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Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

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    Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

    Hi Paul,

    LittleLessBoozin';1164154 wrote: Well, Brian, LL, Bruun and others- what a bunch of C$#%s we are! I'm losing all of my worldly possessions and running away from a country before I get deported- what excuses do you lot have? :-P

    Seriously though, sorry to hear about everyone's lapses. For me, it was a VERY rough weekend with too many opportunities for boozing. Today has been better though- I'm drinking, but at the same L-Glut moderated levels as described last week (5-ish beers tonight)

    Brian- you are understandably pissed at yourself after a Looooooooooooooooooooooong run of sobriety, but if I were you I would seriously focus on 29 days sober- a LOT more than most here have acheived in our adult lives- rather than one drunken weekend. You are doing great, and you personally have been an inspiration to several of us- and the spreader of knowledge about glutamine!


    Thanks for the kind remarks. I think you are right. There is no use for beating myself up
    after a weekend like that. Today I am starting over and hopefully I am going to be able to
    pull off a longer one this time. Sorry to hear about your situation. I guess lot of people are
    hurting now by this economy and the worst has not even started yet. Sometimes it is hard
    to deal with life when you are sober, but in reality alcohol just make it worse.




      Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

      Bruunhilde;1164439 wrote: True Paul, you're forced to flee the country? I hope you're just joking....?.
      LOL Bruun! No, I'm not joking. It's a sad story and a sad comment upon today's economy. Come to England sometime and I'll bore you about it over a beer!


        Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

        wanttobesober;1164553 wrote: Thanks for the kind remarks. I think you are right. There is no use for beating myself up
        after a weekend like that. Today I am starting over and hopefully I am going to be able to
        pull off a longer one this time. Sorry to hear about your situation. I guess lot of people are
        hurting now by this economy and the worst has not even started yet. Sometimes it is hard
        to deal with life when you are sober, but in reality alcohol just make it worse.


        Hey Brian,

        You're dead right- time off the bottle always makes everything seem better.

        Check in tomorrow and let us know if you abstained tonight. Personally I'm guzzling a few, but I'm optimistic that I won't go batshit crazy.




          Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

          Paul, would looooove to, can you get us both a job there and I'll come hang for a couple of years? Do you mind I bring my dog and cats?


            Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

            Bruunhilde;1164864 wrote: Paul, would looooove to, can you get us both a job there and I'll come hang for a couple of years? Do you mind I bring my dog and cats?
            Would be happy to get you a job there Bruun, although if ya don't mind I'll concentrate on my own job first ;-)

            Dogs and cats welcome as far as I'm concerned, though there are some BS rabies related hoops to jump through!


              Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

              I will send you good karma for a great job.


                Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

                Hi Paul and Bruun,

                Good to hear that everybody is sort of back on track. I know that you Paul drink more than you want, but it is still improvement from before L-Glut!
                Today is my second AL free day. I will have a Wedding to attend next week and some birthdays in September, but I will try to dodge those bullets. After this miserable weekend
                I also upped my L-Glut to 3 x 3 grams like you Paul. And I am happy that it really does not
                take any effort to stay sober. I know that I really have to stop drinking before something bad happens again. I had so many bad things caused by alcohol, that if I wanted to list all the things that I have done while drinking, MWO would need to increase their server's hard drive capacity.
                I think I also will try Gabapentin in the near future.




                  Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

                  Hi all,

                  I am back on track too. I went to my counselor today and told him about the fact that maybe I have a brain problem rather than a drinking problem.
                  He said "so your brain makes you turn into that wine store and you don't use your 'free will' to stop going in?"
                  Damn that free will of mine gets me EVERY time!
                  Not sure what I believe or know; but the lack of will and self control has over shadowed us for so, so, long.

                  Paying attention to my Bac doses and feeling better already!

                  Glad to see everyone and lets tie some days together!

                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

                    Hi LL,

                    Sounds good! Want to race? What is your next goal? Can you do 30 days?
                    We can bet on a bottle of L-Glutamine (just kidding). Do you want to try 30 days?




                      Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary


                      "Try" and do 30? My boss use to ask me if I would rather be on an airplane with a pilot that was going to "try" and fly the plane or have a pilot that was "going" to fly the plane.

                      We can do it! Did we already start?
                      Let me know and maybe others will join in!

                      Hey I saw you were going to try Gabapentin. What about the Gaba on MWO? I think DG said it lifted her spirits and helped her in the beginning of her journey (DG, tell me if I'm wrong).

                      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                        Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

                        I think she was talking about Gabapentin if I am correct.
                        I do not know too much about GABA.
                        Well this is my 2nd day AL free, but we can start anytime.
                        Name a day!
                        May be we can trick Paul somehow to join (who knows?)

                        PS. You were right!
                        She was talking about GABA!
                        "I added GABA. (the brand MWO sells) HOLY CRAP!!!"

                        P.Pride has an awesome special on GABA:
                        Gaba Supplements | Puritan's Pride


                          Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary


                          "Try" and do 30? My boss use to ask me if I would rather be on an airplane with a pilot that was going to "try" and fly the plane or have a pilot that was "going" to fly the plane.

                          Was your boss by any chance small, green and very old? Just wonderin' ;-)


                            Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary


                            Well this is my 2nd day AL free, but we can start anytime.
                            Name a day!
                            May be we can trick Paul somehow to join (who knows?)

                            I'd love to, but (excuses, excuses) I have a country-leaving do tomorrow and the day after with my hard drinkin' mates, and then the day after that I have a 13 hour flight to de-emigrate. And a bag full of super frequent flyer booze tokens. Sometimes, it really is the wrong timing ;-)

                            Mind you then again I quit smoking at the most stressful time of my life (literally) quite intentionally on the grounds that if I could do it then, I can keep it up. Maybe the same holds true with booze? Maybe I'll try for an AF night tonight in sympathy with you guys!


                            p.s. Well done again Brian- it's astounding to me that you are feeling no cravings on L-Glut, I'm so very happy for you. For me, the cravings are much reduced, but they certainly ain't nonexistent.


                              Here starteth Paul's Baclofen diary

                              Hi Paul,

                              Sorry to hear that you have to go through this stressful time. It is understandable that you can not do it this time. I would not waste those tokens either.
                              ( flying used to be a big trigger for me. Especially intercontinental flights to Europe or Asia. I do not fly too much anymore.)
                              Recently I have read lots of articles and books about alcoholism and I am more and more convinced that alcohol is only a chemical imbalance, as lots of people say. And if that is the case, you can find your way out! Just need to find the right chemical that you need. The other day I was reading about a company who does "amino acid" testing. Normally amino acids are not tested in a hospital environment.
                              Here is another link to a company I have just found that does Amino Acid Plasma Test. It is $219 without insurance. In England most likely you can get it for free or cheaper.

                              It measures the following Amino Acids:

                              Alanine, Beta-alanine, Alpha-aminoadipate, Alpha-aminobutyrate, Gamma-aminobutyrate, Beta-aminobutyrate, Ammonia, Anserine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartate, Carnosine, Citrulline, Cystathionine, Cystine, Ethanolamine, Glycine, Glutamate, Glutamine, Histidine, Homocysteine, Hydroxyproline, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine Sulfoxide, Methionine, 1-Methylhistidine, 3-Methylhistidine, Ornithine, Phenylalanine, Phosphoethanolamine, Phosphoserine, Proline, Sarcosine, Serine, Taurine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine

                              Some Doctors think that GABA (Gamma-aminobutyrate Acid) is the most important Amino Acid in alcoholism.
                              Who knows, maybe you just need Gaba or Gabapentin?

                              It maybe a good idea to have this test done somewhere and then you know which chemical is in imbalance. You could save time and money on other supplements that don't
                              work for you. It is not easy, but I am sure that you will find the answer for yourself as most people do at MWO.
                              Good luck for your trip and for job hunting!
                              And of course for moderate drinking!



