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bac and starting work

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    bac and starting work

    I have been trying to read through the posts to find the answer to this but there are so many and I cant find it.

    I have been on bac now for 7 days and am starting a new job in a few weeks. What Im worried about is the weakness in my arms as my new job is on checkout in a large supermarket. As Ive got 2 weeks to wait would I be better titrating up quickly in this time, as Ive read the SE's were off or is this not an SE but the effect off the drug and permanent.
    Or should I go with slow titration and does anyone think this will help with the arm thing. I need to do well in this job, jobs are hard to come by right now and I have been unemployed for a very long time.

    bac and starting work

    I answered this on your thread before seeing this...


      bac and starting work

      This is just my opinion, but I recognize SE's can be a problem when starting a new job. I would titrate up this week. Watch for how many days it takes for the SE's to resolve. I found for me until I got to the higher doses, it was 3 days. Maybe slow it down 3 days (or whatever works for you), before your job starts. Then reevaluate.

      It is best to stay consistent they say, but I feel like it is important to listen to your body too. I stay as consistent as my body will allow, but I don't over do it. If I need an extra day at a dose, I take it.

      If the SE's become difficult while you're trying to learn and do this job, you could always start working with your titration to minimize the days you would be working when your sides might be worse. This won't be perfect, especially if you work full time, but it might help. Keep a log of your side effects and your dosing if you need to to see if there's a pattern.

      Sobriety is the main goal. Having a paycheck to buy your baclofen will get you there.
      This Princess Saved Herself

