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Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

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    Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

    Maybe he thinks it's funny. It IS damn funny.

    Or maybe he is just looking for some mention of his name.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

      Maybe he's just looking for the high dose stories. I'd do that if I were him. He's probably learned for example, that although he didn't have any SE's, alot of people have dangerous/troublesome SEs and some do not.


        Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

        I think this site gives an idea of how widespread the use of Baclofen is becoming and how successful it is. There are also some very good ideas mooted here about the use of Baclofen for other conditions. I think it is good he is here because he can feed these ideas back to a lot of other professionals.

        I just wish he would send a life sign.

        Olivier Ameisen

        In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


          Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

          Hi there

          Poor Dr Ameisen : "The Strange Case of Dr...........". From what I've heard he's has relapsed, not as heavily as before, but still... "much too much"... now & then (?)... & is not allowed to post freely on the French forum A&B ( posts checked before being published)...
          It seems that there is a raging mess among the people who first supported him over here..those who created the association to promote bac...that he's a mess...and consequently very lonely...

          One of the reasons for my disappearing from the forums was that I got too involved, too close to that mess.
          I would think he comes here to get an idea of how baclofen works on people and on how many it works.
          To learn more about SE and how you deal with them. the solutions you have found.
          And although it's not mentionned in his books, he did have important SE too.
          What I know, I only know through the founders of the Association to promote bac.
          Very confusing, I must admit.
          I'm AF but have added acomprosate/campral and naltrexone to my cure.


            Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

            Hi Florie, welcome back!

            Interesting news about Dr Ameisen, how reliable is that information, do you think? Given my understanding of baclofen, and my own limited experience, it doesn't surprise me terribly, nor particularly alarm me. Still, with him being the figurehead, so to speak, I suppose it's not the best thing that could have happened. I hope he is okay, do you know?

            Congratulations on being AF.


              Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

              Hi, Florie! It's great to hear that you are doing well.

              We'd had a discussion last fall wondering if that wasn't the case (that Ameisen relapsed). I had wondered if Dr. L's idea to park it at switch had anything to do with OA having problems. I'm with Bleep though. Neither surprised nor alarmed. I'm sorry to hear that it's kicked up a ruckus on the French forums and for you.

              It's great to see you back!
              * * *




                Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                It's reliable.

                I don't need a figurehead or a savior or a messiah for bac to work. Do you?

                I also refuse to jeopardize my hard won sobriety with just one tool.


                Oh! And more important: HI FLORIE! Welcome bac! xo


                  Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                  I really can't tell about the reliability of the information I got, except that it comes from the Admins...and from reliable addiction therapists...

                  Doesn't alarm me either. I'm going on with my bac + acomprosate + naltrexone + addiction therapist + shrink and soon to go in an alcohool post-cure medical center near the Spanish border, for 6 weeks, to practise sports, give up smoking and work on my self-esteem.... since I've been put on sick leave because of the SE...I'd make the most of it !!!

                  And really happy to be back too



                    Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                    This thread disturbs me.

                    Calling out Dr. A, unsubstantiated rumors about him "relapsing".... WTF

                    And it's being done on a public forum.

                    The man owes us NOTHING.

                    It almost seems like bullying to me and I think it's bullshit.


                      Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!


                      It seems like bullying to me, too.

                      One thing I am sure of, he'd better go back to the AA meetings to work on himself..but will he?
                      Glad Flori is so sure what OA should do.

                      soon to go in an alcohool post-cure medical center near the Spanish border, for 6 weeks, to practise sports, give up smoking and work on my self-esteem.... since I've been put on sick leave because of the SE...I'd make the most of it !!!
                      Sounds like a great vacation on other people's money.

                      Have fun.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                        Actually, Florie has been a great help to many here. She volunteered to act as a translator between this group and the French forum and can check things with actual GPs in the French forum who prescribe baclofen. Since OA also posts on the French forum, Florie has done a radio show at his behest, and she is in contact with the association in France that promotes baclofen, she is actually very well placed to keep us updated on all that - and she is kind enough to do so.

                        Cinders;1088690 wrote:
                        Sounds like a great vacation on other people's money.
                        Have fun.
                        Cindi, you act like one amazingly invasive, rude little bitch sometimes. How dare you attack someone like that - someone you know nothing about? I applaud anyone who takes addiction on from as many fronts as possible - GO Florie! I hope the treatment center helps you immensely! I recently joined a gym, paid in no small part by taxpayer money, to get physically healthier while doing the bac thing and doing as much as I can do to ensure I am successful at this.

                        Now, Cindi, why don't you fly back to your little buddies around MWO and tell them how nasty mean I am to you. :H
                        * * *




                          Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                          I don't have to Tracy. They already know. :H

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                            Hi Cinders

                            You're right. Went a bit too far with the AA thing. And to be true what I heard made me feel more sorry than anything else. And yet...
                            As for being on a sick leave..sometimes wish I had known about the SE which were really bad for 4 weeks for me..before starting the bac...I would have waited till summer vacation.
                            But I didn't, as I just asked my addiction therapist for bac after having read Ameisen's book, & before joining the forum.
                            And for the treatment center, I know many people have had that opportunity many times...For me, it will only be once. I'm not going to feel guilty about it. It's a great opportunity and I'm really happy about it.

                            You're right. OA owes nothing to us.
                            Except truth I figure.
                            Besides bac works.
                            May be not as perfectly as he had dreamt it would, but largely enough.



                              Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                              Florie, how do you plan to attack the smoking thing? I have patches but, to be honest, quitting cigs scares me more than quitting AL! I have failed so many times. I have Chantix on hand too, but given the meds I'm already on, I'm leaning toward to the patches.

                              The young man (they all look young to me anymore) who did my health assessment said to go slow, cut back gradually, etc. But I really need to get this part gone (the respiratory stuff) before I go very high on the bac. What's your plan?
                              * * *




                                Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                                Tracy! Check out the 60 minutes from last weekend on Swedish Snus. I know, I know. Just watch it.

                                THAT's what I'm going to do. I'll be the guinea pig, but it would be nice to have some company. Although apparently there are forums set up for that too.

                                I wonder if there is a forum for alcoholic-bac-brained-former-smoker-snus-suckers? Find it! I'm in!

