But a miracle is something that has never happened to me.
Strangely enough, less than a week later, a real ARCHangel with "wings of steel" appeared out of nowhere and came out to help me (...well, I had to stalk him a bit).
He put me in touch with my own reality and gave me a real plan that I could believe in and relate to.
I don't know who Dr. Olivier Ameisen is -- the book I had ordered from Amazon never came and they ended up refunding my money anyway -- and the book still hasn't shown up.
But my angel's name was Lo0p and he is AWESOME!!
Actually he is this, because a miracle actually came to be:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waacof2saZw[/video]]YouTube - EMF - Unbelievable :happy:
The lyrics don't match but the title is right on. Anybody have a better song for him??