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A note from Dr. Ameisen

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    A note from Dr. Ameisen

    After the recent rumors on this board I contacted Dr. Ameisen at his personal website. He gave me permission to post this portion of his response.

    Loud and clear: of course I HAVE NOT RELAPSED!
    As you know if you have read my book, how could I relapse?
    Do I have any merit? None. It is simply impossible for anybody who is on baclofen at adequate dose to relapse.
    Besides, it has been over seven years that I have been entirely free of the disease and ironically, while some chose to drink in a non-dependent way (that is, as social drinkers do) on baclofen, I have personally entirely lost any pleasure in drinking so that drinking a single glass of any liquor would be a rather disgusting experience for me.

    These rumors are excellent news though. They are in fact very old but are being amplified as my treatment is solidly establishing itself as the one and only treatment that completely suppresses addiction. The rumors started being orchestrated in 2009, after my book was published, when a very small number of unethical and money-greedy addiction specialists started seeing results and feared for their personal future. While they refused to prescribe baclofen, patients received baclofen from their GP's (GPs are now by far the main prescribers) or from other addiction experts. Within only days or sometimes weeks, their addiction was completely suppressed, effortlessly.

    What is remarkable, is that my book and my papers in the most prestigious medical peer-reviewed medical journals (including JAMA and Lancet) led the elite of addiction medicine specialists, psychiatrists and internists to invite me to lecture or give grand rounds in many universities such as Harvard, Columbia, New York University/Bellevue, University of Berlin to quote only a few.

    Please reassure everybody on the forum. At the first place, my addiction as well as my discovery were published by myself in a prestigious medical journal, Alcohol and Alcoholism in 2004. I am the only practicing physician who has openly disclosed his alcoholism using his full name. This coud have ruined my career. But I did not care. My goal as you know was to help save patients who are living the hell of addiction to finally die of the disease, since as is published in the medical literature, there is no other efficient treatment than the one I discovered: high-dose baclofen. But honesty pays. As early as december 2008, in recognition for my discovery, I was offerred a position of visiting professor of medicine at State University of New York Downstate Medical Center which is my current position.

    Should I, in the future run into any type of medical problem: should baclofen stop its effect (which is highly unlikely because in nearly 50 years, this has never been reported with any patient treated with oral baclofen for muscular spasms, nor has it been reported for the hundreds of patients successfully treated with my baclofen protocol for addiction for as long as six years), you can be assured that I would immediately publish a paper in Alcohol and Alcoholism to inform the medical community about such a possibility so that they can help patients. And I would of course inform the media.

    Also if, in the future, for any reason, no longer be able to use baclofen, I surely would not drink. Drinking is not a knee-jerk reflex. Would I even feel any worse if I stopped being on baclofen?

    As I did not wait for anybody to break my anonymity about my former illness, why would I wait for somebody to spread the news?
    Just ask anybody on MWO to question: what could the ulterior motives be, for the "good samaritans" who expresses such sudden concern with my health and seem to know much more about it than I myself do?

    The truth is that the "anti-baclofen" lobby is entirely destabilized. They see that despite their efforts, doctors are now routinely prescribing high-dose baclofen in the US as well as in Europe. They are petrified because academia is now solidly stands behind and prescribes my treatment. At the invitation of the head of psychiatry and addiction medicine at the university of Z?rich, Switzerland, Dr. Rudolf Stohler, who has long (as many doctors everywhere) been "prescribing" my book to all of his patients, I gave a lecture in front of 200 people on January 27, 2011. As a result, we will soon start a clinical trial, but if you look at the homepage of the Swiss Society of Addiction Medicine (SSAM), you will see "quote of the week : Pr. Ameisen : "Abstinence is torture". This "quote of the week" has now been running for its 3rd month!
    Zitat der Woche | SSAM - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Suchtmedizin - Société Suisse de Médecine de l'Addiction

    In late Febrruary, there has been a massive offensive by the French media to call it a scandal that despite the hundreds of patients whose lives have been saved and the rapidly growing number of doctors who prescribe my treatment, resistance to a life-saving treatment, high-dose baclofen continues in some circles. The media ranges from "Sciences et Avenir", a science monthly magazine that has devoted its editorial and 8 pages of its February issue to rave about the results, to Paris-Match, a landmark weekly magazine that has a circulation of around one million and that has devoted 4 pages including a long interview of me and put a 2 minute Youtube section with a Q&A in which I am asked to describe how I made this discovery. Paris Match and Sciences et Avenir were both published on the same day, February 24, 2011. It was followed a few days later by"Europe 1", one of France's leading radio station that interviewed me on the same topic.

    The same has happened in Germany.
    If one wishes to have the information on what is happening, the best is to go to my official websites.
    For those who read French, my French one is currently entirely updated:
    Olivier Ameisen - site officiel mis ? jour par le Professeur Ameisen lui m?me -
    The English/German/French is not completely up to date:
    Olivier Ameisen, MD

    There are other source of information such as forums in France. As always, they are of uneven quality when it comes to the information they contain. One, that has recently been formed, seems of very good quality:
    Forum baclofene et alcool - Un NOUVEAU forum d'entraide pour ceux qui ont un probleme avec l'alcoolisme
    In this one, there is a gentleman who has been disease-free for a couple of years and has a drink when he wishes. His name is "Anuck" on the forum and he is perfectly fluent in English.

    All of that said, what counts is facts, not fiction and rumors.

    These invented rumors are vicious because they have one and unique goal: to try to discredit baclofen, the only treatment that stops addiction altogether, and for that very reason. As I wrote above, and as the media is powerfully pointing out, there are some who seem to profit more from an alcoholic who is severely ill than from one whose disease is completely suppressed. The fact that their authors of the rumors are trying to amplify them as loud is a VERY good sign. They are overwhelmed and powerless. Since they do not have a single medical/scientific 'anti-baclofen' argument, they are reduced to invent pathetic gossip. Simply ignore them, as they have done in France. Patients, doctors and baclofen do the work very well."


    A note from Dr. Ameisen


    But I don't understand the situation with the French forum as reported by Florie.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      A note from Dr. Ameisen

      Thank you, Chi!


      You saved my life.

      You have my permission to go forward and live yours any way you please! :H:H

      But seriously, thank you for checking in. I'll refrain from organizing a pilgrimage to New York.
      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


        A note from Dr. Ameisen

        THANK YOU!

        Chi and Dr. OA - you have just made my day!!

        THANK YOU.



          A note from Dr. Ameisen

          Hi Murphyx

          I don't understand either.
          One thing, Dr Ameisen in his mail gives the address of a new forum...because the Association AUBES ( to promote the use of baclofen in France) has split up. Dr Ameisen himself has left the association and joined the new forum, whose members are going to set up another association.
          Don't understand how people who all have all got AF for quite a while now can disagree with each other to such an extent. Financial issues among other things, as far as I know/been told.
          I've only been a bac user for two months 1/2. Just happened to be caught in the middle of the mess. Confused & lost. Sorry I shared that over here.

          I'm glad to hear O.A is still AF.

          It's quite true that bac works for most of us.
          It worked perfectly for me & very quickly, and still does, except for the SE.
          As I told Bleep, I'm about to resume studying & work. Which means lowering my dose/the SE, but confidently so, as I have added nalextrone & accomprosate to a low bac dose (+ an analytic therapy started quite a few years ago which had helped me reducing alcohol consumption by half, before bac)
          Will leave both French forums, so as to stop feeling torn between the two and between opposite rumors. Besides I can't really fit into the new forum as anything other than bac ( acomprosate, nalextrone, AA, counselling,...) are regarded as "pure bullshit".



            A note from Dr. Ameisen

            I am very pleased to hear from Dr. Ameisen. I would only ask, if he is reading, that he gives some consideration to making some appearance in the UK press. We are starved of information here.

            Thanks Chi for your efforts. Well done. It is unnerving to hear reports of relapse because he is the longest Baclofen user and it is not nice to wonder if there will be problems in years to come.

            Great news!!



            Olivier Ameisen

            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


              A note from Dr. Ameisen

              Thanks for the update Chi. I too emailed OA, but I never received a response. Did you have a previous relationship with him, or was this a first-time communication, if you don't mind me asking?


                A note from Dr. Ameisen

                bleep;1090558 wrote: Thanks for the update Chi. I too emailed OA, but I never received a response. Did you have a previous relationship with him, or was this a first-time communication, if you don't mind me asking?
                Not at all bleep. It was the first time I ever contacted him, and I got the contact info from his website.


                  A note from Dr. Ameisen

                  :thanks: Chi, for contacting him. Thank you Dr Ameisen for returning the email. It does a lot for morale. At least mine anyway. After all the craziness the last couple of days, it never occured to me that someone should ask him. Good thinking.
                  This Princess Saved Herself


                    A note from Dr. Ameisen

                    This thread (if true and I hope it is) entirely makes up for the shitstorm of douche-baggery that has been parading around this weekend (here and elsewhere in my life) Thank fuck, and pardon my, ahem, french.

                    -tk (who really felt like taking/drinking *something* over the past few days to take the edge off - but not alcohol - because baclofen makes drinking entirely unhelpful, un-fulfilling, and unappealing for me - reached switch on 9/26/10 at 280mg/day baclofen)

                    ummm.......... Winning!

                    (yeah, I said it) (I'm going to do something productive now...)

                    (and one more thing....Thank You Dr. Ameisen! You helped save my life!)
                    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                      A note from Dr. Ameisen

                      Great work Chi!


                        A note from Dr. Ameisen

                        Wow, thanks Chi. I am incredibly amazed that a physician would openly disclose his name and addiction, thank you Dr Ameisen! And thank you for posting your references which gives so much validity to your information. Most especially, thank you for sharing your success story....

                        I just ordered naltrexone =( any suggestions? ....



                          A note from Dr. Ameisen

                          Dr Ameisen, please could you advise on dosage levels after reaching indifference? It is an area of baclofen that is not really touched upon in your book, and a grey area for many of us here. Several members are struggling with this aspect of the protocol, and lack knowledge of this. It is as important as titrating up, and we are lost.

                          Chi, seeing as how he responds to you, would you mind asking him that? I have sent several emails of to the man, but have received no response. I would greatly appreciate it.


                            A note from Dr. Ameisen

                            Putting the rumours aside, he has a very valid point regards the recovery 'experts' which in my view is being looked at quite intensively in this country. As with the treatment and research into cancer, if it was suddenly disclosed that a cure was imminent then I feel the same kind of 'rumours' would be spreading within that field. It's my own personal opinion that a cure has been found but the loss of revenue within the cancer research field would be astronomical to the economy. It just couldn't be revealed as openly as people would like.

                            I was happy to read this anyway this morning, even though I'm not a baclofen user. I hate all this dogma and lies that takes away a person's individual right to choose.

                            Many Blessings
                            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                              A note from Dr. Ameisen

                              bleep;1090925 wrote: Dr Ameisen, please could you advise on dosage levels after reaching indifference? It is an area of baclofen that is not really touched upon in your book, and a grey area for many of us here. Several members are struggling with this aspect of the protocol, and lack knowledge of this. It is as important as titrating up, and we are lost.

                              Chi, seeing as how he responds to you, would you mind asking him that? I have sent several emails of to the man, but have received no response. I would greatly appreciate it.
                              Sure bleep I will try. Did you use his website to contact him? Just wondering if your contact info is correct?

                              I also think it is possible that Dr. Ameisen doesn't give specific medical advice to people via email (rather speaks in general terms and advises one consult with their own doctor) because that could put him at risk with his license. I noticed in the book he tells people to consult with their doctor before and during treatment. That might be the reason he isn't responding with medical advice. Seems he is trying to get trials going and dealing with "professionals" who would rather he fail. In fact rumors of things like relapse when it isn't true sound like outright sabotage to me, so I don't blame him for being very, very careful. He has to if he wants a chance to get this mainstream. Anyone can be anything on the internet. His opponents could try to set him up. People can be vicious. When I wrote I asked him to speak about himself, not answer questions about how I should take bac. See what I mean?

                              All that being said, I am with you in that I want to know more about dosing after indifference. My guess at this point is that it is individual, much like the dose to get to indifference.... the problem is we have a lot of info on that right here so we feel comfortable ramping up our doses. Not the same with going down. We need to encourage more of that, imo.

