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Baclofen and being fat!

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    Baclofen and being fat!

    I no i no another thread on weight gain but seriously its really annoying the hell out of me, everytime I get on those scales I've put on another kilo!!! and yes I AM VEIN! I eat less, baclofen actually seems to make my appetite less and I drink less units although more often but still ALOT less then usual, its been two weeks I'm only on 50-65mg a day at this point. I no being fat is MUCH better then being drunk but I'm after any info on why baclofen makes you gain weight as i can't find any info on the net? And ways I guess to help counteract this annoying side effect, actually Im kind of hoping someone will tell me this is only an initial side effect and that the weight will start to magically drop off me!! Please no comments telling me to shut up and stop being vein, its great that it helps with the drinking but If Im going to be a beach ball well thats going to start some new issues if you no what i mean:upset:
    Where ever you go, there you are

    Baclofen and being fat!

    I personally have not gained any weight on Baclofen... I've lost a ton of fat actually. Weight gain is dependent upon how much you eat. Point blank. That's it. If you're gaining weight it's because you are eating too much. I could understand a drug possibly making you hold on to some water weight or something like that, or even stimulating your appetite but it wouldn't be that much. I'd pay close attention to what you are eating and how much of it. Have your eating habits changed since beginning Baclofen? Sorry to be blunt, but I often see people blame medications for weight gain when in reality, it's their own habits that have changed.


      Baclofen and being fat!

      Hi Bminor I can honestly say my eating habits have not changed at all, i truly am eating less and drinking less AL, my husband said the same thing you did to me but losing weight has never been a problem for me, I can lose a kilo from not drinking that day usually, perhaps it will just take time but I have gained weight and there is absolutely no reason for it I actually thought I was pregnant! Maybe it is a water weight thing maybe its hormonal, I guess it could just be a co-incidence, I looovvveee the bac so Im hoping this is not the reason for my weight gain. Oh and I am active, 2 little kids keep me busy busy busy!!
      Where ever you go, there you are


        Baclofen and being fat!

        I too gained weight, although I understand that weight loss is a more common side effect. At first I blamed baclofen, but then I realised what was happening - because I was sleeping so much less, although my eating habits hadn't really changed, I was eating an extra meal every day. I normally eat about six small meals in a day so it took me a little while to realise that there was often a 7th meal that had crept in. Once I was aware of this and stopped it, the issue disappeared.

        I'm not saying this what is causing yours, but it is something to look out for.


          Baclofen and being fat!

          I gained about 10 lbs while on bac and my eating/exercising habits remained the same. It does something to your metabolism and fat storage. I remember I could fit into only 3 pair of shorts last summer and I refused to put on a swimsuit! When I went off the bac, I lost the weight. It's different for everyone.


            Baclofen and being fat!

            Thanks for your ideas, bleep Im starving at night this is the only time I'm truly hungry actually but I never eat I resist, I no this will only make weight gain more, hoping4better were did you find this info on metabolism and fat storage thats the info I was after? i too am unable to fit into pants VERY ANNOYING!! has anyone gained weight initially and found it to be a side effect too and drop the weight? Any advice experiences in this area much appreciated, thanx guys. don't want to throw in the towel yet.
            Where ever you go, there you are


              Baclofen and being fat!

              Think I gained a few pounds at first. I know that I got a lot flabbier or noticed it more!

              There is some evidence that human growth hormone production gets stimulated thouhgh I don't know if that is relevant here. There is a fitness nutter about these pages who will no doubt be able to give you all the information available about this change!

              At the time I watched what I ate very carefully but just couldn't seem to get lean again. Several months on I have developed my sweet tooth and can eat inordinate amounts of desert if its good! Same weight as I was when I was 20. I think a lot of things change when we take bac and when we basically go alcohol free. Don't beat yourself up over it, I don't think you'll really know whats going on with your weight untill the changes have had a chance to sort themselves out.

              Same weight, maybe my fat's a little bit flabbier!
              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                Baclofen and being fat!

                Thanx ignominious Im hoping so, COME ON FITNESS NUTS give me your advice please??? Same weight as when you were 20!! That would be great, lol.
                Where ever you go, there you are


                  Baclofen and being fat!

                  Really not joking about the indulging sweat tooth thing.

                  Last week we had a festival and my 9 year old made some sugar mice. Basically icing sugar and water (bit of coconut for flavor). We used a kilo of sugar and when we'd finished even my daughter thought they were toooo sweet and we'd have to give them all away as you couldn't eat more than a couple without barfing.

                  Got hungry later that evening and ate about half of them in one sitting by myself!
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                    Baclofen and being fat!

                    lol, its funny how it effects us all different. well I thought perhaps more had gained weight on the bac but not alot of comments so I guess not, its back to the drawing board for me, going to have to figure out a happy medium.
                    Where ever you go, there you are


                      Baclofen and being fat!


                      Sorry I've not posted yet but I gained 28lbs in the first 2 months on baclofen, majority of which was fat and more or less due to the effect baclofen had on me. It made me feel ill, sluggish and demotivated. I became very depressed and as a result I found it impossible for me to get to the gym, and would comfort eat at home instead.

                      Since bringing my dose right down, as well as injecting a massive amount of motivation I have been able to get back into my training again and as I have reduced my dosing have lost a lot of water that I was holding. Not sure if that was the Baclofen as such, or the junk I was eating but I've lost around 4-5 lbs in the last two weeks and aiming for a lot more yet. Will add here that in the past I've always without fail lost weight whenever I've reduced my drinking - usually without having to make much effort since the drink kcals are taken away, and I can train consistently.


                        Baclofen and being fat!

                        I didn't gain any weight on my way up the bac-ladder. I exercised a lot, and really found that exercising was that much more fun taking bac than not. (The reasons for which can be found on the bac exercise thread. Also, a lot of other info about weight gain/loss as related to bac.)

                        I have inexplicably gained 4 lbs since I reached indifference and stopped drinking. I also stopped going to the gym regularly because my days are so damn busy there "isn't time." And as I write this I am literally eating straight out of a pint of Ben and Jerry's Americone Dream... (granted, I just got home from the dentist. BUT it's not the first time this week and it's 11am on Monday!)

                        soooo.... I'm thinking it's not just the bac, sorry to say. Although there is
                        some stuff about metabolism and fat on the aforementioned thread.


                          Baclofen and being fat!

                          I replaced the battery in my scale this weekend. I wish I hadn't. I've gained 10 lbs in 10 weeks. :wow:
                          This Princess Saved Herself


                            Baclofen and being fat!

                            Balofen & weight gain

                            I have been on Bac for about 3 months. I have gained 10 pounds. I began dieting and exercising now for 4 weeks and cannot shed even an ounce. My drinking has gone down drastically on it, but the weight gain is bothersome! I am going to stop taking bac and see if the weight comes off!


                              Baclofen and being fat!

                              I've gained weight since being on baclofen, roughly 4kgs. Since i stopped drinking, my sugar cravings have gone up which is common in alcoholics who stop. I also tend to eat more. I am also exersizing less as baclofen has killed my motivation to exersize since i no longer get the same kick after exersizing anymore. I still do feel better when i do work out though.

                              Years ago i did a ketogenic diet to lose weight which worked really well, you dont have to force yourself to eat less calories, have a read up on the diet it works and is effortless, but its expensive since you cant eat carbohydrates.

                              I plan on exersizing more in addition to the diet.
                              01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                              Baclofen prescribing guide

                              Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

