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Bac questions

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    Bac questions

    I've tried topa with little success. Just saw a thread today that said it can cause blindness. Considering bac. Can I do this on my own or do I need a doc? Anyone know a doc in Denver who has prescribed bac for alcohol abuse?

    Bac questions


    If the Topa was working, I would suggest you stick with it. Truly, only a small number of people suffer the SE of eye issues.

    However, since Topa is not working, you may want to try Baclofen.

    I do not know of any doctors in Denver but I am a proponent of working with a doctor. You may be able to find one who is willing to try this with you.

    Some people do it on their own and order Baclofen online without a prescription. They have no choice due to insurance issues, etc.

    So, that said. My recommendation, a serious one, is work with a doctor. Start googling, etc. and see what you can find.

    Baclofen is very safe, based on the things I have read on the web, etc. But you are you.

    However, read through some of the threads and some of the successes. Very, very inspiring.

    Good luck!!
    AF April 9, 2016


      Bac questions

      4MyHealth;1096400 wrote: Hi
      I've tried topa with little success. Just saw a thread today that said it can cause blindness.
      If anyone taking topa notices a change in vision, stop taking topa. That is usually all it takes to correct the situation. Make an appointment with your doctor to make sure. It is a tiny percentage of people who experience that, just as it is a tiny percentage of people who experience an allergic reaction to baclofen.

      But if the topa is not working for you, it is a good idea to try something else.


        Bac questions

        To answer your question literally. Yes, you can do it on your own.

        Nicer if you have an understanding Doctor on board but the record shows that that you can do it if you really want to.

        Do you really want to get sober. Clearly the obvious answer is "yes". But are you prepared to put some work and effort into it if necessary?

        If you are then I would suggest having as thorough understanding, as is currently possible, as to what you are about to do. Which is taking a mind altering drug to stop your alcoholism. This would include understanding that you may experience some SEs and considering how this may affect your job etc. Having enough of a supply of baclofen to see you through hard times if there is a postal strike or whatnot. If after considering to your satisfaction all eventualities you are still prepared to go ahead then I would consider that you are a good candidate for success.

        Alcohol has ruined much of my life, I would have gone to extreme lengths to be free. I was lucky in that it had a profound affect on me the first time I took it and therefore I knew it had the possibility to change my thinking. With this faith the SEs diminished to insignificance compared to what I going to achieve.
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


          Bac questions

          When I reached puberty I was told I could go blind, but not from Topa
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Bac questions

            The warning must have worked then!
            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


              Bac questions

              Hi Health,

              As Cinders has said, it is preferable to have a doctor on board. Not all doctors are familiar with baclofen though, so it may be a struggle finding one. Several members here have successfully treated themselves, without the aid of a doctor.

              Good luck.


                Bac questions

                Well, right, probably not the biggest concern, going blind from Topa.

                Just so hopeful that Bac could work. However, at 20 lbs overweight, the thought of gaining more is not appealing. Yet the thought of continuing to drink excessively and make a fool of myself/ruin my relationships/miss time with my kids/harm myself/etc. isn't appealing either.

                Thanks for the replies. I'm just looking for a little guidance here. I've not had much success and have been here for about a year. Wish I'd tried Bac a year ago. Think I'll get the book and try to get an appt. with a doc. or RN that can prescribe.

                Any more input on Bac is appreciated...or any at all...except for going blind in puberty. LOL!


                  Bac questions

                  4MyHealth;1096583 wrote: However, at 20 lbs overweight, the thought of gaining more is not appealing.
                  I would like to point out that continuing to drink can cause serious weight problems. Alcohol made me fat, and many people now comment on how bloated I looked in the face and body when I was still drinking (they were too polite to say it back then). Baclofen may sometimes cause some weight issues, but if it allows someone to stop drinking the lack of alcohol could offset those issues. From memory alcohol contains more calories/kJ per gram than sugar and other carbohydrates, and is second only to fat, so even just alcohol by itself contributes strongly to weight gain.


                    Bac questions

                    Good point about alcohol and weight gain. Read recently that a second martini can reduce metabolism by 75% because your body begins burning the alcohol for fuel. Assume it is the same for wine, beer, etc. Plus the uninhibited eating that accompanies it doesn't help.


                      Bac questions

                      I didnt know there was a weight gain problem associated with bac. I am overweight, probably the result of going on massive benders lasting weeks or months of 24/7 drinking (when concious) and not eating then stopping drinking and stuffing myself with junk food to try and make me feel batter. Any weight gain with bac has got to be worth the chance if the gain is going to be freedom from al.
                      Good Luck


                        Bac questions

                        Space, it seems to vary. Some go up, some go down. I think in the little insert that comes with baclofen tablets (some brands) it says that weight decrease is a common SE. I went up, but mostly as a result of being awake more, so eating more. I don't think the baclofen was directly responsible. I started eating better, and am back to normal.

