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Baclofen Question from Somewhat Newbie

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    Baclofen Question from Somewhat Newbie

    Thanks again all.

    I have decided on a provisional plan.

    Still have several hours for more reading tomorrow; time to make tweaks.

    Maddeningly, I can't find my notebook (paper kind) that contains my titration schedule during the last attempts, so my numbers although probably near aren't accurate.

    My memory tells me that during the first attempts, I started out out worked up very slowly- i.e:
    10mgs for 2 days
    15 mgs for 3 days
    20 mgs for 3 days
    25 mgs for 3 days
    30 mgs for 3 days etc...until I reached around 50 mgs and up, and got "brave" concerning SEs, and began titrating more erratically.

    In retrospect, seeing it here in type, I wonder if it was erratic "too confident" behavior, or rather an effect of bac? Well, that's just wondering, but it could have been a result of the "blah" feeling that seems to occur at higher doses. I was more concerned at drinking when taking bac at low doses; once I worked my way up my drinking also went up, but my concern about any damage seemed to wear off.

    I am thinking, if I go immediately to 40mgs, I will already experience the tiredness, sometimes pleasant relaxed feeling and sometimes more worrying SEs such as jerky hands and forgetting things that slow titration brings on at higher doses.

    I am basically hoping against hope, due to the lack of titration, this will be enough to stop me wanting to drink. (As I experienced with my mega leap last time).

    When I start, I'll make sure I have my drink of choice, which is beer, at a nearby distance: i.e not next to the pillow but in the kitchen.

    If it doesn't stop me, I'll go up to 50 mgs the following day.

    I'll continue going up by 10 mgs daily until the end of my free time...brain and body allowing, of course. Needless to say, if I feel I am near, I'll risk my job if it means taking extra days off.

    Although this is not a protocol Dr. OA followed or advises, I can't see the point of a third slow titration (with an intermittent huge jump) just to fail again, given my past experience.


      Baclofen Question from Somewhat Newbie

      The clinic which treated me had me take 10 mg 3x/day for 3 days, then 20 mg 3x/day for 3 days and then up 20 mg every 3 says until goal was met. I believe starting at 180/day would be way too much. I would suggest you rethink this as it appears you are wisely doing. Also try to be abstinent as soon as possible or even when you start. I believe it makes it easier to achieve your goal that way at a lower dose. By combining will power with the craving reduction you may be able to achieve your goal without as many side effects and risks.
      Also, with respect driving I always drove where I was going and THEN took the dose even if it was somewhat late. It was better than being at the peak of the dose while I drove. Could you do that?
      Good luck


        Baclofen Question from Somewhat Newbie

        Cat, I would suggest picking a couple of levels, say 80mg's and 120mg's for now, and staying on those doses for a few days, just to give your brain a chance to cope with the increasing baclofen levels in your body. Just racing through may work for SE's, but it's the main effect you are after, and that takes a little time to sink in.

        Good luck.


          Baclofen Question from Somewhat Newbie

          Hi Cat, Im new to bac (am on day 7 now) but am worried about your plan, I dont see how you could do this in a week or 10 days and be ok to go back to work, I also wonder if it would work anyway, the way I look at it going slowly gives your brain and body a change to adjust and also your habits to change. I was 5 weeks AF on starting bac and I know this is probably not possible for you I do think trying to go AF when you start will definately help a lot. Maybe you could think of combining bac with campral or nal. I have taken campral and had no SE's whatsoever and it did help take the edge of the cravings for me, the only problem I had with it was forgetting to take it (2 x 3 tablets a day) but I think its ok at first it was only after a while when I became less motivated that I started forgetting.

          Whatever you choose I wish you the best of luck


            Baclofen Question from Somewhat Newbie

            catlady70;1092933 wrote: Thanks again all.

            I have decided on a provisional plan.

            Still have several hours for more reading tomorrow; time to make tweaks.

            Maddeningly, I can't find my notebook (paper kind) that contains my titration schedule during the last attempts, so my numbers although probably near aren't accurate.

            My memory tells me that during the first attempts, I started out out worked up very slowly- i.e:
            10mgs for 2 days
            15 mgs for 3 days
            20 mgs for 3 days
            25 mgs for 3 days
            30 mgs for 3 days etc...until I reached around 50 mgs and up, and got "brave" concerning SEs, and began titrating more erratically.

            In retrospect, seeing it here in type, I wonder if it was erratic "too confident" behavior, or rather an effect of bac? Well, that's just wondering, but it could have been a result of the "blah" feeling that seems to occur at higher doses. I was more concerned at drinking when taking bac at low doses; once I worked my way up my drinking also went up, but my concern about any damage seemed to wear off.

            I am thinking, if I go immediately to 40mgs, I will already experience the tiredness, sometimes pleasant relaxed feeling and sometimes more worrying SEs such as jerky hands and forgetting things that slow titration brings on at higher doses.

            I am basically hoping against hope, due to the lack of titration, this will be enough to stop me wanting to drink. (As I experienced with my mega leap last time).

            When I start, I'll make sure I have my drink of choice, which is beer, at a nearby distance: i.e not next to the pillow but in the kitchen.

            If it doesn't stop me, I'll go up to 50 mgs the following day.

            I'll continue going up by 10 mgs daily until the end of my free time...brain and body allowing, of course. Needless to say, if I feel I am near, I'll risk my job if it means taking extra days off. .
            Catlady, you have clearly thought this out and made a reasonable plan of action...

            But, I have a suggestion. (Instead of your plan):

            Follow Dr. OA's protocol.

            (your plan, and your past attempts, do not seem to follow Dr. OA's protocol.)

            And for all of you out there who have actually followed Dr. OA's protocol and had problems with it... this is your time to chime in.

            By chime in, I mean: If you followed Dr. OA's protocol to a "T" and it did not work well for you for whatever reason, fine, chime in and explain. And if something different worked for you, fine, let it be known. (It may not be advice, but it is valuable information for catlady and many others).

            Meanwhile, catlady, if you do follow Dr. OA's protocol, you will supposedly not have significant SEs (this is where you get to come back here pronto if you do
            get significant SEs). If (a big
            IF) you follow Dr. OA's protocol and you don't
            get significant SEs, it will be no problem to go back to work. It may not be the quickest way to your goal, but it may be the only way practical.

            NOTE: I never followed Dr. OA's protocol ... just my own way, based on my own feelings... and then my own way based on others' advice here... which resulted in no bac switch 19 months later...

            So, Cat, If you haven't yet commenced on your third attempt, maybe you could try it the OA way and get back to us as it goes?

            (also note spacebebe's comment: "I also wonder if it would work anyway, the way I look at it going slowly gives your brain and body a change to adjust and also your habits to change." Just a thought, the way she puts it, but the basic tennet of the titration and baclofen "END of your addiction" (>not CURE, mind you... but END -- big semantic difference, I feel ... but let's leave that for another thread.)

            catlady70;1092933 wrote: Although this is not a protocol Dr. OA followed or advises, I can't see the point of a third slow titration (with an intermittent huge jump) just to fail again, given my past experience.
            There is a point. He discovered it. He did it. He studied it. He wrote the book. He's a doctor.

            I don't recall he advises slow titration with intermittent huge jumps, either.

            This is all just an idea. I was wondering if this might help you (and if you could be the guinea pig to do it OA's way from the get-go

            Please, everybody, attack me (not with assaults on my general character and sanity, please) with views and experiences that make this (following Dr. OA's protocol from the beginning) a ridiculous suggestion. Otherwise, I will have to be the next (or first?) guinea pig
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Baclofen Question from Somewhat Newbie

              If (a big IF) you follow Dr. OA's protocol and you don't get significant SEs, it will be no problem to go back to work.
              Beatle, what did you mean by that? Are you suggesting the chances are one would get significant SEs from such a protocol?

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                Baclofen Question from Somewhat Newbie

                Sorry, very unclear there, I realize.

                What i meant is if the OA protocol works (i.e. no, or minimal, SEs), she would have no problem going back to work... the big IF is if the protocol really works, and that is what I'm trying to suggest it might be worth trying. Though a bit unfair, i suppose... as in, what if it does not work?

                I know I am not expressing my self well, big meeting coming up... I'll be back later this afternoon.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

