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Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

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    Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

    Male. 32. Average size to thin.

    Drinking started as a teenager. Escalated very gradually to drinking often, to drinking every day by age 23. Amount gradually increased during 20's. By late 20's, no ability to sleep at all without drinking. By age 30, drinking some mornings and starting to get withdrawal symptoms. By age 32, drinking 12-15 units per day on average days, just to keep shakes, headaches, racing heart, heaves, anxiety, under bay. No real mental health issues. Started to loose feeling in hands and feet. Odd skin problems. No appetite, but gaining weight. No enjoyment from drinking anymore, just staying afloat.

    No family doctor and the ones I saw in walk-in clinics were no help.

    Self-administered a detox with Ativan in December, which was unpleasant, but worked. Went a day without drinking for the first time in years. That turned into three. Felt great, so I started drinking again.

    In January, in total despair, I got a prescription for Baclofen, 60 mg per day. This helped my withdrawal symptoms of shaking, heaving, and insomnia. Did nothing for the anxiety and racing heart. Was able to detox a second and third time with 60 mg Baclofen alone. Didn't last. Ordered more online and titrated up to 100 mg per day. Started to experience side effects from the Baclofen then - insomnia, confusion, crazy somnolence, low mood. But drinking did go down - a bit. Below 12 units per day, but not much less.

    Over two months, gradually tried to get up to 150 mg per day. Every time, side effects became intolerable. Was able to maintain 100 mg per day.

    In April, started 25 mg Naltrexone prior to drinking. IMMEDIATE response! I felt awkward and sick drinking AND LOVED IT. Oh, what a great feeling! The only side effect has been some nausea, but I kind of like it, as it encourages me to drink less and eat less junk food. Positive side effect is the Naltrexone seems to counter-act the insomnia caused by the Balcofen.

    Pre-TSM: 12-15 units per day, more on occasion

    First week's progress: 9, 6, 3, 7, 9, 11, 5 units (So, about half of usual.)

    I FEEL GREAT! Especially after the "below 6" days. So alert, like I haven't been in years.

    So far I feel no need to go above 25 mg Naltrexone, and the 100 mg Baclofen keeps cravings under control and prevents shakiness after days I do go overboard. The Naltrexone is so comforting. I know it's there if I need it, and I will use it along with willpower. I have a bottle of Valium that never gave me that comfort. It was for use if I "fail". The Naltrexone is there to "succeed."

    Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

    Terry, great that you have found a way out of this mess, well done. It seems a few people have found success now using a combination of the two meds, so you aren't alone there.

    I'm curious, if you don't mind me asking, what you mean when you say "side effects became intolerable."

    Further good news that I'm sure you know is that Naltrexone produces greater results over time (forgive me if this is incorrect, my experience with Naltrexone is limited).


      Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

      Terry OH,


      and many thanks for posting!!

      Are you planning on going AF or moderating your drinking?

      That turned into three. Felt great, so I started drinking again.
      We can all relate to that!!

      It is unfortunate you could not get above 150 mgs/day on Baclofen, most people need to get much higher than that to hit indifference.

      But, using Naltrexone and Baclofen is what I am planning. I am doing Baclofen, not having success, however, like you, I never got very high. I am planning on going all the way up, even if it means an LOA from work.

      I ordered Naltrexone online and am looking forward to it getting here. Your post makes me even more eager.

      Glad you are finding your way out and even happier you decided to share. The more information that is shared, the more people who read these threads will be helped.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!


        'So far I feel no need to go above 25 mg Naltrexone, and the 100 mg Baclofen keeps cravings under control and prevents shakiness after days I do go overboard. The Naltrexone is so comforting. I know it's there if I need it, and I will use it along with willpower. I have a bottle of Valium that never gave me that comfort. It was for use if I "fail". The Naltrexone is there to "succeed."'

        Thanks for this post Terry. I ws struggling at higher doses of Bac(and wasn't making much of a diff to my drikning) and am dropping to 100mg Bac(where SE's are fine)to get that chilled non- anxious feeling which helps going AF and gonna be adding 50 -100mg Nal an hour before any drinking. this was in fact advised by an addiction specialist too. I am hoping this combo will work for me as it has for you.
        Cheers for sharing
        I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


          Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

          bleep: above 100 mg of Baclofen, I felt horrible. All morning, too sleepy to work effectively. In the afternoon, falling asleep. In the evening, awake but no motivation. By 10:00 pm, falling asleep again. Sleep was intermittent, with dreams and breathing issues. Would wake up in the middle of the night and be awake till morning. Started "snoring" while awake (which was scary). And really sever twitches - so bad I could hardly type. Total space cadet feel. No concentration. Took me an hour to do something that should take 20 minutes. And yet I still had some signs of anxiety: unfounded worrying, inability to plan, restless legs. Going back down to 100 mg, everything was fine. Going down again to 75 mg, and the cravings returned.

          Cinders: I cannot commit to moderation or abstinence. Maybe that is why I was unable to quit cold turkey without meds. I simply "know" that either moderation or abstinence would fail that way. With Baclofen alone, I was aiming for abstinence. Every drink still made me feel guilty. With the Sinclair Method, I am now aiming for moderation, with the sub-conscious hope that it will lead to near abstinence. From what I've read, this happens sometimes. The difference is that, under AA/abstinence, moderation is a "fail". With TSM, moderation is a "success" on the way to abstinence.

          Sometimes hope is the only missing element on the road to success.


            Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

            Good luck Terry, I am about to embark on the same journey....bac at 100mg daily and Nal(50-100mg) before times when i do drink
            I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


              Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

              I think im going to try this as well. How soon before drinking do you have to take Naltrexone and how do i know how much to take?


                Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

                Forgot to ask can anyone in the UK tell me where you get your Naltrexone from? I have tried inhousepharmacy and it isnt listed.
                Thanks Phil


                  Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

                  bounce;1106057 wrote: I think im going to try this as well. How soon before drinking do you have to take Naltrexone and how do i know how much to take?
                  You take the Nal an hour before drinking. Initially I recommend "titrating" up so your body can build tolerance to it or you might start throwing up... 12.5mg the first time, 25mg second time, 37.5mg third time and upto 50mg there on after, never taking more than 50mg.
                  "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary


                    Baclofen+Naltrexone, oh my!

                    bounce;1106059 wrote: Forgot to ask can anyone in the UK tell me where you get your Naltrexone from? I have tried inhousepharmacy and it isnt listed.
                    Thanks Phil
                    River Pharmacy
                    All Day Chemists

                    do a search on here and you'll find a post I put up a couple of weeks ago detailing Naltrexone pharmacies
                    "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary

