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How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

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    How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

    Doggygirl;1083303 wrote: We KNOW it matters.
    redhead77;1083315 wrote: And of course size matters.

    Well I'll be speaking to the choir but I just had to concur.

    Yes...absofuckinlutely the size of the tomato matters. It isn't everything as you both know, but it is a prerequisite
    . It has to be there. It could be the sweetest, juiciest tomato in the world, but if the sheer mass isn't'll still leave you hungry.

    On the contrary, you could easily go and purchase a hothouse out of the supermarket. The size is definitely can see it! But after one bite you'd wish you never bought it in the first place.

    Only every once in a while does the real McCoy come along. The perfect
    combination of size and flavor. The exquisite balance between firmness and softness. So pure, so'd sell your soul for one


      How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

      Those are some gorgeous heirlooms! I've been trying for a couple years to grow some (:H). What is the trick to it? This year I'm trying something drastic. I'm going to try grafted tomatoes - Frankenstein plants. If that doesn't work, maybe we can do a co-op. I'll swap you some of the world's finest peaches and Olathe sweet corn for some of those toms.
      * * *




        How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

        They're not heirlooms. They're lemonboys (yellow), golden jubilees (orange), super san marzanos (skinny red paste) and several varieties of reds.

        It gets a little insane over at my parents house in the summer. That was 1 (one) days yield. 88 lbs. I stopped because I got tired of picking. I think I picked the same amount the next day.

        I can't remember why my mom won't touch the heirlooms (she's the brains behind the operation). I only know a couple of the tricks.

        1. I shoveled and transported metric tons of manure for that garden.

        2. My dad made a manure tea machine...this thing is killer. It's a big 55 gallon trash can with basically a giant coffee filter sitting in it that holds manure. Then there's an air pump that aerates the water and gets the whole thing moving. The oxygen in the air feeds the microbes in the manure and they literally exponentially increase their numbers in only 2 days. We then feed the plants this manure tea (which goes for big $ on the market) every couple of days. Mom says "absolutely no miracle gro, it's like heroin for plants! It makes them grow like crazy for a little while and then they sputter out and die!"

        3. We take all the food scraps from what we eat (egg shells, coffee grounds, veggie scraps) and throw them in giant tupperware containers where my mom grows worms. They make castings which we mix into the soil and of course we let the worms loose in the garden too.

        4. Last and probably most important. Tomatoes will grow in a lot of places, but you've got to learn how to pick the varieties that do best in the conditions that you've got to work with. I can't help you there as that's my mom's department. Try talking to your local...what are they called...they're like the master gardener's that are familiar with your area...

        I'll get back to you on that.
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

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          How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

          I just called my mom and she said they're the master gardeners and they are at the county "extension" office. We had them in Washington state and here in California, so I think they're everywhere...

          They are the people familiar with your very specific region and are full of all kinds of good tips and info. You can ask them just about anything.
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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            How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

            Loop, if you talk to your Mom anytime in the near future, will you ask her about black spots? I could look it up on the internet, be she sounds like a garden queen.

            I've grown a few different varieties, and they all get them. I figure, there's go to be something missing in my soil. I started a compost bin last year. I put our eggs peels, fruit and veggie scraps and sometimes coffee grounds. I know manure is the best way, but just can't bring myself to deal with it. Anyway, if you have the chance to talk to her, my garden can't even be tilled for another couple of weeks and tomatoes here are late season.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

              Thanks Lo0p! I'll give them a ring. I'm looking at manure tea too, but want to give the lemonboys and golden jubilees a go.

              * * *




                How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                redhead77;1084229 wrote: I know manure is the best way, but just can't bring myself to deal with it.
                I'm a little worried about the smell too from tea-making, but I my neighbor on one side really irritates me.

                Red, check this out:

                Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew
                * * *




                  How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                  Mom's checkin' on the spots...

                  If they're on the bottom where the blossom is (dictating now) it's inconsistent watering.

                  Black sunken spots on the fruit may actually be a fungus...she doesn't like the book she's looking it up in and can't find her other one.

                  And said you should be able to google it or even better call the master gardeners :H. That's all she does! She said that when she was younger she called them every day!

                  If I recall the golden jubilees were freakin' awesome if you picked them the right day. But they got too soft in a day or two. They'd also get this reddish hue that kinda looked like a sunburst effect radiating away from the vine that made them look like heirlooms. But all in all they were a lil' temperamental and much less productive.

                  The lemonboys were much more stable and you could let them sit on the vine for a week and pick them anytime and they'd be good. They'd also keep longer in the fridge and produced as much fruit as our reds.

                  But all of this could also be a product of our regional climate. Again, another great reason to give the master gardeners a call. Ultimately it's a learning process which is half the fun!!
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                  A Forum
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                    How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                    Hey Everyone,

                    I am a bac user for about 6 months. Also A Dr. Levin patient. I have been reading your posts for over a year and decided to chime in.

                    LoOp, I am on Naltrexone, I read you have a protocol, Where do I find this?
                    Also, your experience re: HGH release?



                      How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                      Hey muse, welcome aboard!

                      How are you finding it so far? I hope you have seen some success, 6 months is enough for results to show, certainly! Let us know how you are doing...


                        How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                        LoOp, interesting your Mom mentioned the extension service. I was thinking that same thing. Are they all over? The one here in IL is affiliated with the U of I. Here you go Red. Illinois Master Gardeners - University of Illinois Extension

                        Back to bac...

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                          Thanks loop and doggygirl for the info. I really appreciate it. :thanks:

                          Welcome muse. I would love to hear how this has been going for you at 6 months.

                          Tracy, I have that annoying neighbor too! Her garden is perfect, and no black spots. Everything she does is perfect really.
                          This Princess Saved Herself


                            How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                            muse;1084349 wrote: LoOp, I am on Naltrexone, I read you have a protocol, Where do I find this?
                            Protocol for Naltrexone and Bac? No, I don't. I tried it for a while but couldn't actually drink to keep doing TSM, so I gave up on that.

                            muse;1084349 wrote:
                            Also, your experience re: HGH release?
                            Re: meds? I got nothing. Re: eating right and exercising, HGH had something to do with it for sure. I've lost about 15 lbs of bad weight and gained about 20 lbs of good weight in the last 2 years. I lost 50 lbs of fat about 5-6 years ago doing the same thing.

                            Re: HGH release upon heavy, intense sets like squats. I believe it, but it's debatable.
                            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                            A Forum
                            Trolls need not apply


                              How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                              redhead77;1084405 wrote: Tracy, I have that annoying neighbor too! Her garden is perfect, and no black spots. Everything she does is perfect really.
                              That just makes me want to go TP her house.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                How did Dr Ameisen do it without severe side effects?

                                Hi all,

                                Is this the veggie thread? I've got an avocado tree that hasn't born fruit for the last 3 or so years. But, it has just began to fruit. Yay! Have full sun at back of house too, so the above tomatoe and fertilising tip's are great. I've also got some wild mint growing around the house. I'm thinking mint tea. Can i just dry this out, then put it into the tea pot? Thank's.

                                (Sorry to OP Greg. I'm just being silly, but serious question's nonetheless)

                                Best wishes on your respective journey's folk's. We are what we eat indeed. Good nutrition, AND some form of regular exercise, is an essential part of successful recovery, i find. Getting out of that chair and forming new, healthier habit's that will eventually become comparitively effortless, and enjoyable routine, is an important part of the plan.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

