Here is what I have to say about Baclofen thus far. It stops benders and out of control drinking behavior in its tracks - BUT - at the levels I have been at, I drink like a total fish. No real side effects to complain about, but it has done nothing to reduce my intake, thus far, or at least recently.
Something pretty amazing did happen in December, however. I was away from home for 19 DAYS visiting family over the holidays and didn't have ONE drink. Which was absolutely incredible for me. I actually can't believe that happened.
When I got back home, however, where it is just me and my GF and I don't know anyone, I started drinking HEAVILY again. Some strange things have happened, however. I drink as much as I want and don't go on benders. That is a major difference.
Once, not too long ago when my GF was out of town, I drank a fifth of whiskey in maybe 4 or 5 hours, went to bed and got up 5 hours later and worked (I work from home). Normally, if I did that, I might not draw a sober breath for days. I used to have bad binges.
That doesn't happen anymore. I had one incident since I started taking BAC, and that occurred recently in Steamboat Springs. I was alone and ended up drinking for two days and nights on the weekend. I also used some drugs, which kind of exacerbated the drinking session.
That was not a good situation, but I was sane enough and lucid enough and in enough control not to drive and to stay an extra night to sober up. Not pleasant, but not fully out of control, even though it normally would have headed there in a hurry. It has to be the BAC.
Can someone offer me a solution to the delivery problem. This is absolutely ridiculous.