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why am i eating so much Chocolate

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    why am i eating so much Chocolate

    Im on my way down from 300mg of bac a day .
    Im at 160mg now and have been AF for a few months
    But why am i eating so much chocolate?


    why am i eating so much Chocolate

    Because it tastes so good?


      why am i eating so much Chocolate

      I dont know about the effect bac has on this, if any, cos Ive only just started on bac but since I stopped drinking and decided I would use chocolate when I had cravings for alcohol I have found I cant stop eating it as well, I didnt used to eat chocolate much before and didnt even like it that much! I have no idea at all
      why this is but I dont think were alone in this.

      It does taste good too


        why am i eating so much Chocolate

        I have no idea how any of this may be different (or not) on bac.

        I never had a sweet tooth AT ALL until I quit drinking. Without AL, sweet cravings went through the roof.

        I've been working on my sugar cravings lately and read something I think is true for me - alcohol is like the jet fuel of all sugars. Take the AL away and our bodies still scream for sugar.

        Oy. If it's not one thing it's another.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          why am i eating so much Chocolate

          I have always heard exactly what DG just posted.

          When I was in the upper 200's on the bac, I all of a sudden started craving junk food. Don't no why, but that has gone away.
          Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
          - Jacob August Riis


            why am i eating so much Chocolate

            I'm eating sugar free chocolate. I crave it. So it's not the sugar for me.

            Googled the question - the following is quoted from Chemicals in Chocolate and their Impact on the Brain

            Phenylethylamine (PEA)-

            This compound may be responsible for some of the pleasurable feelings you get after eating chocolate because it releases natural feel-good chemicals called endorphins in your brain. PEA is released by the brain when people are falling in love. Perhaps this explains why chocolate and Valentines Day are so closely linked.


              why am i eating so much Chocolate

              I hear you Phil! For me, it's not chocolate, but strange versions of crisps. Doritos and the gang are calling me loudly. I normally can't stand the things, no I desire them. It's odd.

