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Hello Lo0p

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    Hello Lo0p

    Hiya. I needed to get your attention.

    If you don't do something about creating a Consolidated Baclofen Thread that we can maintain for it's primary purpose in all it's glistening glory I'm going to start ... annoying you.

    And then I'm going to do it myself. So nyah.

    Just cut and paste it will you please? Pretty, pretty please?

    Thank you my dear friend.

    Hello Lo0p

    Ahead of you but stuck:

    I've been trying to make a website with just the links, so we won't need to sticky anything. Any thread I start will just get ruined. How hard is it to share a website address like

    Every time I hit publish nothing sticks! Otter knows how to use this freakin' website, he's the one that turned me onto it. Help Otter!
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Hello Lo0p

      You are such a show off.

      HOWEVER. I, of course, take issue.

      I think it would be super-great to have a thread that we can continue to add related information to.

      For example, the ongoing stuff from UPenn. The UNC stuff. The Amsterdam stuff. Links to other bac sites. (maybe even the taboo one.)

      Can your fancy new website accomodate all of Ne's requests? Or am I just being a demanding p*i*a*?

      PLUS if you don't do it here, everyone'll just keep bumping the old one, because we all just like it right here. Don't we?

      You're still the bomb and I'm still a lo0p-groupie.


        Hello Lo0p

        Ne/Neva Eva;1100418 wrote: You are such a show off.

        HOWEVER. I, of course, take issue.

        I think it would be super-great to have a thread that we can continue to add related information to.

        For example, the ongoing stuff from UPenn. The UNC stuff. The Amsterdam stuff. Links to other bac sites. (maybe even the taboo one.)

        Can your fancy new website accomodate all of Ne's requests? Or am I just being a demanding p*i*a*?

        PLUS if you don't do it here, everyone'll just keep bumping the old one, because we all just like it right here. Don't we?

        You're still the bomb and I'm still a lo0p-groupie.
        All of that stuff can and should be added on and kept up with, yes. Sure we can make a new thread with a link to it. But it's a freakin' thread. They devolve. This IS NOT a baclofen forum. There SHOULD NOT be a baclofen sticky here, imho. I believe the moderators are of the same opinion.

        It's time we take matters in our own hands.

        How can I be a show off if I can't even work this stupid little website?
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          Hello Lo0p

          Hey folks can any threads here be pinned/"stickied" like on some other forums, to keep them as the first threads regardless of how many times other people reply? I'm no expert at all with this, so only making the suggestion...I don't even know who is an administrator here to be quite honest but maybe they could help with this?


            Hello Lo0p

            I just cross-posted sorry, you seem to have ruled the sticky idea out, so good luck with the website!


              Hello Lo0p

              Doesn't seem like it, Greg. And if there's one dedicated to one med, then there should be one dedicated to each med and on and on...

              Lo0pster. You're right of course. That brings me to another point. The Baclofen Forum is sorely in need of this information as well. They're dedicated to Bac. They're a good bunch of people over there. They're in the Netherlands, which I have grown to admire for their pro-bac position, among many other things.

              I thought about pilfering and putting it there, too. (Not without talking to you first, of course) If you made a website I could link it up there, too.

              Thx, Ne


                Hello Lo0p


                I did ask the FM for a sticky.

                However, I agree, Ne, there should be one for Baclofen, one for Topamax and one for Naltrexone and one for Antabuse. Those are the major ones.

                What we need is a sticky thread with concise information for each and links to the appropriate information, and have the threads closed so people can't post to them.

                What about that idea?

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Hello Lo0p

                  I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS!!!

                  Funny how everything is happening right when I come on here...

                  I was just thinking about what Lo0p was thinking -- however I agree with Ne -- I know people are not gonna wanna go elsewhere and will just keep starting new threads asking the same old questions *(like I did!)* Maybe we could get our own board on this forum -- or our own sticky at the top -- and give the other three or four major chemicals a sticky too just to be fair to all.
                  "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary


                    Hello Lo0p

                    Alex, the same questions SHOULD be asked over and over again until the answers are understood. PLUS, everyone needs their own story. PLUS all the stories are different and fun.

                    AND there is a forum dedicated to bac. Two in fact. BaclofenForum is just getting started but I like it there. And baclofen-UK has a TON of info on it. again


                      Hello Lo0p

                      It's not going to be another forum. It's just going to be a page. One page with all the links. No one can post to it and it won't devolve. A couple people will have access to it in order to update it and that's all.

                      All the socializing can happen here or on the other forums.

                      A collection of resources like this for each med would be great for MWO but frankly, no one is going to take the time to do it and not every one has full access to most studies and journals like I do.
                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        Hello Lo0p

                        That Question Again!

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1100469 wrote: Alex, the same questions SHOULD be asked over and over again until the answers are understood. PLUS, everyone needs their own story. PLUS all the stories are different and fun.

                        AND there is a forum dedicated to bac. Two in fact. BaclofenForum is just getting started but I like it there. And baclofen-UK has a TON of info on it. again
                        Well in that case, on that note then let me ask this question again:
                        Is there a thread here that talks about how one knows when they have really hit the "SWITCH"??
                        I can't really find anything about it in the "INDIFFERENCE" thread. Being on Bac and looking for anything is also hard. Extreme concentration followed by extreme confusion. ugh.
                        "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary


                          Hello Lo0p

                          We could do with a more organised forum. Don't think MWO is going to change substantially any time soon. So it looks like a new forum would be good. There are some new forums but everyone has there own ideas of how they should be set up, major divisions, sub divisions etc. Its clear that people want to talk about many different aspects with different styles, support and analytical are 2 areas I would suggest as broad divisions.

                          Alexan - this is the problem. Finding what you want in MWO about baclofen has become a major task. The number of posts concerning baclofen is increasing exponentially and requires organising. I would suggest starting a new thread about your query and people will respond with anecdotes or links to previous threads.
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                            Hello Lo0p

                            Always been a LoOp fan too! Just never expressed it.

                            Thank You for this and all you have done for me!

                            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                              Hello Lo0p

                              ignominious;1100510 wrote:
                              Alexan - this is the problem. Finding what you want in MWO about baclofen has become a major task. The number of posts concerning baclofen is increasing exponentially and requires organising. I would suggest starting a new thread about your query and people will respond with anecdotes or links to previous threads.
                              I tried that before -- I was told that the reason no one was answering is because the majority of questions I have been asking have been answered before.

                              But I'll try again.
                              "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary

