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It's sad ...

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    It's sad ...

    There is another recovery online community that I sometime lurk in, and there are so many people at the end of their rope stuggling with this disease, and I want to yell at them "TRY BACLOFEN!!!" Occasionally someone on that forum will post a question about bac, and its amazing how little knowledge there is about it among even those in recovery. I don't post openly about it because that forum pretty much has an "AA or the highway" attitude, and I would get a hostile reaction. I do, however, periodically send PMs to posters on that board and refer them to this site, especially the ones that are really struggling, I just hope that some of them will grab that lifeline.

    It's sad ...

    Ahh yes... what was the actual address? I'm amazed I haven't been banned from there yet.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      It's sad ...

      Even on this forum there are bazillions of people for whom anything other than "one day at a time" is heresy.
      One day at a time might be a prudent tactic for coping with life in prison or time on death row, but for dealing with ordinary life it doesn't sound like a pile of laughs. I'd much rather take my tic tacs and get on with living...

      Yep it sure is sad that so many people are ignorant of baclofen, and it's sad that some people are doing their best, it seems, to stifle all knowledge of its existence and merits. On the other hand, had you or I been born 10 or 20 years earlier or indeed at any other time in the history of man, we'd never have heard of baclofen either. And we'd be screwed. So count your blessings and spread the word, even if it means getting banned from every forum on the planet...


        It's sad ...

        Off topic, HagingoninFl, have you reached the switch yet? And how is the depression. I too medicated with AL for depression. I read your story and just wanted to see where you are at now. Z


          It's sad ...

          Hi there is nothing wrong with taking it one day at a time,espeicially in the beggining,we have to crawl b4 we walk, i find the some of the people in the baclofen threads are worst than then aa types,they think there is no otherway only der way,read posts in other threads great motivation and imagine dis some of them dont even take meds or aa.


            It's sad ...

            L&F, I would agree with your opinion.


              It's sad ...

              lost & found;1105872 wrote: Hi there is nothing wrong with taking it one day at a time,espeicially in the beggining,we have to crawl b4 we walk, i find the some of the people in the baclofen threads are worst than then aa types,they think there is no otherway only der way,read posts in other threads great motivation and imagine dis some of them dont even take meds or aa.
              Bruunhilde;1105880 wrote:
              L&F, I would agree with your opinion.
              Till they relapse... :H

              I'm done with this thread. You can try to call me out and scream "bloody murder" or "baclofen is unproven" or whatever...have fun!
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                It's sad ...

                wouldent b callin anyone out loop,its der4 everyone to see if people here read the other forums,der are many many people der with lots of years of sobriety,

                but by you answering the way u did just proves my last post,lol

                ur a great man loop dident think u be so naive.


                  It's sad ...

                  i am 4 baclofen and any other way that helps,dats the bottom line wth me,if it works use it.


                    It's sad ...

                    Again I agree. I don't know why Lo0p you feel "called out" specifically.

                    And relapsing is never a laughing matter, I'm shocked that with all you went through Lo0p, that you could stoop to laughing at others in AL hell. We don't all have a magic bullet and no one knows where bacsters will be 10 years from now. Hopefully cured and no longer on bac.


                      It's sad ...

                      Just feeling spunky...I take it back...:blush:

                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        It's sad ...

                        Btw, I believed anything to be more permanent or more like a "cure" it'd be TSM. It causes actual lasting physical changes in the brain. I'm not as sold on baclofen's ability to do that.

                        But either, compared with abstinence..."I had 30 years (or XX years) and I went back out..." followed by the chorus..."mmm hmmm..."

                        Even if my disease is just in remission or I'll pay for it later with death or dismemberment, I am alive right now and I am NOT an alcoholic right now and it feels AMAZING. I have no fear, not many people can say that. I can buy a bottle of the finest red and get MORE pleasure watering my asshole neighbor's plants with it than I would drinking it. :H

                        But dammit, I've had this conversation WAY too many times over the last couple of years to bother thinking about it again. :sorry: Just not interested anymore.

                        Leaving for work atm, maybe more later depending on how much berating I get here. I don't have any tolerance for that anymore.
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          It's sad ...

                          I have been reading this thread- I read through pretty much all the forums- anyway, I think that if baclofen is the "cure" then we wouldn't need all these other help methods, like this site and others, plus AA and whatever else is out there. It really depends on the person, the personality, and what they believe in- I've seen AA work for some and not for others- I've seen people do it on their own without outside help- and I've seen this side of it taking a drug to get you off a drug- and have considered it myself- but still waiting to see if I can do this- and also not wanting to buy on-line or tell my doctor. There's a lot to think about before just starting out on baclofen or any other substance like it - which goes back to the beginning of this thread- everyone is different and not everyone feels comfortable with taking a pill to see if it gets rid of their cravings, or alcohol mindset.
                          It's always YOUR choice!


                            It's sad ...

                            I know the feeling Hangin'. I also want to shout it from the rooftop but the things that hold me back are:
                            1) The long term effects of taking high dose baclofen
                            2) There is still no strong consensus on the protocol to give baclofen the best chance of efficacy.
                            Ftr I think that sending a pm and giving the recipient a choice to look at baclofen is the expedient way to go.

                            The other side of the coin is that when we do talk about the miraculous (not cure) way that baclofen helped us we meet a lot of resistance.

                            From my personal experience I have a friend on another continent that has started taking bac due to my encouragement. It seems to me that she is taking it the wrong way, its rather difficult to reason with a willful alcoholic especially from a different country. I mention this because I think support while titrating is an important part of the process and it needs to be in place before the start.

                            A further point is that I have had several people where I live ask about my sobriety and having explained that it's due to baclofen they have been ready to start taking the pills. I have asked them to demonstrate their determination to give up Al by coming to my home so that I can explain in detail what's needed. So far no one has taken me up on that offer.

                            If we knew more about how baclofen works, I would be the first to be ramming (physically and metaphorically) it down peoples throats!

                            At the moment the best I can do is "lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink".

                            Ftr Bruun, Loop isn't laughing at alcoholics. He may be laughing at the human condition to resist change
                            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                              It's sad ...

                              ignominious;1105920 wrote: I know the feeling Hangin'. I also want to shout it from the rooftop but the things that hold me back are:
                              1) The long term effects of taking high dose baclofen
                              2) There is still no strong consensus on the protocol to give baclofen the best chance of efficacy.
                              Ftr I think that sending a pm and giving the recipient a choice to look at baclofen is the expedient way to go.

                              The other side of the coin is that when we do talk about the miraculous (not cure) way that baclofen helped us we meet a lot of resistance.

                              From my personal experience I have a friend on another continent that has started taking bac due to my encouragement. It seems to me that she is taking it the wrong way, its rather difficult to reason with a willful alcoholic especially from a different country. I mention this because I think support while titrating is an important part of the process and it needs to be in place before the start.

                              A further point is that I have had several people where I live ask about my sobriety and having explained that it's due to baclofen they have been ready to start taking the pills. I have asked them to demonstrate their determination to give up Al by coming to my home so that I can explain in detail what's needed. So far no one has taken me up on that offer.

                              If we knew more about how baclofen works, I would be the first to be ramming (physically and metaphorically) it down peoples throats!

                              At the moment the best I can do is "lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink".

                              Ftr Bruun, Loop isn't laughing at alcoholics. He may be laughing at the human condition to resist change
                              I have been wanting to post on this thread, but unsure how to word it. What Ig said pretty much sums it up for me, along with his experiences. Thanks for that Ig.

                              I'm not that concerned with the long-term effects, for some reason, even though it looks like I'm going to be on about 300mg's as a maintenance dose. Partly, this is due to my nature, but also it's based on looking at what's going on. There's just no evidence one way or the other, so why assume the worst? Nobody has taken baclofen at these doses for long enough for this to have been decided, so until the first gloomy reports trickle in, I'm going to adopt a positive approach. What choice do I have?

