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Baclofen and babies

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    Baclofen and babies

    Drugs don't have any influence on the makeup of sperm themselves outside of those which affect fertility, motility etc like alcohol and co but even those harmful drugs themselves don't get transferred into the sperm and have no impact whatsoever on the child.

    In short bac will make absolutely no difference, if anything by keeping you sober it will greatly enhance your fertility.


      Baclofen and babies

      Thanks Toro, that's sort of the thing I was after. It concurs with advice I've received off the boards, some from OA. There's always the option of consulting a fertility expert, but it is unlikely he would know. For now I'm fairly happy with the information I have received.

      Should we decide to go this route, I'll decide what to do then. No plans at the moment, the thought of another screaming baby in the house, and all that extra work gives me the willies!


        Baclofen and babies

        There's a drug called Xyrem that is GHB and I found no contraindications there,

        Some evidence that mobility of the sperms may be affected but none that the DNA inside will be any the worse.

        I think babies and kids are fun. If you've got the cash go for it. The more the merrier and imo the sooner the better!
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


          Baclofen and babies

          Thanks Ig, and some good advice as well. They are fun. I want a bit of time to adjust to this new brain of mine first though. I still find it very strange to inhabit this body. Little things, like last night, a small example - I couldn't find my wallet, then remembered I had left in the car coming back from the shops. Before, losing my wallet meant it could be anywhere, the pub, the car, somewhere in the house, etc, and I would just have to search all those places. Now I know where everything is, all the time. It's great, but it's weird, and I want to get used to it all first...


            Baclofen and babies

            hi bleep,
            sorry i called you "woman" in a previous post. now i see that you are a man and things on this thread make more sense. oopsie.


              Baclofen and babies

              No worries Rudy! Dying to come up with a witty response here and failing, much to my dismay. Was it the wallet that gave it away, or just the sheer manliness of my posts?


                Baclofen and babies

                i think at some point somone said "he" in ref to you. that was a dead giveaway. the mistake still makes me chuckle. hey, you didn't fail w your witty reply. it was also the sheer manliness of your posts, for sure!


                  Baclofen and babies

                  We're currently trying to get pregnant with my husband on high dose bac. We've decided to go for it after researching it as much as I possibly can. Apart from the thread of mine from last October that Reggie linked to I found a discussion on a body building forum where the users were using baclofen to revitalise their sperm production as it had been damaged by their weightlifting supplements. There seem to be a number of studies that suggest baclofen usage even brought sperm production back from the dead, so to speak. I'll take a look for the link and post it up when I find it.

                  However if you are taking other supplements or pills they can have an effect. Seroquel can limit or halt sperm production. Certain sleeping tablets can also have an impact, so if you are taking any look them up. Viagra isn't a good idea for baby making. Melatonin and 5HTP should be avoided as they can reduce potency. So if you are taking any supplements look them up too.

                  Alcohol can certainly damage sperm and in recent years has been connected to heightened risk of miscarriage and possibly lower IQs in children born to alcohol abusing fathers. I don't know if at some point more studies on baclofen use in men will show up problems but so far it seems at the very least benign.


                    Baclofen and babies

                    Thanks for that Ally, would appreciate the link if you can find it.

                    The only other thing I take is vitamin B complex and folic acid, so no worries on that front.

                    Alcohol is no longer an issue, what a very pleasant thing to be able to say!


                      Baclofen and babies

                      AllyB;1105394 wrote: There seem to be a number of studies that suggest baclofen usage even brought sperm production back from the dead, so to speak. I'll take a look for the link and post it up when I find it.
                      I believe it also reverses male pattern baldness, and that preliminary 'elixir of life' studies are showing great promise. It's not touted as a miracle drug for no reason y'know!




                        Baclofen and babies

                        Still can't find the thread I found a couple of months ago. I wish I'd bookmarked it.

                        I was wondering though, baclofen has been used, sometimes at quite high doses, for muscle spasticity for decades. Surely this issue has come up repeatedly for men being treated with baclofen for it's current primary use?


                          Baclofen and babies

                          I think Al damages the DNA, couldn't RX drugs also? Sperm contributes DNA, right, to the fetus? I really don't know, just questioning vs researching because I'm too tired to research it. Plus it sounds like you all have well researched it.

                          I wonder if down the line things will show up, though, so I vote to hold off until you can taper down bleep, why take any risk? They didn't know smoking or drinking had any bad effect for years, and by the way, what is causing autism, is it the pesticides, the vacines, the toxins in the environment, the whatever? No one will admit its their profit center (drug) causing the problems. It will be years before we know about high dose baclofen.

                          I say adopt a baby elephant and invite the gang over so we can play with it.


                            Baclofen and babies

                            Bruunhilde;1105540 wrote: ... and by the way, what is causing autism, is it the pesticides, the vacines, the toxins in the environment, the whatever? No one will admit its their profit center (drug) causing the problems. It will be years before we know about high dose baclofen.
                            ....I can't help myself!!

                            We do not know what IS causing autism, but Vaccines are pretty high up on the "what ISN'T" list ;-)


                              Baclofen and babies

                              I know that, but it's been part of immense controversy, so it couldn't be left out!

