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Todays the day for me and bac

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    Todays the day for me and bac

    There are penguins in the UK?

    AF April 9, 2016


      Todays the day for me and bac

      Yes, you can pick them up for about 20p each. Sorry, I mean you can p-p-p-p-pick them up for about 20p each.

      The unexamined life is not worth living


        Todays the day for me and bac

        Space, just wanted to wish you luck for the upcoming week. I won't be around, but will be eager to read how you are doing when I get back.


          Todays the day for me and bac

          I'm worried that I might seem a bit mad so let me explain:

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Todays the day for me and bac

            Hi bleep are you going on holiday? if so9 have a good time
            Hi Cindy penguins are chocolate biscui8t bars here in UK
            Hi Murphy dont worry about sounding mad, that ship has already sailed
            I* cant get on here much because of the sharing my laptop thing in my house, its getting on my nerves now with both my sons arguing and wanting to use it because of theirs being broken. I went to a wedding to9day, well it was not a wedding but a civil partnership because they are bride and bride, it was good, not drinking didnt bother me but I did feel liike I was missing out on something later on in the evening when everyone else had had a few and I was sober asnd struggling to join in. But am still really gload I was sober and can go to bed ok now. Yesterday my daughter asked me why do I look stoned all the time and tonight she asked me if I have been drinking, I dont know whether to come clean to her and tell her about the bac or not
            Really tired tho so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

            bac 100 mg yesterday and today


              Todays the day for me and bac


              I have told my family so they don't think I am drinking. My husband says that some of my mannerisms are the same as when I drink. Thought that odd.

              However, having gone from 0 - 120/140 within two weeks, I am a bit stoned. The other night I fell asleep while on my laptop and hit my forehead by my left eyebrow. It is still sore. :H:H

              None of them approve. They all think I am wussing out trying to find the "magic" pill.

              However, my children still drink. My daughter is a struggling, serious alcoholic. She is better than she was back in the day but still having some drinking days here and there. I would recommend Baclofen to her but she has 5 children ranging from 10 to 8 months old. (Two of them are only part time, however, Wednesdays and every other weekend.) But a 9 year old, a 23 month old and an 8 month old keep one pretty busy. She can't afford to be woozy and off balance.

              I thought about Naltrexone for her but she has severe liver damage from her drinking. Scares mama to death. Oh well. I am sorry. Hijack.

              Glad you are doing well, Space. Making it through the wedding was great. What are you plans with Baclofen? Are you going for AF or Mod?

              AF April 9, 2016


                Todays the day for me and bac

                That must be tough for you and your daughter Cindy, WOW 5 grandchildren lucky you Im still waiting for one my daughter and her boyfriend have been trying for a baby for about a year but so far no luck Ive told her to go the docs but she wont, the wedding was great but I woke up with what feels like a hangover. I am about 7 weeks AF now and hoping to stay that way, right now I have no desire to mod plus it would cause so much trouble with my family if they saw me start drinking again, how about you Cindy, weve been on bac about the same time now I think 2 weeks for me and Im up to 100mg so it will be good to have a friend on here now at the same stage as me.


                  Todays the day for me and bac

                  After waking with the "hangover" plus my daughter saying I have looked stoned all week then asking me if Ive been drinking I am getting worried about taking bac with starting work in less than 2 weeks, I have taken 100mg for the past 2 days and realised that yesterday at the wedding I had no interest in AL whatsoever and I have also posted that I have no desire to mod this is pretty amazing considering the amount of time I have spent drinking and the amount I drank, to be able to mod was an obsession for me and that thought always took me back to full scale alcoholic drinking. My worry is though the starting work, I have waited so long for this job and to mess it up by apperaring stoned or drunk would devastate me but so would messing it up by drinking, I know I have had 7 weeks AF which many on here dont have on starting bac but a lot of that time was spent craving a drink and waiting to drink, I am still scared that I might drink again. Am I waffling on here, have kind of forgotten what Im talking about, this keeps on happening I just zone out and forge3t what Im doing or saying. Still not made a decision re bac, am not giving up bac but need to re think my dosage and titration so I am ok to start job. I would be very grateful for and thoughts on this. Thanks


                    Todays the day for me and bac

                    Morning, (for me) Space.

                    I have found that altering my dose by tapering down a bit can greatly improve the cognitive SEs pretty quickly. (within a couple of days.) You have two weeks, right? You can maybe continue to taper up and leave enough time to taper down before you start your job, if you feel that's the right decision.

                    Congratulations (huge, huge congrats) on the AF-ness. If you're ambivalent (indifferent?) toward AL then you may be just where you need to be... We're ALL (or at least I am!) scared of returning to what was.



                      Todays the day for me and bac

                      I just want to make a quick not of what has happened to me today. I overslept this morning and my son was late for school on his first day back after spring break, I had been having a really wierd vivid dream which I still though was real when I woke, all day I have felt low and not wanted to do anything, I am becoming worried about the state I am in, today I have reduced the dose to 50mg so far. I need to see if I feel any better tomorow , If I was not starting work soon I would probably have stuck with doing this slower and would definately stick with it but I cant take the risk


                        Todays the day for me and bac

                        Ive only had 10mg bac for the past 2 days and am still feeling grotty, had about 2 hours sleep last night but hoping to feel better soon. Dont know how Im going to cope with cravings now I was sure this would work


                          Todays the day for me and bac

                          Hey Spacebebe

                          I'm almost down to zero myself, just had 50mgs yesterday and will have 25 today, nothing tomorrow.

                          I'm not feeling fantastic yet, still a bit slow but to be expected. I think the important thing is not to go "Yeah I can drink now". I've had a few drinking ideas but generally I know any/all sober time is useful.

                          Not sure about suggestions about titrating up then coming back down, I know I'm still not 100% with concentration/mood etc.


                            Todays the day for me and bac

                            Hi Spacebebe how are you doing today?

                            Just wanted to say that last year I stayed at 50-75 of bac and my drinking was greatly reduced to about half. I did not have any bad SE's at that level and functioned fine at work. Is it possible to lower your level to a point you feel okay job wise and then just see where you are with the cravings? You may find they are not so bad and even if you do drink it will be reduced. Everyone has to decide for themselves but in my mind that is better than throwing in the whole towel and risking the way over the top drinking that many of us did as a way of life. I don't think it has to be an all or nothing deal.


                              Todays the day for me and bac

                              Hi Chi and UK at the moment I am not taking any bac and over the past few days have started to feel better, I totally get the point tho that it doesent have to be an all or nothing deal and have over 100 pills here to use if I decide to try again to start me off. I do think I went up way too fast in a panic over starting work and also I frightened myself not expecting the massive effect they would have on me. I am now taking all the suppliments I can get, reading all the books I can, trying to take things easy and not get stressed (though that seems impossible, even thinking about it gets me stressed) and still seeing my doctor and therapist. Also anti depressants and SMART groups. The fact is that I have done all this before and still the cravings have got the better of me so that is why I am keeping hold of my baclofen and open to giving it another go but when my life is more settled.


                                Todays the day for me and bac

                                Hi Space,

                                Sorry to hear you have had a rough go of it. Do you think it was entirely that you went up to quickly? Perhaps a more gentle approach is required next time From the sounds of it, you were pretty close to the goal, if not there, so it will be interesting to see if the effect last on past the baclofen.

                                On another note, just stopping can be risky, so if you feel at all odd, I would definitely take a little baclofen. The danger period seems to about 72 hours after last taking baclofen, so be aware of that. Perhaps you already past it, in which case no worries.

                                Best of luck with your new methods, I hope you find success!

