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Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

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    Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

    Gyco, I think I know what you mean...don't use drugs to get off alcohol, do it using mental strength or faith.


      Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

      Gyco;1089514 wrote: good morning all, you would think, just stopping and going thro the pain of withdrawl can have the same feeling, you would think :H there is a time in ones life you eventually get it, if not you die :upset:even tho we have an addiction,we should treat it with something else we can get addicted to:upset:i was on Bac for hiccups,that is what the doc prescribed,it is a a muscle relaxent, the valve in my throat wasn t closing properly,.5 milagrams for3 days ,your talking 220 mil a day,give your head a shake,it is not a cure for alchoholism, lets face it, when one gets to the point many of us have been to, darn we would believe and do anything,our brain actually isn t working so what have we to lose,don t kid yourself,there is but one way to stop, STOP :H have a nice day
      Gyco, first of all I don't know why someone such as yourself, who believes there is only one way to stop, would come on the med thread. The only reason would seem to be to stir the pot. Not that you aren't welcome - you are. And not that I won't debate you - I will. But lets get your true intentions for being on this thread out there.

      A lot of people believe bac is a "cure". That is their experience, and neither you nor I have the right to question that. Personally, I do not believe it is a cure. I believe it is a valuable tool.

      We have a three fold disease, IMO. It is a disease of the body, mind and spirit. I treat the mind with counseling, the spirit with the 12 steps and the body (brain) with bac. For me, it takes all three. Other people treat these in different ways and it works for them.

      To ignore the brain piece is to insure failure, at least for me.

      Since you want some lively debate, I will give you some. Your assertion that there is only one way to get sober is ignorant and naive. You may have over 6,000 posts on MWO, but I don't think you know much about the science of addiction.

      But hey - you are sober, you are here and I respect you for that.
      Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
      - Jacob August Riis


        Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

        I agree. I think that any med can only take you so far. If you really wanted to you could drink through any med if you put your mind to it. They can bring you to a point where you can make good decisions but at the end of the day then we have to jump off the train.Its great that they have been invented though to allow us to make those decisions. I would never have achieved 68 days AF if it wasnt for the LO/Bac/antabuse combination.
        I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

        There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


          Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

          coalfire;1089545 wrote: I agree. I think that any med can only take you so far. If you really wanted to you could drink through any med if you put your mind to it. They can bring you to a point where you can make good decisions but at the end of the day then we have to jump off the train.Its great that they have been invented though to allow us to make those decisions. I would never have achieved 68 days AF if it wasnt for the LO/Bac/antabuse combination.
          68 days sober is awesome, CF. Way to go!
          Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
          - Jacob August Riis


            Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

            wow CF 68 days is awesome! Could you tell me what the LO stands for in your post? i.e bac/antabuse and LO?



              Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

              Lithium orotate in the treatment of alcoholism and... [Alcohol. 1986 Mar-Apr] - PubMed result

              Lithium orotate. Here is a study which shows that 10 out of 42 alcoholics on it stayed sober for over 3 years and others for shorter periods. If you are interested I have a thread on page 1 of the holistic healing section called lithium orotate again.It seems to be a hit and miss affair as to who it works for. I have searched the archives and other people have got sober on it too but there isn't too many. As far as I know I am the only current member who got sober on it but there maybe someone else who I don't know about. As I said low dose Bac and antabuse for high risk situations have played their part too and also general MWO wisdom particularly the AA advice. Lithium orotate was the biggest influence though.
              I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

              There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                Thanks so much for your reply. I will read your thread. You seem to have approached your sobriety with a tenacious determination. I so admire that.

                Thanks again.

                Missy x


                  Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                  I am trying my best. I am so sick of this condition dominating my life. I want out so badly its not funny. I have 2 goals
                  1 close down the drinking then

                  2 close down the thinking about it as much as is humanly possible.

                  This time next year I want it to be the smallest thing about me and my life.
                  I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                  There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                    Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                    coalfire;1089619 wrote: I am trying my best. I am so sick of this condition dominating my life. I want out so badly its not funny. I have 2 goals
                    1 close down the drinking then

                    2 close down the thinking about it as much as is humanly possible.

                    This time next year I want it to be the smallest thing about me and my life.
                    That is beautiful, CF. I pray that for all of us. I second what Missy said - your tenacity is admirable.
                    Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
                    - Jacob August Riis


                      Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!


                      PbarE;1089535 wrote: Gyco, first of all I don't know why someone such as yourself, who believes there is only one way to stop, would come on the med thread. The only reason would seem to be to stir the pot. Not that you aren't welcome - you are. And not that I won't debate you - I will. But lets get your true intentions for being on this thread out there.

                      A lot of people believe bac is a "cure". That is their experience, and neither you nor I have the right to question that. Personally, I do not believe it is a cure. I believe it is a valuable tool.

                      We have a three fold disease, IMO. It is a disease of the body, mind and spirit. I treat the mind with counseling, the spirit with the 12 steps and the body (brain) with bac. For me, it takes all three. Other people treat these in different ways and it works for them.

                      To ignore the brain piece is to insure failure, at least for me.

                      Since you want some lively debate, I will give you some. Your assertion that there is only one way to get sober is ignorant and naive. You may have over 6,000 posts on MWO, but I don't think you know much about the science of addiction.

                      But hey - you are sober, you are here and I respect you for that.
                      hi Pbar, i m not here to stir a pot, i read what i read,as someone once said,stick to the forum that suits you,they all suit me, i've been doing this [stop,start, thing]i tried meds for a few years ? , i got in confrontations in AA,rehab and anything else you can think of, MY WAY OUT IS A STRESS RELIEVER,[ it is talk written down],i will end on this note, you can try anything you want, if it works use it,:H one day you will see that,:thanks:gyco


                        Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                        Gyco;1089666 wrote: hi Pbar, i m not here to stir a pot, i read what i read,as someone once said,stick to the forum that suits you,they all suit me, i've been doing this [stop,start, thing]i tried meds for a few years ? , i got in confrontations in AA,rehab and anything else you can think of, MY WAY OUT IS A STRESS RELIEVER,[ it is talk written down],i will end on this note, you can try anything you want, if it works use it,:H one day you will see that,:thanks:gyco
                        Right on, Gyco.
                        Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
                        - Jacob August Riis


                          Dr. Ameisen is on MWO - Right Now!

                          Wow, what a lively group we have here. You may not know me because I generally stay in Subs. But I do lurk over here often.

                          This is how *I* feel, and quite strongly. Don't call Cindi a bitch. She's absolutely not. She's always been very helpful and a more supportive person you'll rarely find. And I've known her for quite a while. When I first "met" her, we didn't get along and we were both drunk. It's not that way now, and hasn't been for quite a while. I know her now. She's a kind, caring person. She struggles. And no, she didn't ask me to defend her. That's not her style. I think she does a damn good job by herself. And NO ONE makes me do anything.
                          gyco;1089156 wrote: otter there is but one way to stop drinking and it without DRUGS
                          Gyco, in the future, when you make a statement like this, please say, "in my opinion." When you say there is only one way to stop drinking and it [sic] without DRUGS, that is YOUR opinion. It certainly isn't mine and I don't think I'm the only one.

                          I've taken Naltrexone with tremendous success. I did not use TSM although I totally understand why it would work. I have never dealt with Balcofen, so I won't speak about it.

                          I'd been drinking since the early 70s and I mean DRINKING. I've been to in- and out-patient facilities. None of that worked. AA didn't work either. I've been to countless psychiatrists over the years, just moving from one to another as they retire or I've moved. Due to the Naltrexone, I'm AL free, totally. At the age of almost 60, I feel like a new person. Yes, I take a drug to stop drinking. So what?

                          If anyone wants to PM me, go ahead. I've never been PM'd regarding a post I've made in all the years I've been here. My opinion is that PMing someone is a wussy, namby-pamby way to deal with things. Say what you think in front of everyone else. *I* can take it.

                          I've been told I'm contentious. Yes, I am. I'm a lot of things.

                          Again, please do not ever call Cindi a bitch. Thank you.
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

