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F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

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    F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

    Hello everyone,

    I want to know if any of you who have legit scripts for Bac have had issues with Pharmacists being reluctant to fill prescriptions for over a certain dosage. I have been going to the same Walgreens since I acquired my prescription for Baclofen and they have been nothing but difficult. They refuse to fill my prescription for anything higher than 220 20mg tablets at a time because they say that in their system the maximum allowable dosage is 150 mg per day. I just recently spoke to my doctor(Levin) to get a refill on mine and went back in to Walgreens and they still will not fill it for anymore than enough for 150 mg per day. I am on 200 mg per day so I end up having to refill it every 20 days or so. This last time they explained to me that they "don't feel comfortable" filling it for any higher than that because it is for an off label use. It's so frustrating. And then she said something about how she tried to get the doctor to send some kind of documentation about what it's being used for and that it is safe to be used at such a high dosage and he never did. I have an appointment to talk to the good Dr. again next Friday so maybe I can get him to call them or something.

    Anyway, any of you having issues with pharmacies acting weird or shady in regards to filling your Bac scripts?


    F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

    Hi B, others have had this issue, I'd refer you to Lo0p and others - can't recall, maybe bleep had that issue too? Maybe Neva Eva?

    However, I will say I've had more problems with corporate pharmacies than private family held pharmacies for weird RX's, because they're more desperate they don't always have rules like Walgreens.


      F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

      Switch pharmacies!
      Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
      - Jacob August Riis


        F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

        Have Dr. Levin give you two scripts and fill them at different pharmacies.
        AF April 9, 2016


          F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

          Bruunhilde;1099121 wrote:
          However, I will say I've had more problems with corporate pharmacies than private family held pharmacies for weird RX's, because they're more desperate they don't always have rules like Walgreens.
          or because they're business isn't scrutinised so much by big pharma?
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


            F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

            Good point Ig.


              F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

              I had a similar concern a while back, and the general thrust of the advice given to me is that the pharmacy has no choice in the matter. They must follow a doctors instructions. They can call the doc to confirm, but aren't allowed to tamper with his prescription, as far as I know.

              The easiest and less confrontational route seems to be to just split the prescription between a couple of pharmacies though.


                F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

                Hi, Bminor.

                I had this exact situation with my pharmacist. I went in and introduced myself and said that I'm taking bac off label at the instruction of my doctor.
                Whatever!:H He gave me a lecture. I suspect he needs some bac, himself. just sayin

                So now I use two pharmacies. Walgreens has a great rx discount program when you don't use insurance, so I use them for that purpose for my mid-month refill. And Rite Aid for the "official" refill.

                Also, I have never had a problem with Dr. L responding IMMEDIATELY to a problem relating to this. I've called him at his office and he's called the pharmacy immediately. They were rather put out, so I think he's not very gentle. Which makes me smile.

                That said, I told him that I was going to use two pharmacies and he was fine with that.
                Especially since my husband is taking it and getting up in numbers! Red flags abound for the poor pharmacist!

                No worries...


                  F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

                  I have mine filled by a privately owned pharmacy (non-corporate). They are much more relaxed and don't have as many rules.

                  That being said, have Dr. L give them a call. I've seen him make a pharmacists face turn red more than once.
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                  A Forum
                  Trolls need not apply


                    F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist


                    Thanks everyone for the replies. Good advice. I will have Dr. L talk to them.


                    How do you go about dividing the script up between two pharmacies? Do you just get two separate scripts then?

                    I also think they find it suspicious that the Dr. is out of state. And they read that Baclofen is a "muscle relaxant" and they automatically think we are abusing something. The irony is that, this muscle relaxant is what actually helps us NOT abuse substances! :H


                      F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

                      Two scripts. Much easier. I just had the second pharmacy call Dr. L. Same as the first. The only catch is this: If you have the second pharmacy scan your insurance card, it will be denied. Choose only one pharmacy to share your insurance info with. That way there's no conflict.

                      If you can, don't worry about the pharmacist. They really don't care, imho. Just covering the bases, as they should, I suppose. (What if the doctor's rx is wrong, for instance? And they're handing over gobs of this stuff...)

                      They don't like calling Dr. L, which is funny to me. One recently said, "but it's long distance!" (so?!) The lecture I received included, "Remember, your doctor works for you." I wanted to say, "So do you. And he outranks you." Or something to that effect, but witty.

                      I dunno as to the muscle relaxant thing. It's definitely not in the top 100 most-likely-to-be-taken-for-fun things, I would think. And not addictive. So... They're just making sure that you're not going to od on the stuff. (hmmmm. Kind of funny that that's the point. or not!)


                        F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

                        Thanks Ne-

                        Is there anything wrong (legally) with getting scripts filled at different pharmacies for the same thing?

                        Thanks again for your help.


                          F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

                          I don't think so. They're legitimately prescribed by a legitimate doctor. That said, I don't share the information with anyone outside of this household, and apparently, the WWW.


                            F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist


                            Legally wrong? Perhaps. I doubt a non-addictive drug will be tracked, though. I imagine the databases tracks things like valium, xanax, oxycontin, etc.

                            It would be way too much data to track the non-addictive meds. Who could manage all that data and what would they do with it?

                            Even if they tracked the top 1000 drugs, Baclofen would not be found.

                            Hopefully, by the time they figure out people are off-labelling high dose Baclofen, it will be approved. ;-)

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              F@%ing Walgreens pharmacist

                              Thanks everyone.

                              It's not a huge deal to have to refill the script more often but it does run through my refills faster. My insurance sucks too because they pay nothing up front and then I have to send the receipts in and a month later they send me back my partial reimbursement.

