Let's hope Alexander conquers the last frontier and root for him to have a good and happy steady ride -- and may he (me) also maintain his athletic endeavors intact.

-- I certainly hope I don't look back at this and laugh yet again at another fruitless attempt at Moderation or being AF.
Here is what has happened so far:
4/06/11 Wednesday night: No TSM book yet, no clue hence - results in: 25mg Naltrexone followed by another 25mg naltrexone the same night = wrong start + Drank of course.
Not so bad waking up at first on wednesday afternoon but psycho-paranoid by evening. Shakes, Nightmares. I'm hounding the mywayout board and thesinclairmethod board like there's no tomorrow, beseiging anyone and everyone I can find for help. I'm near hysterical which is very unusual for me as I usually have a smirk on my face when I hit the regular sober chatboards and people are talking 2012 and making excuses for getting a drink.
4/07/11 Thursday Night (Notice how I'm going by "Nights" here?) Only took 12.5 Naltrexone -- Dreams were crazy -- woke up Friday 4/08/11 morning with some paranoia
4/08/11 Friday wasn't as bad as the day before -- though still got up late, still some shivers, but by evening at 9pm had showered, shaved, and with the newly discovered thread on Baclofen, was heading out to the Gym when I saw the TSM book had already arrived and been sitting out on the door step all day long, so took it with me for Cardio -- Also had found some old Bac prescribed to me years ago for god knows what along the way to the Gym (very very old luggage story, don't ask). With only one hour left till the Gym's closing time (what is wrong with everyone else?...Who DOESN'T EVER feel like going to the Gym at 2am?) did 30 minutes on the bike, then 30 minutes on the Elliptical while reading the first pages of the TSM book *(WOW)*. So TRUE: Very Inspired. Drove home.. extra endorphin rush. Feeling fly like a G-6. Guess what that means? Neurons are firing...
4/08 Friday Night at that time around 12am after getting home from gym around 12am, I take two careful doses of 12.5 Naltrexone (just to maintain caution) equalling a total of 25mg But find that this time around I could have gone for a full 50mg as I did enjoy the wine I drank (see previous post First post here: https://www.mywayout.org/community/f2...one-49260.html).
At the same time for the first instance ever I now cut a pill of 20mg Baclofen into four pieces and Took First ever dose of Baclofen at about 5mgs -- As I was expecting, it did nothing. Took another 5mg -- nothing. I've had around three drinks by now and getting sleepy -- so I drink up the remaining Bac pill of 10mg (I have by now taken 20mg on my first night). I also take half an Ambien (5mg) for insurance like I usually do and get to bed. But suddenly I feel like the Bac maybe has me staying up on a weird high like cocaine (?) (not that kind y'all, like actual Sierras ski snow) and I feel like white powder and snow bunnies running around my head -- Needless to say its 6:32am in the morning and I can't sleep, so I head to the kitchen, eat some eggs and this time take half a Lunesta because I can't stay up all night. I may have also taken another 10mg of bac, because there was 10mg/half of a 20mg pill left in the pill cutter!! I can't remember! Did I take 30 mg in my first night?? Yes I probably did.
...As I so find out Sat morning at 10:30am when I woke up after a weird 4 hour sleep but the sun is shining and the future looks bright and I can't wait to read more of the TSM book, so I pour some coffee and take another 30mg of the Baclofen. I'm still sitting here... I'm groggy but that could be many things. Feel lofty, zolofty, or something.
I think I'm okay... plus I need to get some errands done. So around 3:30 after trying to hold down the odd haze and cleaning up a bit, I head out and carefully drive around and get some errands done *(well, a hell of a lot more than I've gotten done in the last 3 weeks of drinking and lying around my place)* -- Now I can't wait to hang out at a coffee shop in the beautiful sunshine and read up more of the TSM book
So what happened at the Coffee Shop??