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I have an appointment with Dr. L.

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    I have an appointment with Dr. L.

    Whilst every bone in my body wishes to be my usual impulsive self and go ghetto on this issue by dosing up ultra fast to get it over and done with, and whilst I'm impressed/in awe of Murph's story where he took baclofen increasing in 300 mg increments over a lazy afternoon and woke up the next day cured (well, perhaps that's a slight exaggeration ;-), I'm for once in my life going to try to do the right thing- partly because others have reported very different experiences, partly due to drug safety issues and (oddly enough) partly because of the legal aspect- If I'm going to be flying around the US carrying anything with a phenethylamine substructure in the middle of a meth epidemic, I think I wanna have my name on the package!!!

    with this in mind, I called Dr. L tonight, and we now have an appointment to speak during his office hours later this week....Scary.

    Predictably, the act of picking up a phone and speaking, with my real voice, name and phone number to an actual human being was not as easy as posting on here whilst highly inebriated. That said, I'm giving myself an attaboy for deciding to call him today and /actually/ calling him today- thanks to the poster who PM'd me his number- I know it is on this thread anyway, but a PM sorta gives you that push you need. I think that tells me that I have at last TRULY acknowledged that my drinking has to be sorted out- god knows, I've been in a state of semi denial since my frickin' teens!!

    I will report how my discussion goes, and in fact that might be an appropriate time to start a diary.

    I'm pretty pleased at the prospect of getting actual, known-dose-known-formulation FDA approved Bac rather than taking my chances with whatever comes (or doesn't come!) from online pharmacies, literally ALL of which have several reviews accusing them of at best non delivery and at worst serious credit card fraud!

    I hope this new thread isn't totally pointless- the reason I posted it was just in case other US based posters find that these reasons also sound compelling to them.

    On a related note, many posters complain about what a nightmare it is being pioneers of this treatment. In terms of certain issues (most concerningly the potential for long term side effects), I feel quite the same.

    That said, another part of me thrills at hopefully being able to add yet another datapoint to the growing stockpile of Baclofen success stories and hopefully helping with awareness of this treatment- which is currently low, even amongst alcoholics: I know that I had been reading about (and being thorougly depressed by) AA online for a year or more before a random Google search related to Antabuse led me to Naltrexone, which in turn led me to Baclofen.


    Paul.- in good spirits!

    p.s. Speaking of good spirits, by great irony I'm going out tonight with a Texan colleague who drinks like a fish. And so it goes- speak to a doctor about my alcoholism, have a shower, hit a large variety of bars.

    p.p.s. I frequent 3 other discussion forums that use this same software. Anyone else ever experienced the moment of "OH SHIT I hope I posted that to MWO rather than [xyz]?

    I have an appointment with Dr. L.


    This is great news!! When I spoke to Dr. Levin on the phone I was impressed with his kindness and dedication to helping us.

    Let us know how it goes. Beatle said Dr. Levin was very busy and only had time to discuss the issue at hand, Baclofen, how to take it, how often to take it, how to titrate.

    Do not be disappointed if that happens to you. Apparently he is overwhelmed with the number of alcoholics coming to him. I truly hope other psychs come online soon to help. One doctor can only do so much.

    Meanwhile, take care and be good to yourself. You are embarking on a trip that will give you a chance to take your life back.

    Oh, btw, ask Dr. Levin to give you 2 scripts. One you can put on your insurance and one you can go to a different pharmacy and fill without it.

    The reason being is that some pharmacies balk at dispensing more than the 80 mgs/day.

    Get a script for what your insurance and pharmacy will pay for and a script for what it won't.

    I do that using two doctors. I know it is underhanded but that is what you must do to ensure you get enough.

    Good luck at the doctor's appt!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      I have an appointment with Dr. L.

      Paul, I think I said, in PM, that Dr L's protocol was the correct one to follow. I'm glad you're going about this the right way; a slow and steady titration should help reduce SEs and under an MD's direction is obviously preferable.

      That said, you'll probably still get some sexual dysfunction. Make sure you post about that so we can all have a good laugh. :H

      The unexamined life is not worth living


        I have an appointment with Dr. L.

        Hiya, Paul.

        I'm really glad you called him. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. And just surprised! I often am, even now.

        Bac costs about $100 for 200 20mg tabs. Some of the pharmacies have a "preferred customer card" or whatever. The pharmacy he uses most often has one for about $20, with a discount on prescriptions that will allow you to get the cost of the membership back with the first prescription!

        He's likely to ask you to have the pharmacy call him, which can be a little disconcerting. My approach, at first, was rather demanding: "That's what my doc wants so you must do it!" sort of thing. Now I just ask if they would pretty please do it just this once...

        They won't balk, AT ALL, about the amount initially, it's not exorbitant at first... Bac doesn't raise any red flags for anyone, so really, don't worry.
        If you have to refill between the official times (and you're a good ways off from that if you're going to use his dosing schedule) than you'll have to be a little creative. Which brings me to this point:

        Cinders;1101172 wrote:
        Oh, btw, ask Dr. Levin to give you 2 scripts.
        I did
        suggest that to someone in another thread who is at high-dose-bac levels and having trouble getting enough from his pharmacy for an entire month. It was rather indiscreet of me and should've been suggested via pm.

        Dr. L, bac, pharmacies... Like much of what we do in order to achieve indifference, a good deal of discretion goes a looong way toward achieving the goal. You know?

        My experience with the whole thing was that I had a lot of active listening to do, and I'm very grateful that I take notes when I talk to him. At first it was to share the info here. Now it's just so I can refer back to it. He knows this, so will speak slowly, or repeat something when I fall behind! :H

        (My husband had a VERY different experience talking with him, so I hesitate to write even this! However those things remain constant, from what I can gather!)

        The bottom line is that he's a nice guy, in the best sense of that word. And he has been ABSOLUTELY discreet in terms of privacy/anonymity etc... No worries, mate.

        Have fun, LLB.


          I have an appointment with Dr. L.

          Murphyx;1101200 wrote: That said, you'll probably still get some sexual dysfunction. Make sure you post about that so we can all have a good laugh. :H
          Ah, yes. There is that dysfunction... There is also the opposite reaction for many of us. And THAT is also good for a good laugh. When there's time.

          I miss it, distracting though it was.


            I have an appointment with Dr. L.

            Murphyx;1101200 wrote: Paul, I think I said, in PM, that Dr L's protocol was the correct one to follow. I'm glad you're going about this the right way; a slow and steady titration should help reduce SEs and under an MD's direction is obviously preferable.

            That said, you'll probably still get some sexual dysfunction. Make sure you post about that so we can all have a good laugh. :H
            Hi all,

            Just a quick report to let you know that I did call Dr. L, he has called a Rx into a local pharmacy (who were TOTAL JERKS to me, but let's not go there), and as of today, I'm on a miserly 5mg of Bac.

            Murph- you did indeed suggest in PM that Dr. L's way was the right way, but I was and am still itching to be a little bit more gung ho in order to just get this done!

            The only things stopping me are some of the SEs that I just cannot get away with: Dr. L holds an obviously genuine belief that following his/Dr. A's protocol, I should experience very minimal SEs. This is too good an offer for me to pass up.



              I have an appointment with Dr. L.

              Hi LLB
              Am I to understand that you have been prescribed to take just 5mg daily? And if so: how long before you should increase your dose?
              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                I have an appointment with Dr. L.

                I did suggest that to someone in another thread who is at high-dose-bac levels and having trouble getting enough from his pharmacy for an entire month. It was rather indiscreet of me and should've been suggested via pm.

                Dr. L, bac, pharmacies... Like much of what we do in order to achieve indifference, a good deal of discretion goes a looong way toward achieving the goal. You know?
                I am sorry Ne, I don't understand why we shouldn't post that suggestion?

                Why would a pm be better?

                I don't pm very many people. Just a few.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  I have an appointment with Dr. L.

                  ignominious;1105205 wrote: Hi LLB
                  Am I to understand that you have been prescribed to take just 5mg daily? And if so: how long before you should increase your dose?
                  Hi Iggy,

                  That's right- 5mg (1/4 of a 20mg pill in the AM) per day for the first week; 20 mg (10 AM/10PM) per day for the second week; and then up in 30mg increments week by week after that, in 3x per day doses. By doing this, Dr. L believes that SEs are eliminated. I greatly doubt that they are eliminated in all or even most cases, but I can well believe that they are minimized.

                  This is highly frustrating, as I suspect I could go up/reach indifference quite a bit faster, but having seen some of the horror stories on here I am inclined towards forcing myself, against my very nature, to be patient on this one.

                  I'd rather stay drunk for 2 months rather than 1 than to find myself a total wreck in 2 weeks and end up writing this medication off prematurely....



                    I have an appointment with Dr. L.

                    That is indeed a slow and cautious route. I really hope it produces the desired result. Going up by 30mg's a week is reasonable, it won't take much longer than some of the other routes, and they definitely produce SE's! It's just the beginning that is slow. Still, what is, is. Best of luck Paul.


                      I have an appointment with Dr. L.

                      That does sound strange:
                      Week 1 5mg
                      Week 2 20mg
                      Week 3 50mg
                      Week 4 80mg

                      It seems to be unnecessarily cautious start when very few people have any problems with SEs at low doses.

                      I was inclining towards starting at 30mg and if the SEs are not good then reduce but at least it would satisfy the impatience many of us feel to get started. Few people have bad reactions on low doses but then I guess this regime takes them into the fold.

                      30mg a week increase seems par for the course, as does 3x a day which is what I settled at. Now I'm on a maintenance dose of 90mg, I've been taking it in one gulp in the morning so as not to forget. Only been doing it for a few days but seems fine and convenient for me, perhaps it slows down the sympathetic nervous system so I might change the time 'til after my morning dump! (sorry for rambling and TMI)!

                      Be very interested to hear what he recommends when and if you do start to experience SEs.

                      As Bleepo said, best of luck Paul.
                      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                        I have an appointment with Dr. L.


                        I thought the same, but given the important stuff I have going on in the next few weeks, the slow titration actually kinda suits me! I get to wimp out a bit and with medical justification at that! ;-)

                        Seriously though, I'm hoping to keep my diary up. I'm under NO illusions that I will experience some SEs, though it will be interested to see if these are mitigated at all by an uber-cautious titration.

                        Thanks for the good wishes,



                          I have an appointment with Dr. L.

                          Congrats! woohooo! Sorry about the pharmacist. Their job, and all. No worries, it gets easier.
                          Dr. L also suggested that for my husband. It greatly confused me. Sadly, we're not prone to following orders, and since he was already up to 60mg/day we just went from there! (adding 20mg every 3 days to a week. Much easier for him, too, since the pills are in 20mg.)

                          Looking forward to the diary-log. It's always fun to share in the journey.

                          Sorry for this brief hijack:
                          Cinders;1105214 wrote: I am sorry Ne, I don't understand why we shouldn't post that suggestion?
                          Why would a pm be better?
                          Imagine you're a doctor. You get a call from a new patient. The patient says, "Hey, we just met, I'd like to manipulate the system a bit to get an exorbitant amount of bac so that I don't have to deal with the inconsiderate concern of a pharmacist."

                          Said pharmacist is, by law, responsible for the prescriptions they fill. There is a system of checks and balances set up so that people don't end up more sick than they started.

                          Again: "Doctor, we don't really know one another, we just met on the phone and that is how our relationship will continue, but I want to make sure that I have oodles and oodles of this stuff just in case."

                          My suggestion/advice also lends itself to reinforcing the possible misunderstanding that people who take baclofen are drug-seeking. I'm not comfortable with that, because it's simply not true.

                          Finally, when I broached the subject with the doctor, we were facing the possibility of losing our medical insurance. Finally, finally, all things related to the doctor should be weighed, in my opinion, when being shared on the world wide web. He's our lifeline. I would like to protect him, his privacy, his flexibility in this and in many other things. I would like to share what he gives me permission to share (which is almost everything.)
                          I overstepped that boundary. again.


                            I have an appointment with Dr. L.

                            Nothing to do with wimping, just trying to find the most direct and sure line to indifference. There may be some wimps out there but you're not one of them!

                            I hope that you do get there without SEs, work commitments being as they are, it would be highly desirable. Frankly its only going to take a couple of weeks longer than having a gunslinging start!

                            Please keep us up to date on your mundane story on your titration thread!

                            I will reserve the right to butt in at a later date and say "take more"!
                            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12

