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Waiting for Bac

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    Waiting for Bac

    I have decided to start this new thread even though I havent yet received my Bac because I keep forgetting where I have posted my comments!?

    In short I want to give a bit of history and then what Im up to right now. Keeping a log will help me cos Im chaotic and have a terrible memory so this way Ill know where to look to see what Im up to.

    Up until about 4-5 years ago I was a daily drinker and phsically dependent on AL drinking from morning through the day to funcion. I was already aware of this as a problem and half heartedly trying to stop or moderate. I then started trying to stop drinking using various different methods, treatment centre, detoxes, AA, hospital admissions, 12 step treatment centre, just stopping, kudzu, l-glut, reading books etc etc etc. In this time I would manage to stop for a while then relapse and start again. So I then became a binge drinker, which is where Im still at now. Im nearly 4 weeks AF and went to my doc on Friday to ask for Bac and he refused me, (as I expected he would) so I have ordered some on-line and am waiting for it to be delivered. I have had a horrible week, Ive been ill with a cold and having bad cravings which are driving me round the bend. (crazy) So I really cant wait to start on my baclofen journey hopefully delivery will be quick.

    Sorry this post was so long, I will try to keep it shorter in future.

    Waiting for Bac

    Brevity often lends itself to misinterpretation, imho. :H

    Glad you started your journey and glad you're going to chronicle it. That also helps, imho.

    :welcome: to the ride! You might just be standing in line, at this point, but the journey has begun...



      Waiting for Bac

      Bebe, congratulations on the month of sobriety!

      When did you order the baclofen, hopefully it arrives soon! Not drinking while taking it will help tremendously with the SE's, so that's a positive development already.

      Good luck, I hope you have a pleasant journey.


        Waiting for Bac

        Looking forward to reading about your journey spacebebe.Hope it comes soon.You must be dying to get started.
        I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

        There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


          Waiting for Bac

          Hey Spacebebe, Congrats on being almost one month AF! Hope to get there sometime soon. Waiting for the bac to arrive is hard, but it will get there. I was checking the mailbox or making phone calls to have someone else check the mailbox every day. Can't wait to hear about your journey.


            Waiting for Bac

            Good luck

            Wishin you the best on your Bac journey!
            I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


              Waiting for Bac

              Thanks for the replies, I cant wait for my bac to arrive.


                Waiting for Bac

                I am still waiting for my bac delivery and am getting really desparate. This week I have been feeling really awful every evening, from about 5pm onwards I just feel so anxious, dont want anything to do with my kids and cant concentrate on anything or relax and watch tv or read. I didnt used to start drinking in the evening tho if I did I could understand this happening but I started drinking in the day time and used to feel safest of an evening when I had managed to get through the day without a drink. I have been to my SMART meeting today which was good and know I am not going to drink. There is a guy on here who lives not far from me selling his left over bac as he has changed to nal and right now I am considering trying to borrow the money to get some quickly, I am going away for 5 days next week and dont want to be feeling like this on holiday.


                  Waiting for Bac

                  You shouldn't need much loot for a baclofen starter kit while you wait for yours to arrive - maybe ask him if he'll sell you a few, just to get you started? Bear in mind you'll be on 15mg's for 3 days (I presume), and 30 afterwards, and you are only looking at 20/30 cents a pill. Depends how reasonable this guy is.


                    Waiting for Bac

                    Thanks bleep i just sent him a private message asking would he sell me some of what hese got to get started then the rest later, I think he wanted to get rid of them all in one go but I can just hope and see.

