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Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

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    Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

    Can anyone tell me what the early symptoms of baclofen withdrawal are please?

    Also, the half-life of 4 hours has been mentioned, but a longer half-life was suggested for those taking high dose baclofen. Can anyone point me to evidence of this?

    Also, does anyone know what the elimination period is?

    The unexamined life is not worth living

    Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

    "Shit, where did I put my baclo..." Aaargh, twitch and seizure soon follow.

    There was a paper Sober posted, where the half life from chronic dosing increases in the CNS to 6,5 hours. I think the link is my old thread, will have a hunt and see if I can dig it up for you.

    Can't help with the other I'm afraid. Can't you work it out based on the half life?


      Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

      Here it is...


        Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

        Wrong page Bleepster.

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

          Hey? I just checked it, it takes you straight to Sober's post.

          It's this new feminine you Murph. Just click it, and see what happens.


            Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

            Wierd. It just takes me to the top of page 4. Is it the permalink?

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

              It is. Look for Sober's post concerning it.


                Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

                I think the answers to this would be found in the research related to MS and other patients with spasticity-related-bac treatment. (cuz it sure ain't research based on us!)

                I remember reading recently about the fact that the withdrawal symptoms disappeared within 24-48 hours after removing bac. I think it is in I-want-to-be-sober's thread. Also, there is the report of the one (very, very sick) guy who had slipped into a coma and died from things unrelated to bac. But it talks a bit about the w/d, if I remember correctly. (what not to do!)

                Also, Terryk found some research related to this. Might even be a thread about it already?

                I'm very interested in this, for very obvious reasons. I hope we can suss it out. Thanks, Murph.


                  Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

                  Sober doesn't post on page 4.

                  What page is it on? Or if you're viewing a different number of posts per page, what post number is it?


                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

                    The early symptoms of baclofen withdrawal include mainly anxiety, rapid heart rate, somewhat increased blood pressure and sweating. They usually just occur after baclofen has been taken for weeks-months daily and then the treatment was abruptly stopped or the dose drastically reduced. I guess people who had withdrawals from e.g. alcohol before are at greater risk than people with neurological problems and no substance abuse disorder (kindling). With chronic dosing baclofen stays longer in the system (blood / brain).

                    W/D symtpoms can be stopped very fast by taking baclofen again.

                    Severe withdrawal symptoms from oral baclofen take some time. Eighteen are listed here: Delirium Associated With Baclofen Withdrawal: A Review of Common Presentations and Management Strategies -- Leo and Baer 46 (6): 503 -- Psychosomatics (10–12,14,15,17,18,20,21,23–27)


                      Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

                      Post #76 Murph.


                        Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1082292 wrote:
                        I remember reading recently about the fact that the withdrawal symptoms disappeared within 24-48 hours after removing bac.
                        You mean appeared 24-48 hours after removing bac? Please say "yes." From what I've read, we do have a window of about a day before the withdrawal really hits.

                        It sure would be helpful to know what symptoms hit first. Especially since there may be counterfeit stuff out there, it would be good to know a bad reaction from withdrawal.
                        * * *




                          Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

                          This actually really concerns me. I know what I'm like. If I'm on this for life, for sure there is going to come a time when I am stuck without baclofen. I am not looking forward to it.


                            Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

                            @Bleep: Got it, thanks matey.

                            @Tracy: Yes, you're right. The symptoms won't just disappear...well, unless you die that is.

                            @Sober: Brilliant, that's exactly what I was looking for.

                            So, in summary (and if anyone disagrees with this or would like to add to it please do so):

                            Withdrawal from oral baclofen will occur more slowly than intrathecal and at about 1 to 4 days after cessation/rapid decrease.

                            Vulnerability to withdrawal is not dose dependent.

                            The early signs of withdrawal include mainly anxiety, rapid heart rate, somewhat increased blood pressure and sweating.

                            Reintroduction of baclofen will resolve the symptoms quickly, but if left till delirium begins it can take 4 to 72 hours.

                            Discontinuation of baclofen should occur by means of tapering over a period of 1 to 2 weeks. **EDIT** That only applies to low dose, so for us it will probably be much longer.

                            Delirium is unlikely if you've been taking baclofen for less than a month.

                            If you've entered the delirium phase, reintroducing baclofen may not be sufficient and you may need additional medications such as anti-convulsants, anti-psychotics and all sorts of other heavy shit.

                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              Early symptoms of Baclofen withdrawal?

                              hmmm. I like the synopsis, Murph. Thanks.

                              There is some very relevant info about this from otter. He started a thread...

                              Those other things, the anti-convulsants etc... may actually contribute to the really terrible withdrawal symptoms. The w/d must be treated with gaba-b something or other.
                              I think.

