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It's sad ...

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    It's sad ...

    The point is, very few people will chose to try baclofen because almost no one knows it exists.

    We all know that if only we try a little harder, we can sort ourselves out. The toothless old geezers living in cardboard boxes know this, George Best knew it, Shane MacGowan knew it, but has probably forgotten.

    The thousands of people who die every year as a result of alcohol abuse are proof that willpower, however you brand it, isn't enough. If it works for 1 person in the entire world, great! If it works for 100, or a thousand, hurrah! Well done folks.

    All I know is, I tried willpower and it didn't work for me. I tried baclofen and ceased my alcoholic behaviour within weeks. So, yes, I feel I've found something special. Millions of people will die this year from their alcoholic tendencies. Very few of them will have been aware of this thing called baclofen, which might have helped them. That is sad.


      It's sad ...

      the pont 4 me and i would think many others is dat i see people here critazing and putting down other peoples ways in getting out of dis yet thye are der in front of us in this forum,der are many people here who r not aa and have remained sober 4 over a year,i read all posts here but stay away from some people who seem not to have any humainty in dem,dey might b beating alcohol but dey r still very sad and angry people inside,

      i am all 4 meds and so far the people here dat have posted are good people,but please help others not by putting down other ways but by saying we can all do dis together and it all can help.4 me it would help spread the word of bac and help us to be amore kind an d caring people.thank you


        It's sad ...

        y when people on other threads have 1 or 2 or even 3 years sobriety dat not 1 person from meds congratulats dem, wats the matter wth yous,or even the 6 monthly or 3 monthly,do u not like to acknoledge other peoples sucesss
        beating drinking is not just about stoopinf drinking,its abt living a very happy life.
        ps i think most of you here are good kind people,keep spreading the word but in a positive way not in a selfrighteous aa will help us a lot,
        loop ur a fine looking man x


          It's sad ...

          lost & found;1106022 wrote: y when people on other threads have 1 or 2 or even 3 years sobriety dat not 1 person from meds congratulats dem, wats the matter wth yous,or even the 6 monthly or 3 monthly,do u not like to acknoledge other peoples sucesss
          beating drinking is not just about stoopinf drinking,its abt living a very happy life.
          ps i think most of you here are good kind people,keep spreading the word but in a positive way not in a selfrighteous aa will help us a lot,
          loop ur a fine looking man x
          L&F, why are you wasting so much energy pointing out what you think the "bac people do and think"?? If it is not for you, then fine. For others it works so live and let live, ya know?? "Bac people" aren't in the other sections telling people what is wrong with their method. It's nuts to me that on top of criticizing bac you also feel the need to criticize those who take it for not being supportive in the other sections. Really??? I mean really????

          buzz off.


            It's sad ...

            Ig, just wanted to say that your post makes a lot of sense to me. Alcoholism is such a baffling condition. Even when alcohol nearly destroyed me, I had trouble getting 100% committed to the idea of changing it. I think a lot of us go through that. I was not truly open to recovery for a long time even after I was mouthing it. I still wanted the party to go on. (even though the fun of the party was long long gone)

            I have a friend right now who is drowning. I would love to give her info about bac as an option to consider. Right now she is not sure she wants to live. And she might not. Makes any recovery discussion difficult. I just hate and loath alcohol for what it nearly did to me and what it has done to so many people I know both here and "in real life."

            My hope is that we can all support each other in our quest to live a life free of alcohol's grip. I figure the best thing I can do is work on my own self to not only stay sober, but to live a life including compassion for others - especially other alcoholics. I found recovery by seeing people who had what I wanted. I still am inpsired every day by people who have what I want. They are not only sober but living life in a way I would like to live. I can only hope to help someone else who might see what I have, and want it. So how I behave is as important to helping others sometimes as exactly what I do to remain sober.

            Not sure if I should have posted as a non-bacer but I am truly interested in anything that can save even one life from this affliction.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              It's sad ...

              Lo0p;1105905 wrote: Btw, I believed anything to be more permanent or more like a "cure" it'd be TSM. It causes actual lasting physical changes in the brain. I'm not as sold on baclofen's ability to do that.
              Baclofen doesn't necessarily need to do that. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that unless permanent damage has occurred, after 5-20 years the brain recovers by itself if the alcohol abuse stops. All baclofen may need to do is provide a bridge during the full recovery process. Slowly titrating off baclofen completely may well be possible.

              Relapses can still occur after the physical dependency has completely ended due to psychological reasons. Which is why the whole one day at a time mindset is so very dangerous. Telling people that their "disease" is progressing even if they are sober (out there doing push-ups in the parking lot) is not only completely wrong medically but leaves them vulnerable because they believe that having one drink will lead them to full relapse. And people have a tendency to do what they believe is inevitable.


                It's sad ...

                Chi;1106029 wrote: L&F, why are you wasting so much energy pointing out what you think the "bac people do and think"?? If it is not for you, then fine. For others it works so live and let live, ya know?? "Bac people" aren't in the other sections telling people what is wrong with their method. It's nuts to me that on top of criticizing bac you also feel the need to criticize those who take it for not being supportive in the other sections. Really??? I mean really????

                buzz off.
                xcacly, so y do people here critzise other peoples way out. y dont ? live and let live,and i never critzise anybody taking bac,i critzised der unsupportive way to others here on dis forum, the way u talk 2 new people hereu should be ashamed,u not get dat.
                were did critazise bac were did i critizise people 4 taking it

                by the way iwill post anywere i want,dats wat the forum i 4 ,if u dont like it put me on ignore,ur good at dat:thanks:


                  It's sad ...

                  lost & found;1106151 wrote: xcacly, so y do people here critzise other peoples way out. y dont ? live and let live,and i never critzise anybody taking bac,i critzised der unsupportive way to others here on dis forum, the way u talk 2 new people hereu should be ashamed,u not get dat.
                  were did critazise bac were did i critizise people 4 taking it

                  by the way iwill post anywere i want,dats wat the forum i 4 ,if u dont like it put me on ignore,ur good at dat:thanks:
                  Chi has you pegged and so do I.

                  I have left but had to come back one more time after reading your posts.
                  Murphy was talking about YOU in his last thread. Who the hell were you in your past 'life' on this forum???
                  It's people like you that come back and back and back in an attempt to drive people that are important to this forum away!
                  And quit the damn phony illiteracy and crawl back in your hole before one of us kicks you off again!
                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    It's sad ...

                    Seriously! You are verifiable! At this point, I am greatly fearing for the safety and well-being of your dog.

                    Please...please commit this one selfless act: Give it to new owners and offer to pay for as many sessions from Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer as it's going to take for it to feel safe and unconditionally loved. :h

                    It may just be this first big step you need to take in order to turn this all around and climb out of that pit of despair. It's a LONG way back to the top from where you're at but you can do it!! :l

                    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                    A Forum
                    Trolls need not apply


                      It's sad ...

                      LadyLush;1106212 wrote: Chi has you pegged and so do I.

                      I have left but had to come back one more time after reading your posts.
                      Murphy was talking about YOU in his last thread. Who the hell were you in your past 'life' on this forum???
                      It's people like you that come back and back and back in an attempt to drive people that are important to this forum away!
                      And quit the damn phony illiteracy and crawl back in your hole before one of us kicks you off again!

                      it wouldtake a lot more dan a lush to move me

                      Delighted you answered the way you do,it shows wat people u really r. hi oop


                        It's sad ...

                        its funny ,i just posted an answer to a post and 3 people attack me personelly,dont like critizism do we not folk,lol
                        r u sure dem meds dont give u anger issues lol

                        see u al soon, u all a credit to an online community support...........very much not.


                          It's sad ...

                          It's not an insult, it's a plea! Consider the victim.

                          Please...we beg you...

                          Before it's too late. :h
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            It's sad ...

                            L & F

                            When you get rid of the dog get rid of the last part of your name...'& found'
                            Because you are definitely LOST

                            I would reply to whatever you said but can not understand your jibberish. It is so amazing the words you can spell vs those you can't.

                            You did not post the 3rd through the 23rd...Winks stopped on the 23rd and you started up on the 24th?
                            Us angry Bacofans are stupid too:H

                            And you say we are mean? LoOp cares about your der, dat, dog! Imagine dat or dis.

                            Sorry Hangin, it's your thread and I apologize.
                            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                              It's sad ...

                              Doggygirl;1106042 wrote: Ig, just wanted to say that your post makes a lot of sense to me. Alcoholism is such a baffling condition. Even when alcohol nearly destroyed me, I had trouble getting 100% committed to the idea of changing it. I think a lot of us go through that. I was not truly open to recovery for a long time even after I was mouthing it. I still wanted the party to go on. (even though the fun of the party was long long gone)

                              I have a friend right now who is drowning. I would love to give her info about bac as an option to consider. Right now she is not sure she wants to live. And she might not. Makes any recovery discussion difficult. I just hate and loath alcohol for what it nearly did to me and what it has done to so many people I know both here and "in real life."

                              My hope is that we can all support each other in our quest to live a life free of alcohol's grip. I figure the best thing I can do is work on my own self to not only stay sober, but to live a life including compassion for others - especially other alcoholics. I found recovery by seeing people who had what I wanted. I still am inpsired every day by people who have what I want. They are not only sober but living life in a way I would like to live. I can only hope to help someone else who might see what I have, and want it. So how I behave is as important to helping others sometimes as exactly what I do to remain sober.

                              Not sure if I should have posted as a non-bacer but I am truly interested in anything that can save even one life from this affliction.

                              y havent yous not even ackoledged the other people in dis thread, like above..not good enough for this a person who will relapse loop, u all wish.


                                It's sad ...

                                This one has made my ignore list too. Someone please PM me next time it pops up so I can do it preemptively. :thanks:

                                ignominious;1105920 wrote: Ftr Bruun, Loop isn't laughing at alcoholics. He may be laughing at the human condition to resist change
                                Not exactly, It's hard to describe.

                                The first and only time I ended up in rehab I was 18 years old. I knew before I went that I was hopeless and would never make it. Listening to those people, some brand new like me, others with XX years who made one mistake and ended up right back where I was, made me acutely aware at that young age what my fate was going to be. Even if I would gather up the strength to succeed for a little while, I knew that it would always be stronger than me and that my demon was going to kill me.
                                Every time I go anywhere and listen to the despair, hopelessness and abject horror that an alcoholic feels at the thought of trying to get sober it hurts (in other forums and in life). I'm a very empathic person and I wish I wasn't. Sometimes I can't bear it. I'm tired of feeling this emotion and so I tend to get angry as well.

                                And then well...yes I, guess:
                                ignominious;1105920 wrote:
                                Ftr Bruun, Loop isn't laughing at alcoholics. He may be laughing at the human condition to resist change
                                That laughter is charged with a lot of anger and sadness as well. I guess, in retrospect I should have put a crying face and and angry face there too.

                                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                                A Forum
                                Trolls need not apply

