I was *just* reading through all the responses on this thread: wow! I missed a lot while I was at work today! I can't log on to MWO at work (the IT is an alkie with whom I've had rather icky experiences in the past, and he would no doubt read my posts).
Here's my experience. I wouldn't call it "typical" (what IS the "typical" bac experience, anyway?) but it's mine:
I'm premenopausal, 42, female, vegetarian (ate meat for a few weeks earlier this year after 18 years vegetarian, found it unpalatable, went back to being a hippie vegetarian).
SEs? I had them all, I think. But none of them alarmed me too much, or were terribly severe. I had dizziness and nausea (that was the worst for me), forgetfulness, flashing lights, sleeplessness, somnolence, trouble breathing, audio and visual hallucinations, electric shocks, low blood pressure, etc. Most of those, such as the hallucinations, were fairly mild, and nothing I hadn't experienced with a bad hangover. In fact, I always compared my SEs to hangovers and found them to be underwhelming in comparison.
I hit my switch at 190 mgs/day, after two months, and never had a day in which I doubted the bac or what it could do for me. Ig once said, "don't be a pussy" and I thought of those words often when I was suffering from the worst of the nausea and dizziness.
I've always been someone who downplays any physical ailments, so I may be a little more like a man in that regard. All of my SEs had been discussed on MWO before, so I knew they were normal. They didn't alarm me.