *




                        How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                        OK, so I'm still trying to get a handle on the whole male v female thing. If there is a difference in the genders reaction to baclofen is it an increased severity or a different set of SEs? Or are the SEs exactly the same but for whatever reason they have a greater impact on women? Or a combination of all of those?

                        The unexamined life is not worth living


                          How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                          Wow, what I wrote this morning plagued me all day long. And it has mostly led to an interesting discussion.

                          Okay, so continue in the vein:
                          Redthread actually fits in with my 'theory' which I've posted before and Tracy alluded to: The premenopausal women are few and far between. In fact, when I began researching this 10 months ago, I couldn't find any who were successful. I pm'd people and asked them. All post-menopausal.

                          Before we jump to the "oh, the girls are irrational when they menstruate" conclusion, let's address the fact that our endocrine systems (hormones) are deciders when it comes to just about all of our functions... emotional stability being a minor one. And the ones for men and women are fundamentally different.

                          Also there's the amygdala thing. This is one of the areas that has Dr. L very excited, right? The amygdala develops differently and serves different functions in men and women.

                          Those two things exhaust my knowledge and understanding of this. So far.

                          Ig, your comment was rather insensitive I suppose, but whatev. Maybe it's that I know you pretty well. But women, his encouragement and words of wisdom--including, "buck up, eyes on the goal" got me through harrowing times. He's not a very insensitive guy. just sayin

                          Murphy, I don't know what's different. That's another avenue women should explore when they undertake the treatment. It seems to me as though we pretty much experience the same SEs. I wonder if it's a matter of degree? Or the way it's processed? Which is not to say they are a function of acting out or psycho-anything. Our brains are very different. Our chemicals are very different. Yet we're all one small step away from rats.

                          The reason I don't include you, Is, or serenity, is for the most part because we're all too new. (all 3 of us!) Or bleep for that matter! I'm pretty sure he's reached indifference two or three times, (:H) but understand his doubt, ftr. (ukb, I wasn't clear that you'd reached indifference, and thought you were still struggling, maybe not with booze exactly... I'm not sure. But belated congratulations!)

                          However, I think degree of addiction or disease or abuse is a key factor in this too. Or maybe it's simply age? That is definitely my humble opinion. I'm certainly not calling anyone too alcoholic or not alcoholic enough... That's a belittling and damning road, if ever there was one. Nor is anyone too young or too old, right? to want to rid themselves of this.

                          This question is clearly not an "us against them" scenario. There's not a man on this thread I wouldn't be happy to call friend. I also have received an enormous amount of support here and off-forum from the men around here. Not a misogymist to be found.

                          The question I wrote was:
                          Does it work?
                          The question I wish I'd written those many hours ago is this:
                          What am going to do to make sure it's going to work for me???

                          xo, peeps!


                            How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                            Ukblonde;1082636 wrote: Isolde I didn't even know, just shows how much everyone misses here. We simply don't all shout loudly.
                            Some, do, though, UK.

                            Let's give them their room and the rest of us can quietly go our merry way on working on Baclofen, Naltrexone, Topamax, etc. to help us as well as AA, SMART, CBT.

                            Let them blow their horn and "remind" us how hard it is to be "them" and how difficult it is to do "this" and whatever.

                            I am with you, UK. Let's keep doing what we have to do to get and stay sober and the "blowhards" can keep blowing.

                            I want to get and stay sober and so do you. I know this from your posts. Let's do it!!

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                              Cinders;1082654 wrote: Some, do, though, UK.

                              Let's give them their room and the rest of us can quietly go our merry way on working on Baclofen, Naltrexone, Topamax, etc. to help us as well as AA, SMART, CBT.

                              Let them blow their horn and "remind" us how hard it is to be "them" and how difficult it is to do "this" and whatever.

                              I am with you, UK. Let's keep doing what we have to do to get and stay sober and the "blowhards" can keep blowing.

                              I want to get and stay sober and so do you. I know this from your posts. Let's do it!!

                              I have been working Baclofen, and for the benefit of others I have posted many times about alcohol not bothering me. Both here over a period of time, and then today on the Baclofen specific forum, as well as within several PMs.

                              I tone down my posting a lot, mostly because I've been advised to do so.


                                How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                                I deleted my last message, which you have since quoted, UK. :H

                                It was a bit harsh and I apologize.

                                Off to do work now, take care, all.

                                AF April 9, 2016

