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Drug combination for anxiety, depression, and insomnia

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    Drug combination for anxiety, depression, and insomnia

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    Drug combination for anxiety, depression, and insomnia

    with all due respect greg i dont think its a good idea to be telling or precribing drugs to people here,its been done to much already here,people should be told to go to prober doctors if they want real medicak advice, all thses medicines need to be tested by professional people not us guinea pigs. we are bad enough.thanks and i dont mean any disrapect to you ,your a good man and i follow all your threads and lots of others ,xcept them rude people murph And oter.


      Drug combination for anxiety, depression, and insomnia

      I have to apologise for this, as I wrote it in Notepad originally, like I do for forum posts sometimes (just a habit). It was actually intended for a drug discussion group. I don't recommend that anyone actually try taking anything I wrote about in that post...I have not been game to try it myself and I am not a doctor either.


        Drug combination for anxiety, depression, and insomnia

        I don't think you recommended it, Greg. At least not in the post I read.

        It is interesting. But it sounds very personalized. I doubt any such complex mix would work for anyone but that one person. If it works for him, maybe it will give other people an idea of possibilities, but obviously, your friend has taken a long time to come to this very unusual and very complex "cocktail". It would not make sense for anyone else to look at this recipe and say "I'll try that and see if it works".

        Also, complicated cocktails make it complicated to understand what is happening (although your friend clearly has been working with these for a long time). Often, less is more, and the fewer medications I am taking, the easier it is to gage what is doing what.

        And I hope your friend realizes that l-tryp and 5-HTP are essentially the same.

        Also, every recommendation I've read about melatonin is 2-6mg before bed. (Seven Weeks to Sobriety recommends 5mg at bedtime for life)--so 0.5-1mg might not have much effect.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Drug combination for anxiety, depression, and insomnia

          Hi Greg,

          I hope your friend can wean himself off as many meds as is possible, which i'm sure he'd love to do.
          A deceptively excellent response to depression, anxiety and insomnia, is hardcore exercise, regularly. Building up to training hard. Many determined folk have free themselves from the horror of med cocktails and all their side effects, for the horrors of committment to regular challenging exercise. Insomnia won't stand a chance after he's ran a marathon. A person can challenge their body physically at their own level, whatever that is to them, whether in a wheelchair, or lower limbs not functioning, and get the body chemistry to start to weave its magic, (cardio vascular willing). Many folk combine this idea with a much lower med regime, with much lower side effect's, and better quality of life. It's a long road either way, but there is alway's hope.

          Just a reminder of some simple alternatives.

          Best wishes.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

