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Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

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    Baclofen and Exercise / Gym


    I'm a fairly active individual that goes to the gym 5 times a weeks sometimes twice daily for an early morning cardio with weights in the evening.

    I searched the forums but could not find any information particular to this but can anyone tell me whether once you start the Baclofen program by Dr. Ameiser, do you feel less motivated to exercise /cardio/weights? Can you even exercise?

    Also once you start taking it do you have to take it for the rest of your life or does there come a point where you can stop taking it completely and still stay cured??

    Thanks much in advance. Physical shape is kind of important in my occupation and I'm trying to figure out how I can incorporate this program without missing out on personal fitness.
    "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary

    Baclofen and Exercise / Gym


    Whilst some here such a Loop found it beneficial for exercise and training I have found the opposite.

    My background is years of athletics, cycling, swimming and bodybuilding. Since taken baclofen I've become lethargic, lost motivation to exercise and become depressed.

    I have noticed however when I do train, I can train very hard without any soreness or stiffness the next day. What I do miss though is some of the muscle tightness, that tells you you've been training. My stomach feels as if it's falling out all the time but a nurse tells me that will once again be the muscle relaxant effect.

    Fitness has been a big part of my life, and I'm quite depressed about losing this since being on Baclofen - but I don't know which came first.

    As I say Lo0p has experienced something different to myself, all you can do is try.


      Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

      Despite my weight, I also work out hard 5 days per week and find that Baclofen has not affected my motivation to work out at all.


        Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

        Thanks Ukblonde -- I'm sorry to hear it hasn't worked out for you -- although I hope just being able to 'switch' as a result of the Baclofen and getting rid of the beast has brought enough positive changes to where you can take life by the horns and charge again.

        Rusty, Thanks for your post as well, So far Bac has not made me drowsy -- I've already titred up from an initial dose to somewhere around 40mg so far in one day. I actually woke up earlier than usual -- but that could be that I finally went to the gym last night and am hopeful about this program.

        For those looking for more info on LOOP's Gym/Exercise regimen, please see here:
        "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary


          Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

          No problem here using baclofen plus lotsa exercise. I did notice fatigue but once getting to the gym all was fine. Not being hung over was great for my workouts! I have lost 60+ pounds this past year thanks to this healthy routine. I am now a size 4-6 pants (down from 16!). I am on my way to gym this afternoon. This never would have happened without the baclofen. Good luck on your goals.


            Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

            alexan;1094905 wrote: Thanks Ukblonde -- I'm sorry to hear it hasn't worked out for you -- although I hope just being able to 'switch' as a result of the Baclofen and getting rid of the beast has brought enough positive changes to where you can take life by the horns and charge again.

            Rusty, Thanks for your post as well, So far Bac has not made me drowsy -- I've already titred up from an initial dose to somewhere around 40mg so far in one day. I actually woke up earlier than usual -- but that could be that I finally went to the gym last night and am hopeful about this program.

            For those looking for more info on LOOP's Gym/Exercise regimen, please see here:

            As of December 2010 I was still on track to compete in Ms Figure bodybuilding this spring, inspite of a couple of relapses after a hefty time AF last summer. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time and was double training with cardio in the morning and gym work later on in the day. I had a nutritionist hired plus other support. Started baclofen and just lost all motivation, become introverted and depressed. Started drinking more than ever and stuffing junk food down. Since then have really struggled to get motivation back even though through long stretches of sobriety where I believe I had hit the switch. I still didn't start to get on with my life, just wanted to mooch around doing nothing much. I could compete next year and have been give a training/nutrition plan by a leading bodybuilding guru. I just can't get on it. With Baclofen I'd rather stay in bed and sleep, it just makes me feel groggy all the time. If I lower the dose it gets better, but then I drink again.

            Perhaps it's just me, but this is completely out of character totally and I also feel a complete failure. Was supposed to be up at 7am this morning for 50 mins cardio. It's 9:22am here I still haven't gotten out the house, and I have a commitment quite soon that means I won't be able to get out later on. It's like this most days, I'm also not getting on with my studies or household chores either. This time last year I was up at 6.20am and wild horses wouldn't have held me back.


              Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

              From September through January I had completely screwed up my baclofen doses. While my motivation to make it to the gym regularly wasn't affected (it's an endorphin high I'm addicted to) I had lost any semblance of a structured diet.

              Only when I figured out my baclofen dose, added xanax AND had a little extra motivation boost did I finally buckle down and start doing things right. I'm not going to but I'd be on track to compete in a competition based on conditioning in a month or two.

              A tangent you might find interesting alexan: I addicted myself to the gym by design using "selective extinction" from TSM.
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

                Throughout those months, ftr, I had to make my own motivation. There were days I'd drive to the gym soooo exhausted I'd think to myself: "What the hell are you doing? You must be insane!" Only after pulling up and sitting in the car for 10 minutes trying to gather up the energy just to walk through the friggin' door did I (sometimes) have some of the best workouts of my entire life!
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

                  o.k. loop,
                  I'll bite. how did you addict yourself to the gym with selective extinction? seems an oxymoron? grat.


                    Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

                    I've found my motivation to exercise on bac, greatly decreased. It's not just motivation, it's the physical ability to get going. I've also had lots of dizziness. What I tried today, was exercising before my first morning dose. I wake up perky because the bac is low in my system. I was able to do a really tough work out with minimal muscle fatigue. I'm a little shocked, since I haven't done much of anything these last months. I'm a little worried for how I'm going to feel tomorrow, too.

                    Oh, and Hi Alexan. I'm glad to see another new cyber face. I thought I should give you a warm welcome.
                    This Princess Saved Herself


                      Baclofen and Exercise / Gym


                      You probably won't feel anything at all, Baclofen's muscle relaxant properties mean DOMS is virtually eliminated.

                      Talking of dosing I tried something different today, instead of holding off my first dose until after my workout(which was 50 mins cardio), I took a double dose immediately beforehand. Theory was that because I was going to be very active, I'd probably get through the worst of the sleepiness I experience about 30 minutes to 1 hour after taking it. It worked, whilst I was out cycling I didn't notice anything. By the time I was back, showered and sitting down I'd got past the sleepy phase. It also meant I got the bulk of the day's intake in before the dodgy 3-4pm hour. In the past holding back on dosing until later on has meant cravings creeping up on me. This way I'm pre-loading the baclofen.

                      So in future I'm going to get 50mgs in before morning cardio again, and perhaps take my afternoon 25mg dose right at the start of my lifting session. This way I'm not going to have that motivation vs tiredness battle before training, and am active throughout the tired spell.

                      Will update this during the week.


                        Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

                        redhead77;1095381 wrote:
                        Oh, and Hi Alexan. I'm glad to see another new cyber face. I thought I should give you a warm welcome.
                        Thanks Redhead. Its always nice to be welcomed

                        Even though I haven't been drinking the last few days, I haven't been able to work out at all on Bac -- I used to go twice a day. Sounds hard to believe right now that I could be 99% Side Effect free at high doses of bac. I have been foggy, stupid, and acting like a really weird floaty version of Garey Busey in general.
                        "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary


                          Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

                          Dosing before Exercise

                          Just wanted to update my post here.

                          I am now dosing immediately before exercise, a double dose before morning cardio and it's working. Because I'm active for the best part of 1+ hour including showering, breakfast I am not feeling ANY tiredness at all. By the time I'm sat down I've got through the window for this side effect. I don't take my afternoon dose until the moment I'm about to step into the lifting room, once again I'm active through the tired spot.

                          Thought I should share this as others might find it very useful.


                            Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

                            Thanks UK. This is definitely very helpful
                            "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary


                              Baclofen and Exercise / Gym

                              That's ok. At first it sounded a bit stupid to dose just before training, but I found taking it when sedentary just made me more likely to fall asleep or become demotivated.

                              Anyway it works and I'd not had any sleepy phases today as a result.

