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Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
There are a growing number of doctors who prescribe Baclofen for alcoholism. However, it is still not licensed and very few are happy to prescribe at high dose or at all. The site Baclofen UK has contact details for doctors in the US and UK who will prescribe or advise other doctors on prescribing.BACLOFENISTA
Olivier Ameisen
In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"Tags: None
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
Someone started a thread for this, Otter. Maybe it was Ne. There's a short-list, (as in short. list) posted somewhere not too far back. One day, when my parallel life opens up and I have time to do justice to the miracle that this board is, I'll find it for you."Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
I only am aware of two doctors that have been named in these threads. One is my doctor, and one is in the UK. Dr L is named on these threads frequently, with his number and location. He had stated some time ago, maybe Corky was the first to write it (I think her name was Corky), that he was okay with his name being on this website.
Since then, the website is booming. With many coming in search of a cure for their disease. I want them to find the cure. I'm know he wants them to find the cure, too. I'm just starting to get worried about it. As this treatment becomes more popular and prevalent, as it should, I think the whole way people are treated will shift. Supervised medical detox will still be in order, and maybe a weeks stay, to learn how to titrate bac and what SE's one may encounter when doing so. Gone will be the days of long inpatient treatments where people go to meetings all day, to give it up to the higher power and hope they are cured.
The treatment industry stands to lose a lot of money. A lot of people aren't going to like that. Big pharma have nothing to gain, so they won't stand behind it. They won't be offering research and public awareness. It's really left to the little guy, to spread the word and defend. It also might put certain doctors in jeopardy until it can't be ignored. It's going to happen. Maybe sooner than we might expect. As the word gets out in AA and the like, people will start to flock to forums like these searching, and looking for answers. Drug and alcohol counselors, doctors, and nurses. Also, people who are leading these rehabs. Most will be good people, some may not be. Then there are the people who visit these forums who have no business being here. Did anyone see the ecigarette ad on one of these threads, I believe it was yesterday?
Dr L and any of the other MD's aren't doing anything illegal. It could be argued that what their doing isn't ethical. In the hippocratic oath they take, it states "first, do no harm". It hasn't been proven that this isn't harmful. No research studies have been done on humans. It could put him in a precarious postion. I do hope he takes good notes on patients, in case it's ever called into question.
I actually care about this doctor, because he cares so much about us. He treats patients that most think are morally repugnant, and untreatable. He believes in us. He does it for free in a lot of cases, or greatly reduced cost. He jeopordizes himself, and quite a lot of time to take care of us (that alone makes me worry because he's not a spring chicken, why I made reference to him needing a nurse in my thread). He is also as far as I know, the doctor who has treated the most alcoholics. For many reasons, it should concern everyone if something happens to this doctor.
I think if people want to say doctor's names on here, then everybody needs to do it. Don't put all the attention on him. Many are answering questions about docs in their area via pm, which I personally think is best at this time. Especially, without the doctor's permission. Just because a doc is willing to try this treatment with a couple patients does not mean that they should have their name all over a public forum, so they can be dragged through the mud. This could be counterproductive, they won't want to prescribe. That's why I think pm's are maybe a better choice at this point.
Lastly, it's not really my call to say whether his name should be mentioned or not. It's his. I know for a fact, he doesn't read this forum. I also know he has said before, it's okay to give his name (whether I agree or not). I guess he needs to be asked if it's okay again, with how much traffic there is. I will do that at my next appt.This Princess Saved Herself
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
Where Dr L is concerned, I fully agree with Red. He's really put himself out there for many of us, with no thought of financial gain. I will not even use his full name here anymore but do share info in PM with people.
And there are others here who should not be here. The first thing I did this morning was repeatedly report the e-cigs guy for every piece of spam he posted (eight in all, IIRC). Another guy too is repeatedly named . . . ick. I'm just feeling a world of ick at the moment.* * *
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
"Outing" someone has really negative connotations, especially in an internet environment. At the very least, I would check with the doctor, and see if they are comfortable with having their name on a public forum. As red so eloquently says, this could still be construed as unethical. Certainly not in our eyes, but in the eyes of the world, easily.
It's as easy to say you have contact with a doctor who will prescribe, and send the details in a PM to anyone who asks.
Just my $0.02.
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
The fact that any named Doctor could then be swamped by calls, is reason enough not to publish their names. Others may be prescribing 'quietly' and may not wish to have to justify themselves to the GMC at this point whilst using off-label, barely researched drugs. Do we want them to be overwhelmed?or do we want them to carry on prescribing, and gathering information?
Tracy, whilst Dr L has put himself out there I do believe he charges for prescribing Baclofen?That does create a financial gain for him to become widely known.
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
Prescribing almost anything off-label makes some doctors nervous, not to mention if they were prescribing 200-300+ mg per day. I'd be nervous about that if I were a doctor anyway! Those doing it might not like their names (and phone numbers) posted on an Internet forum, even if they fully believe in baclofen as an alcoholism treatment.
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
I am afraid we can do more harm than good by naming the doctors willing to prescribe Baclofen for alcoholism at this point.
I know my doctor was incredibly nervous about it. I would never call her out. I was just grateful she was willing.
Doctors have to comply with certain directives. Prescribing drugs off label puts them at risk for losing their license.
As a matter of fact, my doctor is nervous about dealing with my alcoholism at all. She is not trained in it and can be disbarred for working in an area not of her expertise.
Despite all of that, she is trying to help, because that is what good doctors do.
I would never call her out in public for it. If I died or suffered harm in anyway from taking Baclofen, I would not want her punished for it, either.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
I concur with the thoughts on here, Otter. That said I posted the info you posted on the Docs that prescribe thread I started. I doubt they'll be over run, but I'll delete it.
Would you post that you have a contact if anyone is in your area? I know that in itself brings comfort to people like me!
tracy, hmmmm. the other doc? That's cold dead history. Let's talk about it... elsewhere.
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
Ne, you didn't list any names did you? I just saw the states and countries the docs were listed in. I think that isn't ruining anyone's privacy, and it may be helpful. Did I miss something there?This Princess Saved Herself
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
There is also Dr Richardson (Tommy) in the atlanta area who prescribed this drug for me. There is also A doctor in Sacramento ?name? and a Dr Nelson in Merced, Ca. who prescribe this. I think the information is spreading slowly. Wish it would "go viral". Anyone want to make a utube video? there are so many nonsense ones out there why not this?
If I were a 'puter geek I would consider it.
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
Please contact me! I need your help!
I live in North Carolina. My sweetheart is an alcoholic. I've been reading about baclofen. My sweetie's drinking comes from high anxiety, depression and nervousness. He says he doesn't feel normal until he's drinking. So I feel like this drug could really help him. If anyone knows of a doctor in North Carolina who is willing to treat with this medication please email me or pm me PLEASE!
I'm afraid one day one of the binges will kill him. I love him and just can not stand by and watch that happen. He's already been thru rehab and a variety of other drugs but nothing has helped. I want to grow old with this man. Please help if you can.
Thank you and God bless you. :h
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
Hiya, Busy! I can relate.
There are certainly some options for an alkie interested in bac in the US. I don't know of any in North Carolina right now, but there've been some studies done in Raleigh (I think.) What's the situation with your boyfriend? Does he know about baclofen? Is he interested in quitting?
Hang in there!
Naming Doctors who prescribe Baclofen
Does anyone know of a doctor in or near Massachusetts who will prescribe it? And/or Colorado? It's a shot in the dark, but please PM me if you can help! Thanks all :-)"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment -Eckhart Tolle"