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Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

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    Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

    coalfire;1089149 wrote: OK Cinders.Maybe this time things will be better for you. Why don't you try to get some sleep and then you can let us know tomorrow what happens when you up your dose? If you are tired and feeling scared then I think that its better to leave threads like this for another time. Its probably only feeding into your tiredness. You know what they say about things looking better in the morning. It usually works for me!
    Wow Beatle I wasnt expecting to see that when I woke up this morning. I have read my post(above) several times to find the line where I told someone not to post on MWO...nope cant see it.I can only see advice where I tell someone not to worry about these things late at night.Nightime makes us more vulnerable to our fears and worries.

    " Let us know tomorrow what happens when you up your dose" -Its worth highlighting cos you obviously missed it.

    If you are not from the "things will look better in the morning" school of thought then thats fine Beatle but its not exactly a radical idea. I dont think the media will be rushing to publish that little sentiment as being groundbreaking and shocking. Most have us have been reared on that thought.I think its true.I wonder why its such a worldwide cliche if its such an outrageous thing to say? I think its kind but whatever..........
    I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

    There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


      Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

      coalfire;1089149 wrote: OK Cinders.Maybe this time things will be better for you. Why don't you try to get some sleep and then you can let us know tomorrow what happens when you up your dose? If you are tired and feeling scared then I think that its better to leave threads like this for another time. Its probably only feeding into your tiredness. You know what they say about things looking better in the morning. It usually works for me!
      Maybe you should read it one more time?

      If you are tired and feeling scared then I think that its better to leave threads like this for another time.

      coalfire;1089394 wrote:
      -Its worth highlighting cos you obviously missed it.
      Seems clear to me that you told her to not post when she is feeling tired and scared. I just referred to that line. It's in black and white.

      I made no personal assailment and called no one names. I only referred to a specific line in a post.

      And now I suggest we drop this exchange because it is has the potential to degenerate into a personal tit-for-tat "You said that" "I said that" kind of interchange which most of us agree is not constructive.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

        This was an exchange between Cinders and I .We went on to discuss other things for ages afterwards and at no time did she say " Gee you know what coalfire,I dont think your advice worked for me and I would like to instead." If she had then I would have sorted it out. You were not even on line when we were chatting last night. This was an exchange between cinders and me and nothing to do with you. What you are doing inserting yourself into an hours old discussion and whipping up crap like this I have no idea. Thanks for your dubious attempts to act as a referee between Cinders and I but I for one have no wish to avail of your services. I can look after my own relationship with people on MWO. I will do cinders the courtesy of imagining that she can too.
        I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

        There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


          Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

          and I am still tired, so I am going to try to get 2 more hours of sleep.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

            Zenstyle;1089379 wrote: Some of us are in remission, some of us are still trying to gain control on the addiction, and some of us haven't a clue where we are at.... but we are all alkies!
            But that's exactly the point, you're wrong. If you take baclofen, reach the switch, keep to the correct maintenance dose and then you're not in remission, it's not a reduction in degree, it's a cure. This is a large part of the problem on the med threads these days; people for whom baclofen has not worked, or who can not reach the switch due to SEs, or who have not kept to the maintenance dose blame baclofen and assume it doesn't work. It does. It's not remission in my case. It's a cure.

            I do hope no one feels the need to report me to the forum moderator again for disagreeing with you this time. Not conducive to a healthy discussion is it Zenstyle?

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

              coalfire;1089149 wrote: OK Cinders.Maybe this time things will be better for you. Why don't you try to get some sleep and then you can let us know tomorrow what happens when you up your dose? If you are tired and feeling scared then I think that its better to leave threads like this for another time. Its probably only feeding into your tiredness. You know what they say about things looking better in the morning. It usually works for me!
              This was the last post you made on this thread, on this public forum, before I wrote my post.

              Then this is your response after my response:

              coalfire;1089437 wrote: This was an exchange between Cinders and I .We went on to discuss other things for ages afterwards...You were not even on line when we were chatting last night. This was an exchange between cinders and me and nothing to do with you

              This has happened before, and as I said then, I think there is no place on this public forum for people to have back-room eonversations and then chastise someone for picking up on a public thread because they weren't privy to the behind-the-scenes interchanges.
              Public is public and private is private. For all those that were not privy to your chat, my comments made sense. And I still don't understand what this forum is worth if that's the way it is to continue.

              coalfire;1089437 wrote:
              Thanks for your dubious attempts to act as a referee between Cinders and I... What you are doing inserting yourself into an hours old discussion and whipping up crap like this I have no idea... I for one have no wish to avail of your services.
              I had hoped we were finished with personal accosts and belittling people here. I have never made a personal accost or sarcastically told someone I didn't want their input. I have only referred exactly to what a person has written and I don't name names or say nasty things. I had hoped those days were over.

              And I did ask that we try to avoid degenerating into name calling and nastiness, but instead, it seems to have gone that way, and further, with private conversations given as the reason to deride a poster.

              I don't care to participate in such conversations. They sadden and vex me, and reinforce the unfortunate change in this forum's tone from positive discussion to personal name calling.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                There were no private conversations between Cinders and I. I could go on but I have lost interest. Whatever Beatle. Bye.
                I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                  Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                  coalfire;1089437 wrote: This was an exchange between Cinders and I .We went on to discuss other things for ages afterwards... You were not even on line when we were chatting last night. This was an exchange between cinders and me and nothing to do with you. What you are doing inserting yourself into an hours old discussion and whipping up crap like this I have no idea. Thanks for your dubious attempts to act as a referee between Cinders and I but I for one have no wish to avail of your services. I can look after my own relationship with people on MWO. I will do cinders the courtesy of imagining that she can too.
                  Then I am very confused I don't undersatnd this. Does it mean I was supposed be following your chats all the time on line? And if I wasn't, I should not answer to something you posted on a public forum because I hadn't followed chat and all that happened there?

                  Because on this thread, you did tell Cinid to not post when she was tired and scared, in black and white. That was the last post I saw. I was not on the chats last night nor were a number of other posters, I would surmise, and certainly not people who come onto this thread afterwards. I'm sincerely puzzled and disturbed by this... does this mean that we cannot comment on posts in threads if we do not also follow chat?

                  I am not being nasty. I am not making personal assaults. I am not even naming names, and I am certainly not telling anyone to go away, or dismissing them.

                  I'm simply asking a legitimate question.

                  But I cannot bear to be repeatedly personally assaulted, unfairly treated and insulted any more, nor can I bear to see so many others being personally assaulted, unfairly treated and insulted on these threads anymore.

                  Sadly, I see that many of my forum colleagues have made this decision already. I see that it is the only one for me, but I will miss MWO dearly. The old MWO.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                    I have t go to sleep. I have now lost 2.5 hours.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                      Quack, quack.



                      Olivier Ameisen

                      In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                        Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                        why r u al so rude to each other is tis not a support forum,u frighten people away


                          Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                          lost & found;1089500 wrote: why r u al so rude to each other is tis not a support forum,u frighten people away
                          They aren't usually like this, I have no real idea how it all started to be honest!


                            Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!


                            PbarE;1089206 wrote: It is proven beyond a doubt that baclofen can dramatically reduce cravings in alcoholics and addicts. Some people report that eliminates them altogether. Bac is a valuable tool in the fight against addiction.....there is no debate about that. Click on the link below.

                  [/video]]VIDEO OF BRAIN SCANS
                            good morning all, you would think, just stopping and going thro the pain of withdrawl can have the same feeling, you would think :H there is a time in ones life you eventually get it, if not you die :upset:even tho we have an addiction,we should treat it with something else we can get addicted to:upset:i was on Bac for hiccups,that is what the doc prescribed,it is a a muscle relaxent, the valve in my throat wasn t closing properly,.5 milagrams for3 days ,your talking 220 mil a day,give your head a shake,it is not a cure for alchoholism, lets face it, when one gets to the point many of us have been to, darn we would believe and do anything,our brain actually isn t working so what have we to lose,don t kid yourself,there is but one way to stop, STOP :H have a nice day


                              Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                              It is group dynamics. It just happens and then it stops just as quickly.

                              Today I am a tree.



                              Olivier Ameisen

                              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                                Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                                now someone will come on and say i don t no what he means,

