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Todays the day for me and bac

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    Todays the day for me and bac

    Day 7 bac, am on 30 mg, last night I felt stoned! but I like that and it was of an evening so was cool, Im also sleeping well too. While I was away though I noticed my legs and feet where aching if I walked any distance and also when I went swimming it was really hard work, my arms felt like they where made of lead. Yesterday I went to my local shop which happens to be bargain booze! and was just chatting to the woman who works there, she was saying how well I looked and realised later that I had just payed my tv licence bill in there and not even looked at the drinks. Before I have avoided going in there which has been a hastle as there is nowhere else nereby to pay that bill. So everything going well for me right now so far so good Im well impressed with bac.


      Todays the day for me and bac

      Am on day 8 now, my son had his friends staying over last night so I got a lie in today until 11. I am sleeping so much on bac still only on 30mg but may go up today. I havent made a plan as to how Im going to titrate up yet. I am worried about what the SE's will be like when I start my new job in around 2 weeks. especially the weak arms as I will be on checkout in a big supermarket and also the tiredness. I am now not sure weather to go up quickly in the next week so Ive got a week then to recover before I start work or to carry on going up slowly. I will probably go to 40mg today and see how I feel with that.


        Todays the day for me and bac

        Going well Space. You'll find that the SE's come and go with different levels, so your weak arms shouldn't bother you for too much longer. As well, the tiredness - your job sounds like it will be fairly active, so I don't reckon you'll have too much of an issue there. It's desk jobs that are real killers when it comes to being tired!


          Todays the day for me and bac

          Yesterday I took 40mg and was ok but still the stoned feeling, I'm cool with that but I couldnt do it if I had to be out of the house of drive like that. I'm starting to get a bit paraniod also because I havent told my family what I'm doing, when I mentioned about taking nal a while ago I got a big row about buying meds of the net so I decided not to go with that opposition to bac, its too important to me to risk my family trying to stop me.


            Todays the day for me and bac

            For me, I had the stoned feeling throughout, but mostly because I went up so fast. Most people seem to report it with an increase in dose, and that it fades as you adapt. Bear in mind you are increasing dramatically at this point - from 20 to 40 is a 100% increase, whereas later, from 140 to 160 is only a 15% increase.

            Plus, like all stoned feelings, you will get used to it.


              Todays the day for me and bac

              Today (day 9) I took 10mg this morning but had to go out this afternoon and do quite a bit of driving so I missed my lunchtime bac. Around 4pm as I was on my way home I had horrible craving so stopped and bought a can of pepsi and took 10mg. Driving home was then scary, concentrating was hard work. I have still got 2 weeks or so to go before I start work though so I'm not too worried as yet.


                Todays the day for me and bac

                Hang in there Space. It's seems like you are handling things well. I never had the experience you had from a missed dose so hopefully someone else can offer you more advice or insight into that. I don't know what else to say but keep it up.


                  Todays the day for me and bac

                  Hang in there Space. It's seems like you are handling things well. I don't know what else to say but keep it up.


                    Todays the day for me and bac

                    Space, something to bear in mind is the time it takes for baclofen to enter your bloodstream. The literature say between 3 to 4 hours is where you will feel the peak dosage after taking baclofen. Various members here say that it is much quicker, and say half an hour. I took mine every two hours, so was never able to work out which dose was affecting me.

                    Next time you take a dose, pay careful attention to when you feel the effects. Once you can work out how long baclofen takes to peak for you, you can adjust your dosage to fit to your schedule.

                    Other than that, it sounds like you are doing well.


                      Todays the day for me and bac

                      Thanks bleep and every I realised last night that when I took the bac yesterday afternoon after the craving I had stopped craving compleately, that is amazing and great news to me. I'm still happy with my decision to take bac and am looking forward to continuing. Bleep do you find that taking every two hours minimises the stoned feeling? Today I'm going to try to be very aware of whats happening to me so I can plan especially for when I have to drive.


                        Todays the day for me and bac

                        ps yesterday I took 50mg am not sure why I did this when I had planned to stick at 40, probably because Im panicking over the time frame Im setting myself now due to starting work soon


                          Todays the day for me and bac

                          If you are ok on 50mg's then I would just go with it. The trick here is to make a sensible plan, and stick with it. Consistency will be the thing that wins this for you Space, as well as determination obviously, which you seem to have!

                          Try to be calm about this. It will happen.


                            Todays the day for me and bac

                            I was up and had to go out again this morning in my car, I think I got a bit dizzy but only for a minute or two and then was fine, I took 10mg when I got up and then none until I got back home around 5.30, I was busy cleaning my aunties house and my mums flat (they are both in their 80's). On the way home again I started craving a drink, same as happened yesterday but today I drove straight home and took bac then.
                            I feel so much happier and more confident already, the fact that Ive found the solution to my drinking is really unbelievable at times and I have to keep telling myself this is for real.


                              Todays the day for me and bac

                              I dont know now how many days I've been on bac, hang on while I work it out, 12 I think.I am finding the need to keep this log getting more important as I am forgetting things even more than usual and I was scatty enough before. I am finding myself going to say something and then my mind is just blank. Anyway today I woke around 8.30 1st 10mg 9am, I had to go around to the post office to cash my giro and my car wouldnt start, I had left the drivers door open all night with the interior light on, shit! I had to WALK to the shop!!!! This is the first time I have done this AF and was a strange thing to be doing and I started feeling like I should be pissed and running to the offy. Around 11 I started with the stoned feeling again, I now know why I'm not a pothead cos this is beginning to piss me off now. I have just taken another 10mg so will see how the days goes, am going to try and space the dose out more during today and see if it stops the afternoon craving. Im sure this has something to do with the bac wearing off cos my cravings usually started in the morning.
                              Also Im starting to get a bit paraniod bleep that my thread just pretty well seems to be you and me, not that I dislike taking to you, I think your cool but I am now wondering why no one else seems to like me. What the hell am I saying, this is getting more like weed all the flippin*** time. I will get off now while I still remember to press post and dont just wander off and forget im on the laptop


                                Todays the day for me and bac

                                Looking good Spacebebe!

                                Sorry for not posting. I always read your thread but don't necessarily have anything useful to add.

                                The stoned feeling certainly gets a bit annoying after a while, and this is coming from someone who used to smoke dope 24/7 for several years. :H It fades eventually, but in the meantime you might just have to get used to it or find a way to ignore it. As I said, not necessarily very useful, but there ya go.

                                The unexamined life is not worth living

