argh, taw, they look so helpless and weak! my g said more than once each: 'i'm sleepy/i just wanna sleep/i'm tired/i'm thirsty/etc. but good news is that son is fine and napping and has eaten. he's clearly on the mend, and no fever. he mostly just needs a bath! (insert laughing emoticon.)
lush, thanks for the encouragement. i need it. i feel so 'switchy,' but i am still gulping my ale. i hope i'll get there soon, and that i'll be able to go down to around 100, where you are. this is tough stuff!
i'm in trouble at work. (though the whole time knowing that they can't fire me. but it is still good to have reason to hope that they don't want to fuck w me - yet. cause they will fuck w me, those white men in suits. helps to be an attractive 'lady' ...fuckin hate that word. but i digress...) things are getting a little ugley w the ex hub. (but i'm gonna win!)
is it really so much to ask that your ex move out, almost 2 yrs post break-up?!
loOp, thanks for the tip. i'll keep my eye on berkhan (sp? i can't read my owm writing).
ciao for now, all!