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Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

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    Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

    Easy guys, it's all just a game.

    Florie, you hit the nail on the head there, I think. OA owes us nothing. He has already given us what I regard as an amazing gift, he needs do no more. I hope that his personal situation resolves to his satisfaction, and that those of you who pray include him in them.


      Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

      I will Bleep


        Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

        Ne/Neva Eva;1088750 wrote: Tracy! Check out the 60 minutes from last weekend on Swedish Snus. I know, I know. Just watch it.

        THAT's what I'm going to do. I'll be the guinea pig, but it would be nice to have some company.
        Chewing tobacco? I don't know. It kind of goes against my inner girly-girl girl. I thought about it when I saw Murph's post though. My husband is of Swedish descent. But, being a tobacco-chewin' grandma? Out on the front porch in my rockin' chair, with my spittoon . . .

        Ah hell! I'll try anything once! :l

        I shall be your co-guinea-pig.
        * * *




          Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

          Without a good spittoon, the whole experiment is useless though. You need to be able to hit a fly on the wing within 6 weeks of the start of this. Pictures are expected.


            Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

            TracyA;1088739 wrote: Florie, how do you plan to attack the smoking thing? I have patches but, to be honest, quitting cigs scares me more than quitting AL! I have failed so many times. I have Chantix on hand too, but given the meds I'm already on, I'm leaning toward to the patches.

            The young man (they all look young to me anymore) who did my health assessment said to go slow, cut back gradually, etc. But I really need to get this part gone (the respiratory stuff) before I go very high on the bac. What's your plan?
            I've got a method in book which has propably not been translated into English by Bruno Comby "how to get free from T". It includes a physiological ( food/sport/relaxation)/mental preparation that you start two or three weeks before the day you stop.
            The diet is a very important part. Fruit and veg mostly and organic cereals. You should stop eating meat, fish, chocolate, sweet-sugary things and sugar of course, stop pepper and all spicy things, even vinegar & mustard, stop driking tea, coffee, coke...for at least a month from the day you stop...but start getting used to that diet from the beginning of the pr?paration...
            Plenty other useful information on how to.. and the reasons why..
            So may be you could try to find one of the kind..

            Champix is about to be forbidden in France because of dangerous SE
            And If I don't make it with this method ( no patches or any other substitute), I'll follow the programme of the treatment center.

            To quit or reduce smoking greatly before going higher on bac is an advice I've read on posts on the French forum for people who have breathing problems enhanced by the bac.
            My addiction therapist told me today that being on acomprosate and nalextrone would help.
            Started this program a week ago and I've already reduced my smoking by half. So I'm confident.


              Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!


              stop driking tea, coffee, coke...for at least a month from the day you stop...
              In other words, you will be so miserable when you do quit the cigs, you won't notice. :H:H

              I hope it works. Smoking is such a horrible addiction. I smoke, too, so I know very well.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                TracyA;1088772 wrote: Chewing tobacco? I don't know...I thought about it when I saw Murph's post though. My husband is of Swedish descent. But, being a tobacco-chewin' grandma? Out on the front porch in my rockin' chair, with my spittoon . . .

                Tracy, you don't chew snus. Well you can if you like, but that's not how you're meant to use it. But I do like the image of you sitting on the porch and gobbing brown yuck out the side of your mouth as you exchange pleasantries with the preacher as he passes.:H

                Snus comes in a tiny little teabag type thing (no, not that sort of teabag) and it just sits in your mouth (again, not that sort of teabag) between your lip and gum. There's no sucking (again, oh no hang on I've already exhausted that joke), it just does it's thing on its own.

                It kind of goes against my inner girly-girl girl.
                I think, it's used by women in Sweden as well as men and not necessarily thought of as un-ladylike.

                The unexamined life is not worth living


                  Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!


                  Aww. What a kind person.

                  Unfortunately, Tracy did not make me say what I did, what Florie said did. I do not like it when I see other people attack others and Florie's comments about OA were out of line. I should have just stated that and not been quite so snide.

                  Florie has since apologized and I have apologized to her personally for my remark.

                  Tracy, on the other hand, thinks it is find to say I am "acting like a b@tch." Meaning i am not a b@tch, just acting like one. Fine distinction. She also accused me of drinking this morning.

                  Enough about this spat, though. Dr. OA has a right to correspond or not, he may or may not have relapsed and all of us know how horrible this addiction is. None of us deserve it and I don't wish it on anyone.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                    Zenstyle;1088838 wrote: Have you noticed that you are the only person on the whole of MWO that gets Cindi's back up??? I have NEVER and I mean NEVER heard Cindi talk like this apart from when you get started on her.
                    Oh gee, you somehow, once again, missed that Cindi's bitchiness was not directed toward me at all but at someone else entirely. Cindi did not defend herself against my response at all. So where do you get the "NEVER" heard Cindi talk like this? And yet, once again, you swoop in to defend her really mean-spirited, totally uncalled-for behavior? What's up with that?

                    Here's an idea for you, Zen: Instead of defending Cindi, try defending Cindi's posts. I think you might find it a bit of challenge. It may mean that you actually have to read back a bit so that you know full well what you are defending. Have fun with that.
                    * * *




                      Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                      Tracy, I think your reply to Cindi was spot on.

                      Cinders, WTF? Seriously WTF?

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                        Umm, let's see Murph:

                        I really can't tell about the reliability of the information I got, except that it comes from the Admins...and from reliable addiction therapists...
                        One thing I am sure of, he'd better go back to the AA meetings to work on himself..but will he?
                        Doesn't alarm me either. I'm going on with my bac + acomprosate + naltrexone + addiction therapist + shrink and soon to go in an alcohool post-cure medical center near the Spanish border, for 6 weeks, to practise sports, give up smoking and work on my self-esteem.... since I've been put on sick leave because of the SE...I'd make the most of it !!!
                        You don't find that post a little bit, umm, what is the word Tracy used? OA, go back to AA!!! Work on himself? Will he?

                        You know, Murph, Florie has since apologized for those remarks.

                        However, I do agree with Chi:

                        Chi This thread disturbs me.

                        Calling out Dr. A, unsubstantiated rumors about him "relapsing".... WTF

                        And it's being done on a public forum.

                        The man owes us NOTHING.

                        It almost seems like bullying to me and I think it's bullshit.
                        However, I do agree my very snide remark about Sounds like a great vacation on other people's money. Have fun.
                        was very rude, but as I posted to Tracy AND subsequently to Florie in our PMs, and I paste it here:

                        I take umbrage with someone who gets 6 weeks of treatment due to her SEs from Baclofen and thinks it is okay. I don't get it.

                        I doubt you would agree with someone who takes any other drug that causes issues so they can get free therapy?
                        Florie has since explained to me that she had no idea how badly the SEs would affect her and they made her work impossible. Her initial post did not indicate that.

                        So, Murph, that is the way it went.

                        I am not a b@tch. I posted what I thought and felt (albeit, it wasn't kind) and was treated like all with whom Tracy disagrees.

                        That is WTF.
                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                          Murphyx;1088851 wrote: Tracy, I think your reply to Cindi was spot on.

                          Cinders, WTF? Seriously WTF?
                          Thanks, Murph. I'm hearing it in PM too. I don't think Cindi realizes how she's coming across to people here.

                          I'll try tea-bagging . . . um, I mean the Swede thing (not the political thing or the sucking thing or . . .) - the tobacco thing. It actually sounds a lot like the Nicorette gum, which you're not supposed to really chew anyway, or suck, or swallow :imshocked:, but merely park the nasty-tasty goo somewhere in your mouth.

                          I'm all over the Swede thing, and I have a co-guinea-pig in cahoots!
                          * * *




                            Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                            Zenstyle;1088854 wrote: Listen here... Murphy whoever you are and Tracy... this is a SUPPORT SITE.
                            Coolio, Zen! Maybe you should work on getting your little buddy on board with that. It would be more productive than defending her - much more productive.
                            * * *




                              Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                              Okay, let me get this straight.

                              Tracy is all over somebody being upset over others accusing a person of relapsing that has not been confirmed but is rumored.

                              Tracy is all over somebody getting six weeks of rehab for free (because it is socialized medicine, it must not cost anyone anything, and no, Florie, I understand now that you sufferered SEs from Baclofen that you did not think you would.)

                              Tracy calls someone who questions these things and makes snide comments as "acting like a b@tch" which does NOT mean she is calling her a b@tch, just acting like one.

                              Murph says this is all "spot on," and it is okay and apparently Tracy is getting all kinds of pms from people supporting her.

                              So, Tracy, you have relapsed and you must go to AA. Will you? I doubt it.

                              I am going to take some sort of drug that makes me really, really sick on purpose and get some time off of work for it.

                              Anyone get the dichotomy in this?

                              AF April 9, 2016


                                Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                                I'm really really sorry for all that.
                                Could we stop? It doesn't make any sense... We all suffer from the same f*** disease !!!
                                I really apologize for what I said... Should I delete my second post?
                                I really hate the idea of Tracy being accused because she's been very nice and welcoming to me when I started posting here...and it took me more than 4 years to dare post on an English speaking forum as it is not my native language (shyness, anxiety...all the feelings Ameisen describe so well)...

                                We all say things we do not really mean or that others misinterpret...It just happens...I hope it 's all settled now..
                                This is a thread about....
                                why Ameisen connects but never posts...


