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keeping u updated

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    keeping u updated

    Just to let u all know of my progress.I am still new to this so I don't kno how relevent my progress Is but I wanted to keep u updated.
    I decided to go for it and titrate past my "problems" and it seems to have worked.....however come across new ones!
    The brathing difficulties and pain in kidneys have gone!yehaa.I have titrated up quite fast,about 10mg every 2 days!as I said the difficulties have gone however my anxiety has increased.apart from that and tiredness,touch wood it seems to be going ok.haven't touched a drink since starting bac but its not uncommon for me to go months without drink and then binge till I can't drink anymore so I don't really kno how effective the bac is but gonna muggle through and pray its working.
    Now at 100 mg and se are minimal.
    Will keep you posted.
    Just to let you kno this place is a godsend!

    keeping u updated

    I'm glad you're staying in touch, sanity! It's always a relief to get an update from fellow bac-ees.
    Sounds like you're doing really well, too.
    Heightened anxiety was certainly part of the process for me. I don't know what to attribute that too. Often it was a result of my own fear that bac didn't/wasn't going to work for me. After spending enough time here, though, it seems as though it's a SE.
    Not only did it dissipate, now the irrational anxiety is completely gone! What I'm left with is just the normal, everyday anxiousness of making clear decisions and seeing the results bear fruition.

    It works, have no doubts! And I agree, this place is a godsend.


      keeping u updated

      Hi sanity, glad to hear you are doing well. Titrating through difficulties, as counterintuitive as it sounds, is often the best way through them. I'm glad it worked out for you.

      That's a nice steady way to increase - are you going to carry on upwards at the same rate?


        keeping u updated

        Planning to keep to the titration schedule I'm on.however I have been lucky enough to be able to move in with the folks for a couple of weeks so if the tiredness gets to much I can rely on them to look after the wee youngest is only 5 months and my eldest only 18 months so when I move out on my own again I might have to adjust!I've heard mixed reports about titrating up too fast and how this affects "the switch".can you shed any light on this?x


          keeping u updated

          I'm not sure how it affects the switch, but it definitely gives you an unpleasant journey. There's absolutely no reason to go mad on the titrating up. I went far too quickly for my own good, and ended up in a very weird place in my head - I recommend you carry on nice and gently.

          At the same time, you don't want to muck around for too long. Indifference is real and achievable, so you want to get there. Let your body and your mind guide you. When you adjust to a level, increase it. You don't need to hang around at each level until you feel perfect, you want to push the edges slightly.

          Good luck.


            keeping u updated

            I'm glad you are still here Sanity, and nothing's wrong with you lungs or kidneys. I'm very relieved. I've been looking for your update everyday, and when I didn't see it, I kinda got worried. Glad all is going well, and the new tit schedule is a hit.

            Don't be a stanger! I do know with kids and a 5 month old, it isn't easy.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              keeping u updated

              Hi Sanity, best of luck with it. Keep posting here, the people are great and very supportive!


                keeping u updated

                Thank you all for your responses and will def keep everyone updated whrn the sprogs give me a chance!I actually fell asleep last nite without taking my last dose.....was sooooo tired so I might have to rethink my schedule.thank you redhead.....iand bleep ect,your advice and comments are crucial to my recovery.x


                  keeping u updated

                  Thank you all for your responses and will def keep everyone updated whrn the sprogs give me a chance!I actually fell asleep last nite without taking my last dose.....was sooooo tired so I might have to rethink my schedule.thank you redhead....and bleep ect,your advice and comments are so importantl
                  to my recovery.x


                    keeping u updated

                    I was having trouble taking the last dose too. When my sleep was disrupted it was easier. I set the alarm for 11pm and woke up and took the pill. Then I started turning off the alarm and thinking I took the pill.
                    I found that I sorely missed it when I didn't take it. So now I just take it before I go to sleep.

