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1 day AF on baclofen!

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    1 day AF on baclofen!

    I had my first AF day in over a year on 180 mg of baclofen after over 20 years of progressively heavy drinking. I hound this thread and Dr Ameisen's book very useful last night.:thanks: My struggle was more with the habit of drinking more than the craving.So far the side effects have been .. waking up in the night...numbness in my lips, fingertips and tongue..and drowsiness during the day. I'm hoping to continue to titrate up the dosage, but am worried about the effect on my job.

    1 day AF on baclofen!

    Great stuff Hoot!

    How long have you been taking baclofen? I also found the habit of drinking to be quite tough to get around. I would often pour a glass of wine even if I didn't want one.

    I'm not sure what your drinking habits are like, but be aware of alcohol withdrawal. Baclofen is supposed to help in this regard as well, but it's something to watch out for.


      1 day AF on baclofen!

      Wonderful result, keep up the great work!


        1 day AF on baclofen!

        Nice one Hoot!

        What exactly is the concern with work?

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          1 day AF on baclofen!

          Hoot, great job. Murph, I am sure he is talking about working in a daze, my exact problem as well. I actually convinced my doctor to give me a script. I am at 120mg, will see what happens.


            1 day AF on baclofen!

            Augman, glad to see you are still with us, but it's grim to hear you are still suffering. Is it not getting better with time?


              1 day AF on baclofen!

              still with you guys thank god. I have been at 100mgs over a month, afraid if I will hit that wall again at 200, not a good experience. Remember, I am a chef and it's just plain hard.


                1 day AF on baclofen!

                Thanks for all of your support and input. Murph, I'm concerned about my job because I work in a field where I deal with patients and delicate issues. I need to work with my hands and my fingers have had numbness and I'm dropping things all the time. My speech sometimes sound slurred because I have numbness in my mouth and tongue. Also, Augman I agree to "the daze" my thinking process is much slower. I have not yet hit "the switch " with 180 mg yet and worry that if I increase my dosage these side effects with be worse. I believe this will work for me like it has for so many of you out there so I don't want to give up yet.


                  1 day AF on baclofen!

                  I read on another thread that you've now got 2 days AF. Fantastic news.

                  The switch is made of 2 parts, one is purely chemical (nerve impulses have the opportunity to go a different direction than before) and the second is when you as an individual realise and take on board that that has happened.

                  Hope the SEs start subsiding soon but don't give up.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                    1 day AF on baclofen!

                    Going on my 3rd day!!!! I'm not waking up with a hangover, those were definatley worse than any side effects on the baclofen. It's difficult knowing that I have another work day ahead to get through... I was reading another post out here to split the doses up so the higher dose is in the evening. I will try this today and see how it goes at work. The chemical is working and now the real work begins....... I've become obsessed to quit this for good!
                    Thank you!!!!!!!


                      1 day AF on baclofen!

                      GO HOOT GO!!!!

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        1 day AF on baclofen!

                        Great news Hoot! Clearly a massive breakthrough!

                        Splitting the doses up will definitely help.


                          1 day AF on baclofen!

                          The weekend patterns and broke through... the habit is still there .I am drinking much less than before the baclofen, but not able to walk away from it just yet. I mananged to get through the work week AF!! This is a huge accomplishment. Tomorrow I will titrate up another 20 mg to 200 to help reach the point of no return. Still plugging away and reading the different posts on this site have been very helpful so far. Thanks much!!

